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[D2 MM] Exercise yard

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:20 pm
by Otaku
In a fallow bit of pasture somewhere not far from the Imperial camp, a gray and white streak of horse with a small rider perched atop has been alternately trotting and cantering in loops and figure eights for a while, working out any lingering stiffness from the long journey to this village.

Otaku hadn't reckoned on being trapped here, walled in by the fog quite as effectively as by a besieging army. If she can't take Tsubame out to scout the roads, the big horse must get his daily exercise some other way. His fancy breeding makes him a much more effective warhorse than the average representative of his species, but he also needs more care to stay in peak condition.

Eventually, the gray horse, his coat now slightly darkened with sweat, leaps a fence to land neatly in a neigboring field, and Otaku pulls him into a walk to start cooling down.

Re: [D2 MM] Exercise yard

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:27 pm
by Hantei Genji
A figure with a soft glow entered the field as well. He noticed a woman and a...magnificent steed on the field. A smile spread on his face, as he stood patiently for the pair to pass by, not reaching out to bother. He did gave a bow, hopefully visible from a distance. "Greetings minna-sama. I must say, what a beautiful sight. I am Hantei Genji, heir to our Champion." He gave another bow.

Re: [D2 MM] Exercise yard

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 11:43 pm
by Otaku
Otaku gives Tsubame gentle signal to halt as Genji bows. She listens gravely, brows raising a bit, and then bows from her saddle. "Kind words, son of Lord Hantei," she says in her quiet but sweet voice.

Tsubame switches his tail and paws the turf, striking an elegant pose to show that he, at least believes the praise no more than his just due. Otaku punches him ever so gently on the shoulder and then swings out of the saddle.

"Well met," she continues once her feet are on the ground. "I'm Otaku. I serve your father's younger sister, Lady Shinjo."

Re: [D2 MM] Exercise yard

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:54 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji smiled at the horse, and hesitantly extended a hand. "May I?" His question was stuck in between the horse and the rider, whichever gives him permission to pet the steed.

"Ah, aunt Shinjo." His smile widened. "She herself is a good rider, from what I recall. Perhaps after all...this, I'll have opportunity to visit her in the plains with my family. What do you make of all of this, Otaku-sama?"

Re: [D2 MM] Exercise yard

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 1:23 am
by Otaku
"Yes," says Otaku to Genji, and then "Behave," to the horse, just in case. Tsubame lowers his heat demurely and deigns to snuffle Genji's hand.

"My lady rides better than any mortal," she agrees in her soft voice. "Tsubame here was foaled out of one of her mares." She considers his question for a long few moments. "All this? This town? The little teacher? These last five years?"