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Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

The Lioness left the village shortly after Shinsei's briefing. Makime didn't know the full magnitude of what may occur here, but if it turned into a battle she wished to know the disposition of the land.

It's wasn't good. Visibility was limited but the Lion General could see enough to recognize there were few places she could anchor a line. Any large battle was going to guarantee them being outflanked and with the fog...not even aware of that fact until the enemy came crashing down upon them.

It was not turning into a good day.
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"You appear to be looking for something. Are you on hunting duty? Are we too numerous for the current food reserve?"

The voice had come from the ground. From a small woman on all fours, who must have been examining dejection on the side of the road the second prior, and had now shifted her attention to the lady.
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

Makime's eyes shifted to the one who had spoken up.

"No. Who are you?" Her voice was calm and firm, the sort of voice used to giving orders.

The Lioness rested her hand on the scabbard of her katana, though her posture was not particularly threatening otherwise. "And why are you crawling around on all fours?"
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"I'm Kai. Trying to get a better idea of who or what exactly has made it into that village. At the very least one bird who might not only be a bird from what can be inferred from their diet."

She bent backwards to look better at the woman's emblem.

"Ah, you are one of the disciples of the Lion? Guardians of the Empire, working in pairs to defend key entrances? Though you appear to be without your mate at the moment?"
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

"A tracker then." Makime's posture relaxed a fraction. "You are correct. I am Makime, servant of Akodo, who is Lord of the Lion."

"More in the manner of actual lions. In a pride of more then two." She inclined her head slightly, "But I left them to guard our homes while I see what brought the stormcrow to roost here."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"Is there a Crow clan? Are you referring to an actual crow? To a person? Is that a nickname or are they actually part crow?

You people are really complicated in that it could be any of these. In the stories of old, there was only one crow at a time, they were an actual crow, and they were named Crow."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 6:01 am
"Shinsei. Call it a nickname, there is no Crow clan." Makime replied, "Your manner of speaking is odd. Where are you from?"

She released her grip on the sword and crossed her arms, keeping her expression level. "And how did you find yourself here."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"I come from near the waterfall in the east the young say is holy because Shinsei once drank there, and the old say is holy because ancient holy creatures used to drink there.

I've come here to learn from the best teachers. Humans require great knowledge in many fields to compensate for their physical limitations.

Oh, and if your question is about how I arrived here in practical terms, a bit of riding, a bit of walking. No need for swimming, there were bridges and fords."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:23 pm
Makime nodded slowly, "And for what purpose have you come here? Summoned by the little teacher?"

The Lioness wasn't entirely sure the other woman wasn't partly afflicted...but she seemed stable to Makime.
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"In a way. I have been trying to put my hands on him for some time now. He's the closest to a reliable source of information about what's happening to the dreamworld I've been able to track. So, as soon as I heard the rumor of his presence there, I jumped on my horse."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:23 pm
"I see." Makime responded with a deepening frown, "So not one of those he invited? What sort of information are you looking for from the man, just a general view of what is happening? I find he has a tendency to use cryptic phrasing to answer simple questions."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"A way to get into the realm of dreams under our terms, not the ones the darkness has chosen for us. To kill that beast, you need to enter its den, no matter how dangerous. Sealing it away is a not an option, as true life simply cannot exist without the dream, and never is attrition for the dream is endless."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:25 pm
"I am not well versed on the realms of the spiritual. Though I understand your meaning." Makime rubbed her chin, her eyes distant for the moment. Probably not pondering the logistics of invading the world of dreams...probably. "A matter for the nine chosen to consider it seems. I take it the answers given so far haven't been completely to your liking?"
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"What we've got so far is the first line of a riddle. There's still quite a bit to go before reaching the answer.

And that key might or might not be for the chosen ones to find. Like they'll probably need blades they likely won't have forged themselves, there are all matters of things they will need others to provide for them. It takes a village to raise a hero."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:17 pm
"I'm sure one riddle will lead to the next, and that to the next, and so on." Makime snorted, "That's the way of monks."

"Regardless of the effort to support comes down to nine individuals. Well if Shinsei is to be believed at any rate. Which unfortunately is all one has to go on."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"Yes, nine definitely too much. Should have been three or five, since four is apparently out of the question. A good story must be easy to remember. How are people supposed to remember the names and abilities of nine persons? Especially as people tend to choose names different from what they are and they do."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Makime »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:32 am
"I don't care about how good a story this makes, only that we win. Then which ever record keepers or storytellers that wishes can make whatever tale that pleases them from it..."
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Re: Scouting Potential Battlefields (Day 1, LM Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"You know, I don't really understand how metal works. So, when I have a metal problem, like my blade not being right, I go see a metal person, who knows that stuff.

The nightmare IS a story. One of the oldest stories even. On that matter, the storytellers are the experts who should be listening to.

To defeat a story, there's no other solution than to provide a better story. So much better than it completely overrides the conclusion it has in store for us. You must take control of the narrative, literally."
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