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Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:13 pm
by Shiba Kumori
She smiled and shook her head, “And I won’t press you. It makes me happy to think that there might be someone special for you.”

She looked over at her cousin, “If we’re going off merit… you deserve everything good this life has to offer Ai.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:01 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“As much as I rebelled against my mother, I find myself becoming her slowly but surely over time. I am just bound by my propriety and some honest caution before I simply divulge such personal and emotional parts of myself openly even among dear friends. I have seen much of the Realm, my life has been many times blessed by right of birth,” she said thoughtfully.

“But I will not be so evasive, there is someone that has shown a genuine interest and I am considering… you?”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:11 pm
by Shiba Kumori
She smiled at Ai’s response, “I’m glad.”

Becoming our mothers, huh…

She then looked out the window towards the village.

“There is someone I am interested in as well… But I feel much like you do. Tomorrow is a big day… it’ll change all the days after it one way or another.”

She smiled softly.

“But I know that we won’t be alone tomorrow. Our grandmother will be there for us… And your mother fights for us now. I saw her yesterday with the Nezumi gods…”

She turned back to her cousin, “She’s as inspiring as always.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:17 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"She was always the light in the darkness," Ai responded. "But I am happy for you cousin, very much so. Life may be longer for us than others but we should not take it for granted."

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:35 pm
by Shiba Kumori
She nodded, “I remember once as a kid when Shinsei came to speak to the court… He said, ‘You cannot live while hiding from life.’”

She let out a breath through her nose, “Notwithstanding his current condition… I think the sentiment is right.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:10 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"You are a very different Kumori than who arrived behind her mask," she said proudly.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:14 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“Just a slow learner…” She said with a soft smile.

“I’m still the same cousin who loves you.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:50 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"I hope so, I will still need a partner in crime when this is all said and done..." she said laughing lightly.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:36 pm
by Shiba Kumori
"Criming for good. Like always." She replied with a smile.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 7:43 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Shiba Kumori wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:36 pm
"Criming for good. Like always." She replied with a smile.
"Criming for good," she echoed with a smile. "We may have less time for such adventures in the future, sadly."

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:31 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“There’ll still be time for adventure… Just hopefully less violent and dreary ones.”

She smiled, “Even with kids… Someone has to take them out to see the world eventually.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:42 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"Children... fortunes we sound far more mature than I realized," she replied. "But we have to be cool mothers, fun ones."

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:50 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“I intend to be so.” She said with a warm smile.

“And a loving one.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:24 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"You will be wonderful," she said with a smile.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:04 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“As will you.” She returned with a similar smile.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:43 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"I don't even want to consider that right now after all the grief I gave my own mother," she responded.