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It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Anjing had made her way back from Shinsei's address with a few new thoughts rattling around in her head, she needed time to think, needed some time away.

With a grunt she kneels down to start building the fire back up, letting the routine nature of the task distract her mind for a moment. The whole day was still ahead of her, a decision would have to be made. Her younger self would have surged ahead but she was responsible for people, it meant things needed to be thought through. If you didn't, people got killed.

The fire threatens to go out entirely and she utters a curse that would have seen a younger Crab get their mouth washed out with soap.
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Satsuki had seen Anjing and the other Crab go off away from the Crab after the meeting, and after a quick stop by her own tent, she had followed suit... which took some effort since the fog in the farmlands wasn't easy to move around in sometimes! Blasted mist! It's unnatural!

As she finally saw the Crab camp, and Anjing, she picked up her pace and started a brisk jog as she waved a hand. "Auntie Anjing!"
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:59 pm
Satsuki had seen Anjing and the other Crab go off away from the Crab after the meeting, and after a quick stop by her own tent, she had followed suit... which took some effort since the fog in the farmlands wasn't easy to move around in sometimes! Blasted mist! It's unnatural!

As she finally saw the Crab camp, and Anjing, she picked up her pace and started a brisk jog as she waved a hand. "Auntie Anjing!"
Anjing looks up from angrily poking the fire, peering at the figure resolving itself out of the mists.

"Satsuki?" She tosses her stick into the fire and stands, jogging forward to meet the approaching Dragon.

"That Crane had told me you were here too but." She looks from side to side. "Tssk, have you been traveling through the fog alone? You'll catch your death of cold before the monsters get to you."
She starts looking Satsuki over with a terrifyingly motherly expression.
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

She laughed, "it's not that cold, you know. The chill up in the mountain is way harsher than it is down here." Maybe not the same amount of humid cold, but colder nonetheless. Not that the kid had ever seemed truly bothered by the cold weather up north.

As she got closer she offered a hug to the older woman. "Let's get some warmth in your bones, eh? Did anyone else from the family come with you?"
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"Give me dry mountain coldness any day. Hot and humid is fine, cold and dry is fine. This is just miserable."
Anjing smiles, her usually dour expression lighting up as she hugs Satsuki fiercely.

"My bones far fine I'll have you know. They still get me where I need to go."
One last squeeze and then she realises Satsuki before motioning for her to come by the meagre fire.

"No I told the kids they couldn't come. If I wasn't firm we'd be knee deep in a heavily armed and impossibly stubborn ball by now."
Shaking her head.

"They have to lead the Clan into the next generation, no time for strange missions in the foggy nowhere. They've got some funny ideas about the north, have to see if anything comes of it." Anjing shrugs, kids these days. You grow up knowing how to read and all of a sudden you get all sorts of ideas.

"What about on your side? I already met the Dragon who walks around half naked. Please, tell me his philosophy hasn't become some kind of creed on that side of the mountains."
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

At least her Crab family knew the meaning of hugs still! Some of her more refined cousins weren't huggers, and it was sad, really. "We're a couple of Dragon here. And, uh, judging from what you're saying and what I heard, seems like you met Saru Ranmaru already." Now she was embarrassed. It was easier to tell people that her father's students who were tattooed ascetics with magical powers could walk around half-naked in winter without catching so much as a sniffle, but... less so with Ranmaru.

"He's a special case, not really a typical member of the Clan from my experience." Except in a way he was. Long story. "I saw Wu Zhe at the meeting, and met Saru Shang who's an artist - I think she might be here to record what is happening or something."

Seeing the meager fire, Satsuki hunched down by it and began rearranging some of the firewood at the edge by using a stick.
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:56 pm
"He's a strange one, no doubt. Started just flexing to himself at one point. At least he works out."
Anjing is working hard not to smirk at the memory.

"Wu's here too? Well that's something, trying to save the empire with a new strain of beans I bet. The artist sounds interesting, if she does end up writing something has her to send it my way. Our Chroniclers would appreciate it."

She bends down and starts helping Satsuki with the fire which was taking a stubborn amount of time to thaw the damp wood.

"Tai's here of course. She felt there was some trouble and told me I should come. Then we have a few others. Takuma, the big guy, one of our best warriors. If you need someone in a fight ask for him. There's another by the name of Ayako's she's young but she's proven herself, can't miss her, just look for the axe. And then there's Naraky, Hiruma's son. He's very very focused on fighting corruption, very focused."

She starts blowing angrily at an ember for a few moments until it starts to glow into life.

"Not a bad group to save the world if it comes to it."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Pretty strange yeah," she agreed with a small laugh. "Wu Zhe's been doing pretty great, yeah. His work is going to help a lot of people - I'm very proud of all he's done." Helping to feed people was important work!

"And I'll make sure to tell Shang that, though I'm sure she'll be happy to meet with you or any of the other Crab. Hmmmph, the wood's kinda damp still, needs more fire to dry it out."

As Anjing described the other Crab, Satsuki bit the inside of her cheek. A lick on her index-finger ignited a small flame, and as it touched the firewood, the intensity spread as it expelled the over-abundance of water. The campfire was now a warm and intense heat. "Yeah, I met this Naraku. He seems a... uhm... interesting type, yes? I also heard you guys encountered some monster on the way here? Ranmaru told me about it."


D1 Summon Fire. 1 raise for drying the wood while also getting a better fire. +1k0 Dutiful Disciple. TN 15 | 6k4 ⇒ 27 (TN: 15) 2 Wounds.
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"Magic is cheating." Not that Anjing seems to mind as the as the heat radiates out from the fire and she warms her hands.

"Yes, Tai called it a 'Mad Shaper' it was warped, even by the standards of the creatures. I'm not even sure she really harmed it, even with Tai dropping a boulder on the thing." Pointing a finger at Satsuki. "Which is why I'm worried about my niece heading through the fog alone." She huffs. "Not that I can stop you."

And she couldn't expect her to just travel with fulltime guards.

"You see more than most, your father does too." Gesturing to the fog around them. "Do you think this village is really where we can do what needs to be done? I'm a little sceptical of destiny these days."
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Cheating, perhaps. But it gets the job done," she retorted with a dry chuckle. Not that she considered it cheating, and it was hard enough to get wood dry enough in this damp weather.

"Mad Shaper, huh? Did it take any damage from jade though?" Satsuki knew some shamans and shugenja were able to ask the earth kami to refine themselves into pure jade to harm these monsters that had been popping up. "But don't worry about me, auntie. I'm much tougher than I look, and I can do more than heating up your camp!" The young woman did her best at being reassuring.

"As for destiny... dad often says that destiny is what we make ourselves. Destiny is a thing, but it doesn't happen by just sitting around waiting for it. You got to act. The fact that so many people have come here, I think that gives hope that it's possible to do something about our enemy. Mistrust and division is spreading through the land because of the corrupted dreams, so this is like... the most united we've been in a good while."
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"I'm not sure, maybe? It fled once we started striking it properly, if none of that was doing any harm it would probably have stayed. Or maybe not, it was just drinking when we found it. Drinking and drinking and polluting a stream. I don't think if it could really think."

She turns and starts rummaging through a bettered pack.
"Tea? Sweets?"

All the important things for hosting one of the younger generation.
"So we can fight it by being united? Hmmm. This is going to be harder than I thought."
Looking grim.
"I'll speak to Tai about it. But we have promised to try not to let old wounds still pain us. Not that we have any problems with your Clan or most of those in the north."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Ooo, tea and sweets sounds nice, thank you," she smiled widely, glad to accept what her aunt had to offer.

"I think you'd agree that it's easier to fight a common enemy when you don't have to watch your back all the time from your allies, yeah? I know we all get along in the north though, and as neighbours and family, we do what we can to help one another. I'd love to talk with your shugenja another time though, to learn more." It seemed like this Tai was an honored elder and shugenja at the same time, so those were always worth speaking with.

"Maybe this is a good time to mend old wounds with the others? Since we're all gathered here and all."
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

"Tea and sweets it is."
She starts boiling water over the now appropriately blazing fire before carefully unwrapping some sweet dried dates she hands to Satsuki.

"Put some colour in your cheeks. It feels like it will be a long day."
She pops a date into her own mouth and chews happily.
"Tai is very wise, she has seen much in her time and her bond with the earth is powerful indeed. And her head is set on straight. Fair warning though, she'll speak her mind if she sees the need to."

Anjing slows her chewing slightly.
"Maybe, maybe not. There's a lot of hurt there, years of it. It's not like the Emperor himself is gonna pop out of the fog for a frank discussion about how we both feel. Although if he did, he could have a date too." Clicking her tongue. "But I don't have to love the Empire or the Imperial families. I'm one of the idiots who lives in it. Time comes, I'll do what's needed."

She turns and starts preparing the tea itself.
"Can't believe my own niece is the voice of reason. I think you'll do very well in the new Rokugan."
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

"Thank yooou," she exclaimed happily at the offered sweets. Not that she was an ascetic like her father, but sweets had still been a sometimes-thing growing up. Something-something not good for your teeth, she was pretty sure Nadare had said.

"Oh, I don't mind that at all! I like it better when people speak what's on their mind, instead of the dance-around-the-subject like some of kin in the Crane do. Cryptic talk has its place for other things." Very much not her father's daughter there.

She listened to Anjing, chewing on the date with some thought. "Mm, thank you. Not often people call me the voice of reason, but I like to think I have a pretty clever head on my shoulders. But, if he were to pop up and he accepted a date," she held up the half-eaten date for emphasis before taking another bite, "what would you say to him?"
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:41 am
"People who talk in metaphors ought to- Uh, well they shouldn't. It just slows everything down. Half the time it's just so they can feel superior."
She chews angrily for a moment, chewing in a fury!

"Say to him?" She swallows date, sitting up a little straighter. "Hmmm, not an easy question. I've eaten, and it's been a long day so I might not start shouting right away. I might ask him how he felt when he lost his home forever. Might see if there was some common ground." A deep breath. "It would probably end in shouting though. From me at least, he's one of those annoyingly calm people. The second we reached the 'it was for your own good' part all bets would be off."

She glares at the fog for a moment.
"But he's a long way away now. Unless something here effects him personally it's not like the guy is gonna just walk across half the empire and turn up one day."
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Oh how little they knew on that specific issue.

"Mm, well, sometimes people deserve a little shouting. Even Kami and Emperors," Satsuki conceded with a chuckle. Not that she had ever seen her mom shouting at her dad, but they were different. "What's done is done though... can't take back a cut of the sword, as some would say."

Not that she thought it was as much for 'their own good' as it had been to preserve the overall peace though, but she didn't know Shiba's mind.

"... Why you guys camped all the way out here though? It's a bit drier closer to the village. Not much, but more people and a little less damp."
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:27 am
Oh how little they knew on that specific issue.

"Mm, well, sometimes people deserve a little shouting. Even Kami and Emperors," Satsuki conceded with a chuckle. Not that she had ever seen her mom shouting at her dad, but they were different. "What's done is done though... can't take back a cut of the sword, as some would say."

Not that she thought it was as much for 'their own good' as it had been to preserve the overall peace though, but she didn't know Shiba's mind.

"... Why you guys camped all the way out here though? It's a bit drier closer to the village. Not much, but more people and a little less damp."
"Originally I was just going to rest here for the first night, scout out the village proper with some light. Didn't know what we were walking into."
She gestures in the direction of the village.

"Didn't know what they were about and even if they were friendly I wasn't going to force someone out of their homes. Same rationale applies to the Imperial's Camp. You don't usually walk through miles of corrupted fog expecting to find a quaint little village preparing for a party. Not unless you're going to be the main course. And now...I'm not sure, the space is nice. But it would also do the other Crab good to meet some of those from other Clans."

She shrugs. "We might have to move if some monsters turn up, find somewhere that can be fortified."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:40 am
"Are you sure you're not just sitting out here in the field to be difficult, auntie?" Satsuki asked with a sassy smart-ass grin. She wasn't a teenager anymore, but that didn't stop her from acting like the smartypants she often was.
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:44 am

"Are you sure you're not just sitting out here in the field to be difficult, auntie?" Satsuki asked with a sassy smart-ass grin. She wasn't a teenager anymore, but that didn't stop her from acting like the smartypants she often was.
"Hmmph. I don't have to sit in a field to be difficult. I can be difficult in a comfortable bed in a warm house. And I was difficult before you were born young lady. Hmmph 'being difficult'. Some peoples' children."

Not that she seemed able to stay annoyed for very long.
"Camping in fields is an important life skill they should teach your generation. Can't all be nice castles up in the mountains, sometimes life is mud."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Anjing wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:49 am
She laughed with great mirth. "Oh, you know my home and upbringing was quite different than the likes of my kin among the Stag, Crane, or Imperial, for that matter. My brothers and I had free run of the mountains from early on, and haven't exactly had servants waiting on us hand and foot." Not that the Crab had either, which is one thing she liked about her Crab-cousins.

"But I'll admit I'm not exactly the best survivalist out in the wilderness. Plenty of more still for me to learn there. I've been practicing the sword, as well as the bow though."
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