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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »


Yukara ran a hand absent-mindedly through her hair, starting the after-wash detangling. "I will have to do so. Still, perhaps you could tell me more about you? I am curious what you do, when not spirit travelling."
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I like stories. Dad uhas told me countless tales, but I have trouble remembering them." She answered. "He said that it's difficult for the living to remember the dead."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Interesting. I know many who cannot seem to forget... though perhaps it is a memory they cling to, and not the dead as they truly were."

Yukara contemplated that quietly for a time. "Do you have any favorite stories? Or kinds of stories?"
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I'll admit, I do like heroic tales." she answered. "Not just the kind that become legends, like the heroes who rescued uncle Hisomu from Jigoku. But, smaller ones, too. Stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for others. Those are my favorite. Even the tragic ones."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Do you ever write them down? So you can remember them later?"

Yukara pondered that. "You could make copies and share them too, each reader makes a copy and passes it on."
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I try." she nodded. "That's the main reason I came here. I wanted to witness and record whatever happened here."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"A noble calling, to preserve a moment for future generations."

Yukara contemplated that. "Not so different from a sensei, passing on their knowledge so that the sum experience of mankind may grow."
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Something like that." she nodded."What lessons would you pass on?"
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

That gave Yukara pause, drawing her into a contemplative silence.

After a protracted pause, she muttered, "That is a difficult question, Nao-same." It truly was.

"So much of my lessons have been very personal, and hard earned. I do not know if they would be fitting for everyone - every life is unique... and so I would have to give it more thought."
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"That makes the lesson all the more valuable. But, I understand." She nodded. "Whenever you're ready, tell me more of your story."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"I will... but I do not believe I can offer one worthy of speech today. I will consider it, and convey it to you when next we have opportunity."

Yukara answered in a very serious tone, as though this were a crucial duty she had been tasked with.

"It is paltry repayment for the kindness you have shown me, but I will happily provide what tales I am able, thus to begin the process of evening that debt."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"There is no debt, Yukara-san. We are family." Nao said. "Go try to get some rest. Your wounds still need time to heal."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Of course. You still have my thanks, regardless."

Yukara rose, wrapping her yukata about herself, clumsily tying her obi. Her damp hair flowed over her shoulders, giving her something of an obsidian mane, glinting in the light reflecting from the pool, as did her eyes. She was a strange one, but perhaps that was what the clan wanted.

With a shallow bow, she turned to go, "If you need my aid, please... do not hesitate to ask."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D3, MA, Open) Hair Necessities

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"And, if you need mine, it will be yours." she nodded. "I hope the rest of your day is restful."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
Honor 4.5 | Status 4 | Glory 3

Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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