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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:07 pm
"The secret of my methods are to find people who know these things. As it turns out Lord Akodo found some costal villages that had been experimenting with the bigger and bigger boats." Makime rubbed her chin, "Something to do with a sticky substance that seals the seams."

She frowned and looked away. "It doesn't do for me to speak ill of my Lord's Lord...but, his Majesty's decision was not one I would have made."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 9:29 pm

"Like a sap? Smart." Anjing is reasonably impressed. "Let me know if there's anything out there over the water. I've always wondered, there were lands over the mountains, stands to reason there has to be something."

With a deep chuckle. "I do know what you think of decisions you wouldn't make. But what is done is done. We'll always have our stories of the homeland, but we're making new ones too. Just hoping there aren't any rats up north, now that would be a shock. Go far enough that we end up south and meet them again."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 9:51 pm
Makime snorted at that, "If you find any up north I would love to know. I would be happy to assist in diplomatic efforts with them. Myself and few thousand... assistants."

"It was quite clever of them," She smiled, "One of the advantages of all the tribes coming together is these sorts of ideas are spread and combined with others."

She considered the fog for a moment, "I don't like this village. Something is very, very wrong and I can't quite put my finger on it "
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:21 pm

"They do appear to be partying through the apocalypse. And they don't seem the mind the fog or that half the empire has shown up at their doorstep. It makes you wonder..." She shrugs "Or they are just a strange people and I'll have to try and fob them off on the Dragon. Maybe that half naked one can teach them the joys of weight lifting."

Eyeing the distant village. "Hope they're not cannibals, that would just complicate everything. Would have really liked some spiced meat too."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:49 pm
"Ayano married a Dragon...I must confess I worry their weirdness will infect her." Makime shook her head, "Their mountains must have different air then yours."

And that let her lead into... "They did something to the people at the festival. Drugs perhaps, regardless I saw fireworks, smelled something...earthy, and then everyone seemed to sink into a state of happiness. A Crane...I'm fairly sure one of Nanzi's children in fact...lost her self to dance. Even the Emperor's favorite dog, Sora, felt the effects. I had to hurl insults at the fool to keep his brain semi-focused."

Her jaw clenches, "And this business with the Thunders. Everything myself and my new family have worked to the hands of nine people and that accursed stormcrow."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:33 am

"They're not all weird there's-" Anjing's brow furrows. "-Well, Satsuki is a good girl. And I haven't met all of them."
She shakes her head at the memory.

"I just remember feeling...nice. You're saying it was part of some plot?" Her eyebrows come down thunderously. "At least you managed to hurl some insults at Sora, so you kept your wits about you."
She grinds her teeth for a few moments.
"I should give them a piece of my mind. Might see how I'm feeling tomorrow."

She takes a breath to settle herself. "It is an odd business. Why not send the Kami? Or an army?"
Anjing crosses her arms.
"Shinsei would probably say that destiny is destiny, does that count as a Koan? I share your concerns about the lives of my people and my family relying on 9 people, many of whom might be strangers."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:33 am
"Being weird and being good are not mutually exclusive. I like the Dragon princess well enough but I would prefer Ayano not look to her as any sort of example either." Makime rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"I'm saying myself and other noticed a very curious incident at the festival. One that implies...confirms...there is more to this village then some happy people with good dreams." She crossed her arms, "I'll be speaking with the village head on the matter tomorrow. I might bring a brute or two to ensure my questions are taken seriously."

A sigh slips from the Lioness, "I begin to hate destiny. It robs us of our agency. All I can hope for at the moment is these nine are well chosen. By destiny or by the whims of a monk."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:13 am

"Being weird and being good are not mutually exclusive. I like the Dragon princess well enough but I would prefer Ayano not look to her as any sort of example either." Makime rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"I'm saying myself and other noticed a very curious incident at the festival. One that implies...confirms...there is more to this village then some happy people with good dreams." She crossed her arms, "I'll be speaking with the village head on the matter tomorrow. I might bring a brute or two to ensure my questions are taken seriously."

A sigh slips from the Lioness, "I begin to hate destiny. It robs us of our agency. All I can hope for at the moment is these nine are well chosen. By destiny or by the whims of a monk."
"It would be quite... difficult to imagine a Satsuki in your family. Still, of all my nieces and nephews she is the one who invites my family to stay the most. Her heart is large, she may surprise us yet."

Discussing the Dragon had lifted the Crab's dour tone slightly, even if she finds herself seething slightly about the festival again.
"Good, I hope you can get some answers. Drugging a group of armed and tense warriors at a time like this, at best it is foolish. If somebody had been hurt I imagine the conversation would have been very different."

Anjing is clearly surprised as Makime sighs, the Lioness seemed to be almost carved from stone whenever they had met.
"Either it can be changed, or it cannot. If it can it is not destiny, and if it cannot it is yet another burden, another imposition. Think too of how it robs the champions, if I am chosen, or Takuma, Ayako or Naraku, how will we know that our actions are our own? Even should there be a success, is it the success of mortals or were they simply fated to succeed?"

"And if destiny can be changed, tssk, the stories are full of tales of those who meet their destiny on the road they take to avoid it."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:32 am
Makime nodded, "But what worries me is Shinsei's other comments. That despite his prophecy of destiny...defeat is still very much possible."

She growls, "Nine people, Anjing, Nine people. Do you think Jigoku is going to limit itself to nine people? We find ourself in a war, something I have been preparing for since the day Akodo chose me to directly serve. I had always thought it would be won by training, discipline, well ordered armies...armies! the field. Spent years running through scenarios, studying every scrap of information on how every tribe fight. Even what I could of those damn Nezumi. And yet here we are with no armies, no strategy beyond 'destiny will choose nine people'. Madness, utter madness."

"What are the rest to do when the nine are chosen? Pray to the Fortunes? Prepare to die in a hopeless battle?"
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:56 pm

Makime nodded, "But what worries me is Shinsei's other comments. That despite his prophecy of destiny...defeat is still very much possible."

She growls, "Nine people, Anjing, Nine people. Do you think Jigoku is going to limit itself to nine people? We find ourself in a war, something I have been preparing for since the day Akodo chose me to directly serve. I had always thought it would be won by training, discipline, well ordered armies...armies! the field. Spent years running through scenarios, studying every scrap of information on how every tribe fight. Even what I could of those damn Nezumi. And yet here we are with no armies, no strategy beyond 'destiny will choose nine people'. Madness, utter madness."

"What are the rest to do when the nine are chosen? Pray to the Fortunes? Prepare to die in a hopeless battle?"
"If it helps it sounds as though Jigoku will send one champion which is very" she frowns. "Civilized? It is a strange arrangement."
But she does look sympathetic.
"Your work has not gone to waste. That work will still be waiting for you when your return." It has to be. "This madness has to pass."

She spits off to the side at the end.
"Prayer and good thoughts as Shinsei said. Perhaps even being annoyed at the process aids the enemy. Which annoys me even more...which aids the enemy. It is vexing."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:52 pm
Makime snorted, "Was he clear on that? One champion. Cosmic forces are such fickle and weird things if they have to set this game up where one fights nine. I'll do what I can to support these...chosen champions, but destiny or not I am going to start making plans. I refuse to believe this is all there will be to this madness. Regardless of who wins this battle."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:51 am

Makime snorted, "Was he clear on that? One champion. Cosmic forces are such fickle and weird things if they have to set this game up where one fights nine. I'll do what I can to support these...chosen champions, but destiny or not I am going to start making plans. I refuse to believe this is all there will be to this madness. Regardless of who wins this battle."
"There is no reason you cannot ensure the champions are not properly briefed. I imagine most of them could benefit from your insight."
A pause.

"And if they fail, then we will do our best to die fighting. If it is as terrible as you say we could evacuate through the northern passes, save who we can, buy our families and as many innocents as we can time."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:57 am
"Or perhaps head south for the clans on the other side of the mountain range that splits our Empire." By which Makime meant the Stag and Crane, "See if the Nezumi are as good of allies as the Emperor seems to hope."

She shook her head, "Perhaps my people could flee into the sea if the need arose, Ayano is a smart girl...she could make the logistics work. But all this is to heavy to contemplate tonight. Not when I am already reeling from a day spent among drugged villagers and a mad monk."

The Lioness spit, "As for my talents, I doubt there will be any need of them. This is a war completely opposite of everything I have prepared for and after my outburst, I dare say opinions have dropped concerning me."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:13 am

"Or perhaps head south for the clans on the other side of the mountain range that splits our Empire." By which Makime meant the Stag and Crane, "See if the Nezumi are as good of allies as the Emperor seems to hope."

She shook her head, "Perhaps my people could flee into the sea if the need arose, Ayano is a smart girl...she could make the logistics work. But all this is to heavy to contemplate tonight. Not when I am already reeling from a day spent among drugged villagers and a mad monk."

The Lioness spit, "As for my talents, I doubt there will be any need of them. This is a war completely opposite of everything I have prepared for and after my outburst, I dare say opinions have dropped concerning me."
Despite it all that gets a laugh from Anjing, releasing hours of tension in a stifled chuckle that turns into a throat laugh.

"Very funny Makime, yes. Doubtless the rats would save the world."
She takes a few moments to settle herself, shaking her head.
"Your talents are greater than you say. Organisation, discipline, logistics. They are rarely glamorous. And yes you were very vocal. But it is your right. Destiny can hardly expect a lioness to sit passive and silent. Give people time, a day or two to come to terms with what they have heard and what they must do. Then speak with them, they will hear you."

Punching a fist into her open hand. "Or make them, if you have to."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:19 am
The sudden laugh caught the Lioness of guard. Providing Anjing with perhaps the rarest Makime sighting, the dumbfounded Makime.

"Uh..." After a moment she just manages a smile, she had been letting herself get worked up. There would not be much sleep if her blood was boiling and mind racing.

"If you believe so. I suppose I have let pessimism cloud my judgment. I'll do what I can as best I can for whomever these nine, or even the others who must support them, but for the record: Fuck destiny and fuck Shinsei. He really sucks at this making a plan business."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:29 am

The sudden laugh caught the Lioness of guard. Providing Anjing with perhaps the rarest Makime sighting, the dumbfounded Makime.

"Uh..." After a moment she just manages a smile, she had been letting herself get worked up. There would not be much sleep if her blood was boiling and mind racing.

"If you believe so. I suppose I have let pessimism cloud my judgment. I'll do what I can as best I can for whomever these nine, or even the others who must support them, but for the record: Fuck destiny and fuck Shinsei. He really sucks at this making a plan business."
"Did not a wise warrior once say that 'if you have already lost the battle in your mind do not bother drawing your sword'?" Anjing smiles.

"But I can completely agree on the record, after all of this perhaps you would like to record a new story for our chroniclers? The Lioness and the Monk? They could tell stories of how fire flashed in your eyes? If you don't then I will have to tell the story and who knows how it might be embellished."

She steps forward and claps Makime on the shoulder. Not that the Lion was a huge fan of such unseemly displays.
"Already you're working out the plan ahead."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:35 am
"Truthfully?" Makime stood back up straight after shifting forward from an unexpected blow to the shoulder. She had made one of the classic blunders, never engage in banter with a Crab without first planning on being hit.

"Let the records call me the biggest fool to have ever lived," She turned to look Anjing dead in the eye, "As long as they also speak of the Empire's victory."

Makime rubbed the back of her neck, "But perhaps it is time for us both to try and get some sleep. One of us at least has a village head to go menace over what happened earlier tomorrow."
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:42 am
"Truthfully?" Makime stood back up straight after shifting forward from an unexpected blow to the shoulder. She had made one of the classic blunders, never engage in banter with a Crab without first planning on being hit.

"Let the records call me the biggest fool to have ever lived," She turned to look Anjing dead in the eye, "As long as they also speak of the Empire's victory."

Makime rubbed the back of her neck, "But perhaps it is time for us both to try and get some sleep. One of us at least has a village head to go menace over what happened earlier tomorrow."
"Unfortunately that role is already taken." But she nods solemnly. "But they will tell tales of our victory and of the future to come."
Anjing turns and spends a few moments rummaging in her pack before retrieving a small earthware jug she would hand to Makime.

"We're too old to stay up all night plotting our bloody revenge. But that take, it's from one of the first batches we produced in the north. It's quite bracing. Folks from other clans have had other terms for it. Maybe save it for after the victory?"
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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Makime »

Anjing wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:46 am
Makime too it gingerly, "...a whole village tries to drug us and you give me a bottle of something that actually will knock me senseless."

"Very well, if we survive this you can tell your grand children about the time you saw a legend passed out drunk." She smiled, "I'll have it stricken from the records of course, not the first time a Lion has had something removed from the histories over drinking." That Lion's name was of course Ikoma.

"Good night Anjing."

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Re: Crabs in the Fields (Day 1, LE Expecting)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:39 am
Anjing wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 1:46 am
Makime too it gingerly, "...a whole village tries to drug us and you give me a bottle of something that actually will knock me senseless."

"Very well, if we survive this you can tell your grand children about the time you saw a legend passed out drunk." She smiled, "I'll have it stricken from the records of course, not the first time a Lion has had something removed from the histories over drinking." That Lion's name was of course Ikoma.

"Good night Anjing."

/scene! (Thanks for the RP :-) )
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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