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Re: (D2, EM) The Best Part of Waking Up...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 1:46 am
by Canary
A quite wooly cow leans its head over a fence not too far away to watch the interesting new people near its pasture. It lows at them.

Re: (D2, EM) The Best Part of Waking Up...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:22 am
by Kaiu Tai
Anjing wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:09 am
"It would, wouldn't it? Could finish my carvin' out the story in leisure then." She grins, then looks over at the lowing cow. "Maybe you'll survive too, even." Turning back to Anjing, she adds, "though I guess it's even odds if that one ends up part of a celebration feast then. We could use some more like that one, you know? That's a pelt that'll keep someone warm come winter."

"In any case, yep. Worth avoiding other odd drugs. That one was fairly benign, but not everything might be. If we get to ritually hit things at today's bit of the festival, should at least be cathartic for a bunch of worried folks." She grumbles to her feet, mug still in hand.

Re: (D2, EM) The Best Part of Waking Up...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:27 am
by Anjing
Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:22 am

"It would, wouldn't it? Could finish my carvin' out the story in leisure then." She grins, then looks over at the lowing cow. "Maybe you'll survive too, even." Turning back to Anjing, she adds, "though I guess it's even odds if that one ends up part of a celebration feast then. We could use some more like that one, you know? That's a pelt that'll keep someone warm come winter."

"In any case, yep. Worth avoiding other odd drugs. That one was fairly benign, but not everything might be. If we get to ritually hit things at today's bit of the festival, should at least be cathartic for a bunch of worried folks." She grumbles to her feet, mug still in hand.
"Absolutely." Looking over the fluffy cow.
"Could feed a whole village with them and make enough shoes for everyone as well."

Clicking her tongue. "Who's that Dragon who really likes cows? Has that really good land that's just got a little of everything. Wu...I'll remember next time I see him. We should see if we can purchase some of his cows, work out how they handle the cold."

She nods politely at the bovine before turning back to Tai. "I have no expectation of voluntarily taking any more odd drugs, Except maybe some more of that dirty water they call sake."
She stands as well with a creak of her knees.

Re: (D2, EM) The Best Part of Waking Up...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:43 am
by Kaiu Tai
Anjing wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:27 am
"If we survive this, we can hammer out a trade with the Dragon on the way home. Imagine it gets cold on their side of the mountains too and all." She nods over to the shaggy visitor. "Coat like that? Probably fine." Twitching her own shaggy cloak into place, she adds, "Goats still handle a lot of that land better though."

"As long as the sake's not made of river water, it's probably safe at least." She bends to pick up her spear, feeling the stiffness at her hips this morning. "Come by tonight and I'll brew up somethin' that might help you sleep, neh?"

Re: (D2, EM) The Best Part of Waking Up...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:52 am
by Anjing
Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:43 am

"If we survive this, we can hammer out a trade with the Dragon on the way home. Imagine it gets cold on their side of the mountains too and all." She nods over to the shaggy visitor. "Coat like that? Probably fine." Twitching her own shaggy cloak into place, she adds, "Goats still handle a lot of that land better though."

"As long as the sake's not made of river water, it's probably safe at least." She bends to pick up her spear, feeling the stiffness at her hips this morning. "Come by tonight and I'll brew up somethin' that might help you sleep, neh?"
"We can trade goats for cows. I hear you can make goat cheese, although why you would want to..."
An acquired taste, definitely.

"At least if it was river water you'd forget the taste."
Anjing reaches down and shoulders her own pack with a grunt.

"I'll come by then, see if I can't find a way to repay you for this morning and then. Can't turn down an offer of sleep, and the sun has only just risen."

She nods at Tai.
"Be safe, fortunes go with you."

Re: (D2, EM) The Best Part of Waking Up...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:29 pm
by Kaiu Tai
Anjing wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:52 am
"Hmm, I'm sendin' em after you if any show up. Have a feelin' you could use fortunes lookin' over your shoulder more'n I will." Tai nods though, fingers tracing an old protective mark on the air...not that she trusted the flighty spirits there to heed it long, but every little bit could count.

"Jokes aside, be safe yourself." She offers a grin. "Think everyone needs to be on guard here." She looks out across the fog and offers the cow a small wave before setting off in the direction of the forest.

Re: (D2, EM) The Best Part of Waking Up...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:44 pm
by Anjing
Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:29 pm

"Hmm, I'm sendin' em after you if any show up. Have a feelin' you could use fortunes lookin' over your shoulder more'n I will." Tai nods though, fingers tracing an old protective mark on the air...not that she trusted the flighty spirits there to heed it long, but every little bit could count.

"Jokes aside, be safe yourself." She offers a grin. "Think everyone needs to be on guard here." She looks out across the fog and offers the cow a small wave before setting off in the direction of the forest.
/Cow! ((Thank you for the scene and the RP :-) ))