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Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:06 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
After visiting the Crab camp, Satsuki was taking her sweet time getting back to her own campsite. This fog felt very weird the more time she had to think about it. But as Nadare-sensei had said, search for the mundane answers before seeking the magical ones.

So as she followed the farmer-tracks through the fields, she was looking for something that could explain this fog. Were there any irrigation channels in the field here perhaps? Or something else?


OOC: Trying to find a natural cause for all the fog, if there is one.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:48 pm
by Reiko Ohta
Since Ohta was also trying to find a cause of the fog, she was out and about in the afternoon, taking the opportunity while the sun was up to gather rumors and evidence, things it had been too dark for last night. Not to mention how much warmer it was and how much more awake she was.

Currently, Ohta was standing on an embankment with a sketch pad, drawing the patterns of the ways the fog swirled amongst the field below her.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:57 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Seeing another person in the fog, Satsuki walked closer and waved. "Hello there. Are you perhaps any of the locals?"

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:15 am
by Reiko Ohta
Ohta actually gives a start, having been somewhat absorbed in the drawing for some reason. Not too much though, and she quickly composes herself and gives a bow while still holding the parchment and charcoal.

"Ah. No, I'm afraid not. I am known as Reiko Ohta, of the Spider Clan. I'm one of the visitors invited here."

Ohta motions with the charcoal to where some of the mist curled about the crops, where it was wet, "I was just looking at the mist, trying to see patterns in it, or a source. Following its curls and tendrils. Strange how it clings on in the middle of the day like this in some places."

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:36 am
by Togashi Satsuki
"Ah, it's nice to meet you. I'm Togashi Satsuki," she responded with good cheer, clearly not bothered to meet another visitor. "And yeah! I was here looking at the same thing! Morning mist over a field isn't unusual at this time of year, but it usually dissipates when the sun rises. At this point, it should be all gone..."

Satsuki looked around them. "So I thought maybe there were some special irrigation canals or something in the field, but nothing that seems out of the ordinary. And then the question then would be if irrigation here would draw water from the river or another source."

Brain went straight to mouth as she spoke (almost) all her thoughts on the subject.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:46 am
by Otaku
Rhythmic vibrations shiver faintly through the soil of the packed dirt path--the impact of iron-shod hooves approaching at a trot. The mist swallows the sounds of hoofbeats and jingling tack for longer than it seems like it ought to.

"No," a woman's voice murmurs out of the fog bank.

A hoof scrapes the dirt and an equine snort pierces the mist. "Can't see the bottom of the jump. You'll break a leg," the woman says calmly.

At this point rider and impatiently prancing horse are at last heaving into view out of the fog, quite near. The rider--Otaku, obviously--waves in salute to the other two women.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:52 am
by Canary
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:06 pm
After visiting the Crab camp, Satsuki was taking her sweet time getting back to her own campsite. This fog felt very weird the more time she had to think about it. But as Nadare-sensei had said, search for the mundane answers before seeking the magical ones.

So as she followed the farmer-tracks through the fields, she was looking for something that could explain this fog. Were there any irrigation channels in the field here perhaps? Or something else?


OOC: Trying to find a natural cause for all the fog, if there is one.
There are definitely irrigation channels criss-crossing the different farms nearby.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:50 pm
by Reiko Ohta
Ohta points over at one of the canals, after Sats mentions it, "I have looked at them, mist in those too. Can't say there's anything special about them otherwise; Seen their sort many other places in the Empire."

Closing her book of drawings, the short woman sighs, "No, I don't see anything that would be environmental conditions. The only things I can think of at this point are either something spiritual, something with the elements in the area, or perhaps a feature I'm missing in the area like a cave or spring that's the source of things."

As she gives a glance around she hears the muffled sounds through the mist and spots the nearby rider finally, giving a bow to Otaku on the other side of the Togashi to let her know she's welcome.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 3:26 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"If the water for the irrigation comes from the river, maybe that has something to do with it... considering it's supposed to be dangerous to drink it?" she thought out loud.

"But yeah, maybe I'll ask the air kami, and... oh. Oh." Before she could finish that line of thinking, Satsuki noticed Otaku. And then the beautiful horse.

So beautiful. So pretty. The prettiest horse. "So beautiful..." she even murmured.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:13 pm
by Reiko Ohta
Ohta heard the murmuring as Satsuki trailed off and followed the Dragon woman's gaze. She saw that Sat was looking at the woman on the horse, clearing her throat and blushing lightly, "I do agree with your assessment, Togashi-san, as bold as it is. About her I mean."

To break the tension she spoke up, "As to the water... it's dangerous? That's a new rumor for me. Where does the village get its water then, I wonder?"

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:53 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
"I've never seen such a pretty horse." Not that she had seen many horses, and most were adorable ponies. The princess was star-struck for a moment, then remembered that Ohta asked an important question.

"Mm, I heard that those who drink the river-water could lose their memories or something. The villagers drink water from the well instead."

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 12:11 am
by Reiko Ohta
Ah, the horse. Of course. Well, at least the Togashi hadn't seemed to mind her assumption.

"Hai. The Ki-Rin have beautiful horses. I am happy to have one myself here with me. As to the water situation, that does seem unfortunate. If I were a villager, I would be worried about river water seeping into the groundwater somehow. Or the water for the crops. Surely if the crops drink it, it can't be good for those eating the crops, no?"

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:18 am
by Otaku
By most people's standard, Satsuki's observation would ranked be the more accurate of the two. The woman wouldn't necessarily stand out in a crowd, but the horse... the horse really is remarkable.

Otaku reins in a few paces from the two and coughs politely to break into their conversation. "Your pardon, is this-- Oh." She abandons her question, because now that she's close, it's obvious these women aren't local. "I suppose you can't tell me how long it's been like this." She lifts a hand from her saddlebow, opening to indicate the mist-shrouded fields. "Never mind."

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:26 am
by Togashi Satsuki

"You have a horse too?" Satsuki had to cover her mouth to stop herself from gaping with excitement. "I didn't know the Spider had horses. You're so lucky..." Horses wouldn't fare so well in the mountains anyway. Maybe goat-riders instead?

"Ah, uh, as for the crops, I don't know. Is it from the rain water instead, or some other water source?" And then Otaku and the MAJESTIC horse approached. "I, ah, I'm sorry... I can't answer those questions for you, Ki-rin-sama." She looked between the two women, and HORSE. "... I was thinking of asking the kami for answers."

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:13 am
by Reiko Ohta
"Well, from what I know actually, the locals haven't been here very long. The headwoman of the village said they all arrived relatively recently. There USED to be a tribe here, but she couldn't really hazard much about who they were or how they disappeared. Though there are a few remnants..."

A shrug, "As to where the farmers get this irrigation from, I think that should be easy enough to ask or find out."

Ohta did not comment on her horse; Kinboshi was magnificent in her eyes, but he wasn't anything like this woman's, despite being a Ki-Rin horse. She knew why of course... but it was all besides the point to her.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:05 am
by Otaku
"Hm." Otaku considers all this.

While his mistress attempts to retreat into quiet thought, Tsubame can't fail to notice he's being admired. He tosses his head showily and almost seems to wink at Satsuki... if that's even a thing horses do. Surely if any horse could, it would be this one.

"Tch. Nonsense," Otaku mutters--fondly, but she still disciplines him gently with the reins.

"They've been here long enough to build homes and plant fields. Nothing could grow if it's always been like this," she says, half to herself and frowning slightly, once Tsubame is behaving. She swings herself out of the saddle to alight on the packed dirt. "It wraps all 'round. From one end of the village to the other."

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:18 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki did her absolute best to not be completely smitten by the fancy looking horse, but wasn't able to hold back the sparkle in her eyes.

No, no... focus first, then ask to pet the horse.

"Mhm, maybe this intense mist is a more recent development. Though I got the impression from the local healer that the climate here is rather damp, and often foggy. I'm no expert on the local geography to explain why that would be, to be honest."

As the air kami were not as friendly with her as the fire kami were, Satsuki carefully took out the knife she carried in her sash, and prepared herself for the small cut. "But I'll see what the spirits of air have to say." There was no way she could get any answers from the water kami, which were the other half of fog. Maybe next she'd ask the earth kami, depending on the answers found here.

She loosened the ribbon hold her hair back, knowing that the air kami liked to play with such things, and she made a small cut on the back of her hand, enough to draw the drops of blood needed. It seemed Kami children bled like a human... or was there just a touch of a golden hue to it?

"O friends of air, I come here with questions, looking for answers. In return, I hope to give you a riddle to enjoy."


D1 EA. Commune Air. 1 raise for Clarity. +1k0 Dutiful Disciple | 5k3 ⇒ 24 (TN: 15)
Success. May ask 2 questions of the air kami.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:36 am
by Reiko Ohta
"I mean, becoming an expert of the local geography is part of why I'm out here. But yes, they can't have come here too recently, unless they somehow found all these buildings and infrastructure in place when they moved in."

She trailed off after her response to let the priestess say her prayers to the kami; Her talking might not distract from the prayer, but she wasn't about to take that risk.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:38 pm
by Canary
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 4:18 am
Satsuki did her absolute best to not be completely smitten by the fancy looking horse, but wasn't able to hold back the sparkle in her eyes.

No, no... focus first, then ask to pet the horse.

"Mhm, maybe this intense mist is a more recent development. Though I got the impression from the local healer that the climate here is rather damp, and often foggy. I'm no expert on the local geography to explain why that would be, to be honest."

As the air kami were not as friendly with her as the fire kami were, Satsuki carefully took out the knife she carried in her sash, and prepared herself for the small cut. "But I'll see what the spirits of air have to say." There was no way she could get any answers from the water kami, which were the other half of fog. Maybe next she'd ask the earth kami, depending on the answers found here.

She loosened the ribbon hold her hair back, knowing that the air kami liked to play with such things, and she made a small cut on the back of her hand, enough to draw the drops of blood needed. It seemed Kami children bled like a human... or was there just a touch of a golden hue to it?

"O friends of air, I come here with questions, looking for answers. In return, I hope to give you a riddle to enjoy."


D1 EA. Commune Air. 1 raise for Clarity. +1k0 Dutiful Disciple | 5k3 ⇒ 24 (TN: 15)
Success. May ask 2 questions of the air kami.
The response was much less quick that she was used to from the air - laden with the humidity of the fog, no doubt. Water was weighing hour Air.

They seem to rouse at the idea of riddles.

Tell tell!, the wind whispers around her. There are other whispers at a distance, though... farther away, toward the forest.

Re: Elementary, Dear Moon-Moon [D1, EA]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:58 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Canary wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:38 pm
The response was much less quick that she was used to from the air - laden with the humidity of the fog, no doubt. Water was weighing hour Air.

They seem to rouse at the idea of riddles.

Tell tell!, the wind whispers around her. There are other whispers at a distance, though... farther away, toward the forest.
"My questions and answers first," she laughed.

"First; why do you and your brothers and sisters the water kami linger here as a constant fog?"