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Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:17 am
by Shiba Kumori
The events of the last night had prevented Kumori from going to bed fully refreshed...

The next two days were bound to be the worst she had ever experienced.

But this morning... there was a moment to be cleansed of all the anxiety and worry...

Just the water and the heat to keep her company in her nakedness for now...

Hair and body cleaned... She soaked in the energy from the water.


(OOC: Open Thread)

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:51 am
by Nanzi Ai
Ai enters, gives herself a pre-cleansing. Satisfied she entered the bath and said, "Good morning, cousin."

"Did you sleep well?" she asked with concern.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:23 pm
by Shiba Kumori
She turned her head and smiled softly at the sound of her cousin’s voice.

“As well as any of us can hope for this past week.” She replied.

“How about yourself? I heard you were in quite the fight late last night.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:38 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“I had old man Jiyo at my side, we couldn;t lose,” she joked darkly. “But yes, a villager named Kujo succumbed to the draw of Yume-Jigoku and unleashed the running dead on the graveyard. Thankfully none got out of their… unliving? We stopped them. But Genji suffered nearly mortal injury in the fighting.”

“Old Man Jiyo pulled him to safety while Anjing-obasan and I put the creature that was Kujo down. It was… all in all, horrific.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:06 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“I’m glad Genji made it out… I don’t think Aunt Kinsen would forgive the universe if Genji doesn’t make it out of here.” She said with a touch of mirth and relief in her voice.

“I’ve missed you these past few days… but I’ve enjoyed your music… your words… and your deeds.” She said with warmth.

“I’m damn proud of you cousin.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:25 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“I am glad too, Nao-chan and Kaiu-obasan came to our rescue once we cleared the graveyard. I apologize, the days have been busy, cousin. Thank you, and I am glad you no longer rely on your mask,” she said warmly.

“We are at the precipice of the end and I am glad we are both here to see it,” she said with relief.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:38 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“You were helpful in getting the mask off. And helping me come into my own place here…” She smiled.

“It’s been quite the whirlwind so far, neh?”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:55 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“You have given me just as much strength and just having you near by has been a boon to my sanity at times. Yet here we are nearing the end, whatever happens, I know that we will do everything we can to prevail,” she said, closing her eyes.

“But yes it has been a whirlwind, a chaotic mess of a storm.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:25 am
by Shiba Kumori
“What memories will you take home from the whirlwind?” She asked.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:29 am
by Nanzi Ai
"I cannot pretend that I will be going home," she admitted. "You may have to carry the memories for the both of us."

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:36 am
by Shiba Kumori
“There are plenty of futures still out there Ai. We’re half-way into the world of dreams as it is… You can afford to dream for a moment.”

She replied warmly.

“I spoke with the beings the Nezumi revere as their gods yesterday… They said a lot… but they didn’t say everyone dies no matter what.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:40 am
by Nanzi Ai
"I m ready, cousin," she said calmly. "And if I do come home then I will have many good and surprising memories to hold onto."

"Perhaps you can answer first, let me gather my thoughts."

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:05 am
by Shiba Kumori
“Don’t be too ready… I seem to remember someone talking me down from my own ‘readiness’ when I first got here.”

She leaned back in the warm water.

“Me? Probably like always… The people. Their faces. Their auras. Their struggles. I don’t have the best memory, but I remember those things everywhere I go.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:17 am
by Nanzi Ai
"You going to keep traveling or return home?" she asked.

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:23 am
by Shiba Kumori
“I haven’t thought on it too much… but my thoughts have been directed home for the past few days.” She said intently.

“I’ve had time to think here… The dreams make you do it and whatnot… And I’ve probably been away from home too much.” She replied honestly.

“And seeing as the best chance of me getting home is if we win… I’m hoping there won’t be as much need out on the road.”

She then paused.

“How about you? Given best possible outcomes what do you do next?”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 4:31 am
by Nanzi Ai
“Home, there is a great many things to do and if I can tend to them then I will. Then I suppose a time of reflection and looking to the future, and if all comes to pass then perhaps family,” she said thoughtfully.

“Spending time with family, close, near… far, old, and new family.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:31 am
by Shiba Kumori
“New family?” She asked.

“Like ‘theoretical one day’ new family? Or something more immediate?”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:21 am
by Nanzi Ai
"Wait and see, dearest cousin," she teased.

"Old Man Jiyo is an incredible fighter, I was shocked to see it. Just an odd moment to fight alongside literal legends."

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:53 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“Quite the swift deflection cousin!” She said with a smile.

“And yeah… Sora’s a tough old man. Uses that old Hikaru training and some of what my mom taught him… He’s a good legend… And a better man.”

Re: Cleansing Ceremony (D6, EM Open)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:04 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“Indeed he is and Anjing-dono… it was a sight to behold though I was doing mortal battle with the unliving so… yes,” she admitted.

“I do not seek to deflect, simply a private person, and I do not wish to court fate by putting the cart before the horse,” she said.