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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Hantei Akito wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:00 pm
"My mother once told me that it's important to learn early on that men only think about their bokken," he commented. "I guess that must be what she meant."
She managed a grin, despite the situation. "Sounds like she knew what she was talking about." Probably someone who had to keep various suitors at bay!

Satsuki's fingers brushed up against her forehead, trying to rub away some concern. "Please don't tell me you're out here on your own, Nao-chan. Your family must be worried sick about you!"

Pot, kettle, black.
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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hantei Akito wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:00 pm
"My mother once told me that it's important to learn early on that men only think about their bokken," he commented. "I guess that must be what she meant."
Hikaru exchanged a look with Genji, but otherwise decided to let that pass.

Instead, he focused on the conversation with the bat princess. "Did you come from the village?" He asked.
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Oh course I'm not alone. San's with me." she said. "I was about to enter the village, but he led me over here."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"...", Satsuki commented as she simply looked absolutely baffled that her young cousin was wandering alone with just a pig for company. What if something happened?!

"I... you..." she took a moment, clenching her hands, "please tell me you travelled with other members of your clan or with someone to protect you. I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to my young cousin."

This was completely different than she going out on her own, because she was an adult!
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Makime »

Makime listened to the conversation in silence. She didn't notice any guards silently following Nao. Perhaps the spare of the spare just wasn't important enough to warrant such protection in the Bat's eyes. The Lioness considered such treatment of one's own child to be fairly callous. Even for her.

"I see."
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"If any of the other Bat had come with me, they would have stopped me." she rolled her eyes. "How am I supposed to record the great events of the Empire if I don't witness them? Rei-neesan has probably figured out where I am by now. That's how the Void works, I think. I'm sure she's sent Kakita or Agasha or someone."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru grimaced. "We shall see." He said. He had himself been dispatched more than once to see to the safety of a Kami relative who had wandered off.

With a brief sigh, Hikaru bowed. "In any case, I trust you will walk with us the rest of the way, even if it's not far. Fog can be treacherous. As we were just discussing."
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Satsuki shot Hikaru a look that more or less said "this is completely different!"

"Yeah, you and San should walk with us the rest of the way. Are you hungry, or cold?" While she was technically asking Nao, the question did include San.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Makime »

"..." Makime adjusted her hat again, making another mental note of the...tension between the Dragon and Crane.

Her eyes moved back to the woods. Idly wondering if any more strays would come tumbling out of the fog. "Alright. We have stood around long enough. You are all capable of speaking and walking I hope. We will be picking up the pace."
Lion Clan • Bushi • Makime Daimyo • Tactician • Commander • Experienced • Once of the Kuwagaya • Overconfident
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"We did some foraging further south. Our supplies are doing well." she nodded. "I can't wait to see what has brought everyone here."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Hantei Genji
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Hantei Genji »

Genji chuckled slightly, kneeling down towards the small pig. "Akito-san...our mothers sound remarkably similar." And we should ignore some of their wisdom. "This is my cousin on my father's side, Nao-chan of the Ryoshun. Nao-chan, this is Akito of the Hantei, my cousin from another side." He extended a hand to ruffle the small pig. "The others are right, you should watch yourself. We live in dangerous times." He straigthened himself, and stood next to the small one, paternalistic instincts kicking in.

"Now, let's get going shall we? Makime-sama is quite right, we should make haste, and try to avoid sleeping in the foggy woods."
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Yeah, walk and talk," Satsuki stretched and resist the urge to massage her ankles. They were nearly there and she did not want to be the weak one in the group. A scrutinizing glance to Nao assessed how well-dressed her cousin was for the weather, she reminded herself that the young girl had made it this far. Still, she walked close to the girl and pig.

"Seems like a lot of people have trekked here. I hope it won't be too much of a burden to the village at this time of year, with so many unexpected visitors..." they had their own rations, but there was a limit to how much food was available so early in the spring.
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru absorbed Satsuki's look without comment, spoken or unspoken.


Ah, the enthusiasm and carefree nature of youth. Hikaru stared at Nao a few moments, his expression... well, mostly neutral, as usual. But there was a touch of something else.

He gave a quick bow to Makime, and a quick nod to Genji, seeing Nao in his care. "Very well." He said, turning to take the lead. Even as he did so, he tightened his obi and straightened his cloak, a few of the little adjustments that kept him looking crisp even after travel.

"I am beginning to suspect we may see many of your relatives here." Hikaru spoke over his shoulder as they began to walk, a flick of his pale eyes including both Satsuki and Genji. "I am not surprised."
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Makime »

Makime set the pace, brisk and purposeful. She looked over her shoulder at the others.

"You could have always delegated the task of coming to a subordinate." Her words seemed directed toward Genji and Satsuki, considering the others were either what she would call subordinates...or else a runaway and her pig.
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Hantei Akito
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Hantei Akito »

Hantei Genji wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:50 pm
Genji chuckled slightly, kneeling down towards the small pig. "Akito-san...our mothers sound remarkably similar." And we should ignore some of their wisdom. "This is my cousin on my father's side, Nao-chan of the Ryoshun. Nao-chan, this is Akito of the Hantei, my cousin from another side." He extended a hand to ruffle the small pig. "The others are right, you should watch yourself. We live in dangerous times." He straigthened himself, and stood next to the small one, paternalistic instincts kicking in.

"Now, let's get going shall we? Makime-sama is quite right, we should make haste, and try to avoid sleeping in the foggy woods."
Akito trots alongside Genji, nodding in agreement. "Very similar, yeah. I guess it's not surprising. We are cousins."
Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:15 am
"We did some foraging further south. Our supplies are doing well." she nodded. "I can't wait to see what has brought everyone here."
"An honor to meet you, Ryoshun-sama."
Makime wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:00 pm
Makime set the pace, brisk and purposeful. She looked over her shoulder at the others.

"You could have always delegated the task of coming to a subordinate." Her words seemed directed toward Genji and Satsuki, considering the others were either what she would call subordinates...or else a runaway and her pig.
"I don't know if that's true in this case, Makime-sama. You could have, as well, ne? But we're all here instead."
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Makime wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:00 pm
"You could have always delegated the task of coming to a subordinate." Her words seemed directed toward Genji and Satsuki, considering the others were either what she would call subordinates...or else a runaway and her pig.
A shrug of her shoulders as the cloak was put back on. "Doesn't make a difference if it was me or someone else when it comes to whether or not the village can handle such an influx of travelers. But, no, I wouldn't send someone else in my stead when I'm perfectly capable of going on my own." Which was true, but also she wouldn't send someone on her personal journey.
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Makime »

Hantei Akito wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:06 pm
"I don't know if that's true in this case, Makime-sama. You could have, as well, ne? But we're all here instead."
"I am a subordinate of Lord Akodo," Came the response, "It is the duty of a subordinate to act in her Lord's best interest, if such can be determined. Fairly easy when whatever is happening is so close to his land." She nodded to herself, "That would be a good excuse at any rate... however."

Makime stops abruptly and turns to face them. "I am going to let you in on a little secret children." She leans toward them, an air of conspiracy in the movement and her expression. "At a certain age you can engage in a little hypocrisy and get away with it." And just as abruptly she turns and resumes walking, "Something to look forward to when you reach my age."
Lion Clan • Bushi • Makime Daimyo • Tactician • Commander • Experienced • Once of the Kuwagaya • Overconfident
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

San enjoyed the attention, nuzzling into Genji's hand. Nao was dressed warmly and seemed fully supplied. It didn't seem like this had been an impulsive decision.

"Even if they did not send me, I am here on behalf of my sisters." Nao shrugged. "All of my siblings and their abilities are needed elsewhere. It was better that I came here."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
Accompanied By| San

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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru leaned in, listening to Makime as she spoke. His expression didn't change as she imparted her wisdom, such as it was. Ah, the sarcasm and ability to disregard things of older age. Hikaru turned, walking onward.

"May I ask after your sister, Ryoshun-sama?" Hikaru asked. "I met Ryoshun Rei-sama some years ago," very memorably, "-and we've spoken a few times since." He cast her a quick glance. "In fact, I believe you and I have met before. I've visited your court several times, once to meet Lord Kakita before he travelled to Crane lands."
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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Almost There [D0, Afternoon]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Makime wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:26 pm
Makime stops abruptly and turns to face them. "I am going to let you in on a little secret children." She leans toward them, an air of conspiracy in the movement and her expression. "At a certain age you can engage in a little hypocrisy and get away with it." And just as abruptly she turns and resumes walking, "Something to look forward to when you reach my age."
Secrets were always interesting, so Satsuki of course eagerly leaned in to listen. It was like saying the magic word, like for dogs you could say 'walk' or 'cake' for a kid - instantly got her attention.

"Do as I say, not as I do?" she commented with a chuckle as they resumed walking again. "... I might mention that to Ayano in my next letter."
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