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The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

The small fire crackles quietly as Anjing slowly holds her hands over it, hoping some of the warmth would burn away the damn fog that seemed ever present. The village seemed normal enough, although something about it had struck her as odd. Until they'd had a chance to do some proper recon Anjing had judged it safer to remain outside for now.

A few more fires dotted the area as others made their preparations for the evening meal, but the Daimyo was enjoying a few moments of solitude and calm. The journey had been tiring and they all needed some rest, who knew what was still to come?
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Solitude was hard to come by. This was unfortunate both for Anjing, who sat by the fire, and Hikaru who wandered around the edge of it. A solitary patrol was his excuse; he would claim, if asked, that he wanted to familiarize himself with the area. Maybe he even thought that. Regardless, he wanted to be alone with his thoughts.

It was not to be.

Stepping around Anjing's camp didn't quite work. Going around a stone took him too close into the circle of light to be just passing through. Well, he could, but that would be rude. Instead, clearing his throat, Hikaru turned, bowing to Anjing, hoping the smoothness of the bow would make up for the awkwardness of the moment.

"My pardon. I hope I don't disturb you." He said, his voice soft and deep.
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:06 am
"My pardon. I hope I don't disturb you." He said, his voice soft and deep.
Anjing shoots him a suspicious look, a hand going to the battered club propped up against her pack. Definitely not a Crab this one, still, quite polite.

"Mmmmhmm, not overly much." Her eyes narrowed. Wait, far too skinny, tired, wandering.

"Tsk, I've seen that look before. You're not getting enough to eat."
Poor wanderer was probably just hoping for some food. And since the March no right thinking Crab would deny a wanderer a meal.

"I've got enough for a stew here on the fire, our scouts gotta a lot of experience finding something from nothing. You're welcome to share it with me. But no funny business, if you turn into a monster I'll deal with it pretty quick, understood?"
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru straightened, then paused, frowning as he considered. It wasn't the warmest welcome he'd received. On the other hand, compared to Makime... and it seemed like good manners to demonstrate that he was not, in fact, some sort of monster.

Besides, he really hadn't been eating enough lately.

"Thank you. I would be honored." Hikaru bowed again before taking a few steps closer, instinctively holding his hands out to the fire. "And I assure you, I intend no funny business. Least of all, becoming a monster." It was at least joke-adjacent.

"My name is Doji Hikaru." He introduced himself.
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"We'll see, that is what a monster would say." She grunts. "But you seem like an alright sort Doji Hikaru. You are one of the Crane then?"

Her tone is neutral, although the flickering firelight playing shadows over her face doesn't make for the friendliest impression.

"It was a long journey here, I hope your travels were safe.

She bends down and one her knees creaks as she stirs the stew in the battered pot for a few moments.

"I am Anjing, once of the Seidou, now of the Crab. What I will become a part of in the future I cannot say."
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"I am." Hikaru said, inclining his head. "In fact, I serve Lady Doji personally." A pause. "Or, I did, anyway."

He knelt by the fire opposite her; not as creaky, but he did feel a twinge of protest in his feet. "Long indeed, but safe enough. I travelled with a few others. We encountered no dangers." Well, none worth mentioning, anyway. "Was your journey much the same?" Hikaru's tone was polite.

Hearing the name, Hikaru's eyebrows went up. "Lady Anjing? Wife to Lord Hida? I am honored." He bowed again, this time kneeling; he was rather good at it, actually.
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"The problem with marrying a demigod, you're always known in relation to them. Some things are unavoidable I suppose. But this is nonsense, off your knees Hikaru, this is not a court and you will catch a chill down there. It would make me a poor host."

She sniffs the stew and reaches into a small pouch with a look at the Crane before scattering some small red flakes into the pot.
"For the heat, it will do you good." She sniffs again, apparently a little happier.

"Our travels were not so simple, we encountered a foul monster, one I had never see before, and I lived in the Seidou lands when they were ours. But your lands are much more hospitable. Still, you have come to answer Shinsei's message? I saw he wanted to party while the world ends, but my advisors thought there might be some merit to it with the times so dire."
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

As directed, Hikaru rose to his feet. "A daimyo is known for more than just who she marries." Hikaru murmured. Even as he said it, though, his forehead creased. Who might Anjing have been if she didn't marry Hida?

He brushed the few bits of dirt from his knees, pale eyes watching as she seasoned the pot. "I am glad you found them so. But Crane lands are not without monsters, either." Hikaru sighed, bad memories surfacing.

Rubbing his hands together, Hikaru nodded. "I did." He paused for a moment, lips pressed together. "Do you truly think the world is ending, Lady Anjing?" He asked, tone as polite as if he were asking about her health.
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 6:26 pm
She frowns, retrieving two scarred wooden bowls and starting to carefully fill each with stew that steams gently in the cold air.

"Depends what you mean. The world's ended for a lot of people a lot of times. This might be one of them. But the end of the world for everyone? Everything falling down and being destroyed?"

Anjing sniffs her bowl and then slowly shakes her head.

"I don't see it. World's pretty big, I walked a small part of it and it took half a year. It'll take more than this to end it. My niece told me stories of what happened in the deep south, the world ended there for a bit, and for a lot of people. But they fixed it. Reckon we can fix it too."

She firmly shoves the food into his hands.
"And that starts with you getting a good meal and a good night's sleep. And while you do you can tell me if you think the world's ending."
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Listening, Hikaru respectfully bowed his head at the mention of loss, oblique though it was. And he bowed his head again as she thrust the bowl of stew into his hands. "Thank you." He said.

"A good night's sleep..." Hikaru sighed. He could smell the stew without bringing it closer to his face; instead, he let it warm his hands for a few moments, just holding the bowl, as he considered the question.

"No." He said firmly. "But only because we will stop it. As your niece and others did years ago." He took a deep breath. "It has been my goal to stop it, for longer than I knew what it was. When Lady Doji first became sick..." Hikaru sighed. His hands lowered, as though the bowl had suddenly become too heavy to hold up.

A moment, and then he lifted the bowl once more. "We can fix it." Hikaru echoed Anjing's words. "I just wish I knew where to start." He looked at her, smiling just a little. "Besides with a good meal and a night's sleep, that is."
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:47 am
"That's the way of it." She nods, pleased with his answer. "And I know it must be hard for your Lady to be unwell. Sickness is a monster that you cannot simply march out and slay. But yet you are willing to try anyway. I suppose you can't be that brave without being a little foolish as well, I would know."

She starts eating her own meal, relaxing slightly at the warmth.
"I'm no healer, but if you treat us fair you are welcome to speak to any of my Clan who might be able to help. Tai in particular is very wise, she sees things other do not. And there may be other noted healers present for the festival, that Shinsei sent missives to half the empire."

Anjing shoots Hikaru a look across the fire.
"You're pretty polite and well dressed. Wouldn't mark you as a followers of his, but I understand his wisdom appeals to all sorts. What sort of festival can save the empire?"
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

The pain that crossed his face at talk of Lady Doji's sickness faded at the mention of foolishness; Hikaru actually smiled at that. "I won't deny it." He murmured, before raising his own bowl to his lips, taking a first bite. "I've had my foolish moments. Sometimes they've even turned out well."

As Anjing relaxed, so did Hikaru. Some of the tension came back as they spoke of healers, but it faded again. "Thank you." He sighed. "I think we're beyond that. My Lady is under siege. The only way to save her, or so I believe, is to break that siege."

Holding the bowl with one hand, Hikaru gestured around. "That is why I have come here. I do not understand Shinsei's wisdom, or how this festival might help, but I'd try anything." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Have you met him, then? Shinsei?"
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"Under siege?" Her brow creases for a few moments. "I see. I shall pray to the Fortunes to keep her walls strong until you can find her enemies and drive them away. "
That at least made more sense to her.

"I have met Shinsei, but it was many years ago now. He does feature in some of our stories though. Apparently as a young man his behaviour was a quite wild. It has been a long time though, he might be a different man? I hope he is anyway. I'm too old for that sort of stuff and half the Crab with me are too young for it."

She seems to take that as a signal to eat in silence for a few long moments before adding.
"You don't seem the married type though, too skinny."
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Thank you." Hikaru breathed. He was silent, then, at least for a few more bites.

"I met Shinsei about five years ago." Hikaru said. "I would say that he seemed..." he frowned, considering, "-cautious. Certainly not wild. I have not heard those tales. Although I've heard similar, just today." He glanced at Anjing, and then away, all too casually.

That wasn't quite a question, but Hikaru nodded anyway. "I am unmarried. Searching for Lady Doji's cure has taken all my time..." He frowned, blinking. "Too skinny?" Wait, what?
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

She jabs a spoon at him.
"Yup, too skinny. How are you going to stay warm at night? Or carry an axe for day's on end? You've clearly been neglecting yourself."
She looks dangerously close to just forcing the whole cooking pot on Hikaru.

"A partner would make you rest. Hmmm, you know some of my children are looking for a partner..."
She grins evilly.

"But you're too busy on your quest, I understand. And we should talk of happier things, it's better fortune.
Where were you raised? On the Coast I haven't seen the Ocean in a long long time."
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"I..." Hikaru found himself drawing back in the face of this edible assault. "Perhaps I have." He admitted. "There's just so much to be done..."

Carefully, he continued eating as she mentioned her children... Hikaru coughed as she smiled. He didn't smile back, but only because his mouth was full, still following her first suggestion. His pale eyes still glinted, recognizing her teasing.

Finally, he lowered his bowl, sighing as he accepted some more stew. "Yes. My first memories, almost, are of Kyuden Doji. It is by the sea. My mother is one of Doji's handmaiden's." His chin tilted proudly upwards. "I was already familiar with her court by the time I was old enough to join it myself."

His brows drew down as he considered. "You used to live by the ocean?"
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:17 pm
She slowly arcs an eyebrow "Sounds like an easy childhood. I hear that for all its strangeness the Crane court lives very well."
Although she relents, slightly, probably because she has some food and warmth and Hikaru seems a good sort.
"But a safe childhood with opportunities to grow, that is the dream of most parents for their children. Your mother must be proud of you, I am sure you are of her."

Anjing clicks her tongue and delays answering for a moment as she refills her bowl.
"I lived by a great bay for a time when I was young, it teemed with life of all kinds. If you threw a net into its water you could feed your tribe for a whole night. Then I moved away, far enough inland that the Sea wasn't even a glint on the horizon. Then I moved further inland still. I suppose I miss it, when I have the time. But I'm too old and too busy to march all the way back to the sea just for a taste of salt air."

Shaking her head slightly. "It is what it is. Have you journeyed far beyond the comfortable beds of Kyuden Doji before? Or is this your first time in the North?"
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru's brow creased. Easy would not be how he would describe it... and yet, he would certainly agree that the Crane court lived well. "Yes." He agreed, a smile just touching his lips. "She taught me well. As did my many teachers. But I suppose she was my first teacher, as mothers are." He inclined his head respectfully to Anjing, a mother herself.

Listening Hikaru managed another bite, but he was slowing noticeably. Instead, he pursed his lips thoughtfully as Anjing spoke. "I must admit, I don't know how plentiful the fish are in Kyuden Doji's bay. The fisherfolk seem happy enough." To the limited amount he interacted with them. "The sea is a popular subject for our painting. I wish that included scent, somehow, for that taste of salt air." Hikaru sighed.

Gently, Hikaru shook his head. "In fact, I've spent much of my time journeying these last..." Hikaru blinked as he did the math, "-six years. Dragon lands, Bat lands, Unicorn lands, and everything in-between. And Crane lands, from village to village, once these troubles truly spread." He looked at Anjing; it seemed rude to ask an older Crab if they'd travelled much.
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"A good woman. And she made sure you knew how to dress yourself, that seems rarer these days than it was."
And Hikaru hadn't even started flexing to himself.

"Painting? That...must be nice. A different way of telling a story at any rate. Perhaps I will send for some, we could use a few decorations. Perhaps the contrast will be inspiring. Scent the viewer will have to provide themselves."

Anjing cocks her head, slightly surprised. "Your quest have taken you far and wide. No wonder your bones are showing."

Noting his look she shrugs slightly with a neutral expression. "I've seen a few of those lands myself at one time or another. Lately the Dragon have been quite hospitable and Togashi has often invited Hida to his home."
Which had been unusual but not unpleasant, neither Kami tended towards casual small talk.

"You must be one of the most travelled Crane in the empire. Have you ever seen anything like this?" She gestures at the oppressive fog around them.
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Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru bowed. "If it would please you, I would be honored to paint something for you. Perhaps some would find it indulgence, but I travel quite nearly everywhere with my painting supplies. Even on a mission of the utmost importance, like this one."

He glanced down, tightening his kimono a bit around his shoulders with his free hand. He wasn't that skinny, was he?

Once more, he inclined his head. "I, too, have found the Dragon to be very hospitable. While they and the Crane have not always been close, they have been good friends to us these last few troubled years."

At her question, Hikaru glanced around. His lips pressed tightly together. "Yes." He said, his voice grim. "More than once, when confronting the taint of Yume-Jigoku." He looked back to Anjing, his expression suddenly deadly serious.
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