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[Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Seeing as she had time prior to the gathering at the headwoman's house, Shang decided to take a hike outside of the village once again. She had gone too many times to the river and she had been told that even looking at the water was questionable. While a bit skeptical, she decided to heed that advice and venture off to somewhere more plain, so to speak.

When she arrived at the clearing, she let out a small sigh. It was clearly just farmland right in front of her and nothing extraordinary, except for the blasted fog that prevented her from seeing it too clearly. Nevertheless, there is some peace found here at least. There were no mysterious voices or spooky water. She could at least find some comfort in these mundane plains, finding herself a spot to sit down and rest.
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

Unfamiliar man-altered terrain meant she was getting close but once she'd gotten to the edge the fog only seemed to get deeper. With her best wits about her she made her way toward the village that she could sometimes best make out in the distance. At least, that is what she hopes she is seeing pop out above it all. Yet she hasn't managed yet to find a true pathway toward the village forcing her to continue among the crops forward.

Which is how she breaks through the fog to stumble on another. Yumi doesn't speak at first. Though her hand twitches her bow has already been unstrung. Perhaps a touch foolish but...
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang gasped loudly when the unexpected figure appeared from the dense fog, which nearly caused her to stumble back before she could properly sit down. With everything being so quiet, she didn't expect to see someone else wandering here. Perhaps there were many people here but the fog was doing a good job of finding them all. She narrowed her eyes at first on the person with some suspicion but realized that they didn't seem hostile, not that she had a good idea what the enemy would look like in the slightest.

"...Good afternoon," she would stand properly and give her a quick bow, letting out a small chuckle to defuse the situation. "I take that you're also doing a bit of exploring around here too?"
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"Looking for the village," she says, her voice calming slowly but the edge to her showing clearly. Watching her breathing she takes a moment to relax.

"Afternoon. Waters grace does not appear to be with me today. Might you be from the village here?" she asks, but even she already doesn't believe that is a case. A woman like this clearly does not belong to a village as small as the one she saw previously. Still, what else could she have asked? With some intent to her purpose she lays her bow arm steady at her side in a restful position.
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"Oh, if you're looking for the village, it's not too far from here," she said before turning to point toward the direction she came from. "As for me, I'm not from the village exactly. In fact, you'll find that not many of us are, considering that we've all arrived from abroad. Some because of the Festival, some because of destiny, and then you have me, for inspiration. I have yet to find it, if you must know. Also, this one is Shang of the Saru."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

Yumi followed the trail left by Shang's indication. Marking it best as she might before refocusing on the woman before her.

"Earth embrace you Shang of the Saru, I am Yumi."

All that she offered gave rise to many questions, some of greater value than others. Yet, despite her awareness of their differing values she was guided to the one that was easily the least useful.

"What do you mean that you seek inspiration? How do you find such a thing? Why here?"
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"Pleased to meet you Yumi," she nodded at the other woman with a small smile. "I wish it was on better occasions but as you will soon find out, we're not exactly in a great place at the moment but that might be the Empire at large, if the wise Shinsei is to be believed. Is he ever wrong?"

There was a pause after the half-rhetorical question. "Oh, I'm a sort of artist by trade. I never exactly sought to be here exactly, especially not at such a time, but just merely travel the new Empire to see new places and experiences. Something to enlighten my mind and awaken my soul, then if I'm lucky enough, have that translated to either paint or in flowery words. As to how I find such a thing, that remains to be seen. I don't wish to wait for it but that seems all I can do at the moment. A bit of a bother, really."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"By trade? I suppose I have heard rumors of such a thing, but I had thought it a joke," she says, her gaze drifts to the space between them in thought. Shaking her head slightly she offers a sheepish smile in turn, "I do not mean to insult. Suppose I find it odd that Air's spirit might be captured in such a way. Though perhaps it is not so easily done if you must travel so much in hopes of finding it?"

A breath, the natural need to know more of the situation settling in, "But I shade important matters. You speak of difficult times extending far beyond? What do you know of this situation? I have only encountered the recent fog among the trees."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"Hardly a joke in the slightest," she said with a shake of her head, sighing under her breath. Shang would have been offended if she wasn't used to hearing about such a thing. Her travel had brought her to villages that weren't aware of the Kami, much like the Blue Lotus Village. She supposed she would have educated her but the last few days have made her rather weary. Besides, she had other things to focus on.

"Perhaps I could use you for my work, one day. Inspiration can be difficult or easy, depending on what you seek. I know in my youth, it was as easy as thinking about the surrounding mountains or the morning sunset or a loving memory from the past but I've worn those reserves down already. Besides, that's amateur stuff and my seniority demands something original! Maybe even unique!" She would gesture upwards in a dramatic motion.

She frowned as she turned her attention to the other matter, speaking seriously in a grave tone. "Yes...I suppose the monk could tell you in better detail. Or maybe not. The Empire and the realm have been ripe with problems from the tainted sleeping realm. It seems that the head of the conflict will find itself here, the final bulwark of the mortal realm. How or when are details I haven't gathered as of yet? I don't know if many even know. However, the light in this darkness is apparently the Thunder champions. Some are among us already but they don't even know yet. They will be the representatives of this realm in this war, who will determine the ultimate outcome of the battle."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

Yumi found herself hearing very distinctly the suggestion that she could be used for Shang's work. There was not much she understood about how that would feel, or what it might mean, but she suddenly felt very warm underneath her freshly cleaned attire all the same. What armor she wore finds itself noticeable as it chafes against her slightly. Only finding her focus renewing when Shang's voice shifts, a welcome reprieve.

"May Earth bolster these thunders, and Water reveal their path," she gently offers a solemn prayer. Closing her eyes briefly to see it reach the spirits earnestly. Opening with a soothing breath she returns to their conversation, "Thank you for your Flame. There is much I could say of this situation but perhaps I shall simply say that if it is inspiration you seek being near such an event is sure to bring it to you. At least, it does sound like quite the fantastical story. Beggars belief if it is meant to be truth."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang found herself raising her brows at the particular language used by Yumi. At first, she assumed that it was a bit of slang or regional dialect. This sounded more like belief or religion, made obvious by the prayer. Was it so far from what shugenja spouted about the kami, however? She merely nodded soundly to the words. "...yes, I'm sure that they'll need all of our good wishes in the days to come. It feels like the moment will be sooner than later. It will be quite a story but I am only one person and can't be as omnipresent as Air, Earth, Water or Fire."

She let out a small chuckle. "But hopefully, I'll be able to grasp some part of it before it's all said and done. At the moment, I am also gathering the stories of others because I'm sure everyone had a story to tell that led them up to that moment. Or here, in your case. I had thought the roads were untraversable with the fog but you've managed to make it here. I'm not so sure if that's a good thing, depending on your interpretation of interesting times!"
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"I did not come here by road, but by the forest," she says, and indicates her path that lead her here but deflates at the recollection of the surrounding fog. Pausing to recover from her blinder she finds her footing again soon enough. "I had been tracking a lone wolf for some time for a village to the north. For the last few days I have been among the forest trees not far from here attempting to track this beast but.. perhaps it went beyond the fog wall before it set in? I cannot be sure," she sighs, shaking her head slightly.

"I do wish to know more, and that is what brings me to this village to seek all the answers I might have. Yet I find myself with more questions, and fewer certainties. This does not appear a time where sense dictates best," she looks down a moment, then directly at Shang. "Perhaps then we are lucky to have an artist among us? N-not that I mean any offense by such a statement," she stammers out.
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"A wolf? Is there a reason you were tracking this wolf?" She asked with raised brows. "I never thought a wolf would exactly make for good game, considering predator meat tends to be rather stringing and worst of all, sometimes smelly. I feel that grass eaters are a bit better when it comes to food, not that we should be relying on them anymore. At least, in my Clan. Also! This wolf wouldn't be an abnormal wolf, right? We just had a wolf attack yesterday. The details were scarce as I wasn't there but apparently they weren't normal in the slightest..."

"Anyway," she said before clearing her throat and gesturing vaguely to the direction of the village. "The village will likely tell you more than I could in one breath."

Shang smirked before letting out a small laugh. "I'd consider it a win when you realize that I'm more useful than you'd assume initially. Surely, everyone is bound to have many questions, especially if we make it out of here."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

Yumi couldn't bear but to laugh lightly when Shang spoke on the quality of predator meat, though she did try to stifle it. Shaking her head in leading to her response, "I do not believe it is the same wolf. Yet, I did hunt mine for a similar purpose. I met another earlier who spoke of this event, and his telling spoke to a greater and less natural creature for your wolf. Mine was a very natural creature that was causing trouble for this village to the north of here. It has been harming their work animals, killing a few, but perhaps moves to other hunting grounds."

"No creature can exist without a use," she says after a thought. "As surprising as it may be to learn of a use you did not previously perceive. We are all guided by that which binds toward a purpose in the end. I have not known many artists, but your capacity to look at things differently than I is surely a skill I can see benefit from."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"Ah, right, I suppose culling a predator from someone's land should have been the obvious explanation I didn't consider. I did happen upon a farm that was suffering from a similar problem, except it was with bears. The bears would meander into their storehouse and make use of the dried reserves. Also, killed one of the local help too, which was most unfortunate." She shook her head.

"You know, I'm not just a talented artisan but I also dabble in archery and sword too." She said before chuckling. "Not to the same extent that would consider myself a warrior or hunter in the slightest but enough that I could at least attempt to see from their perspective. That might not mean much but does allow me to feel something when it comes to experience."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"You are a woman of many interests. Perhaps it is not air that lifts you, but that which binds," she comments idly, her eyes shifting away in some scattered thought. Lingering, she watches their surroundings. Looking deeper into that pervasive fog for something or perhaps simply to lose herself a moment.
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang nodded proudly on that note. "Despite being divided by Clans and Families, the Empire has quite a diverse landscape and I would think that any warrior or samurai would be required to be just as diverse. Well, maybe not, but it is a point of pride among the students of the Saru to be as well-versed in the arts. Inspiration must come from somewhere, that is in feeling, living, and acting. As such, I must have many interests if I am to be an exemplar Saru."

She would follow her gaze toward the fog. "Bothersome, isn't it? I would imagine there's some beautiful landscape beyond it all. The fog itself is mysterious, don't get me wrong, and I would consider it complimentary. Instead, I can't help but find it off-putting."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

Yumi remains quiet for longer than maybe was pleasantly comfortable. Yet, she would not leave her company alone in the conversation for so long as to leave her outright uncomfortable. When she returns she sighs, nodding slowly.

"Would it be that I was looking at it with fewer questions on my mind I might think of it more beautifully. Yet, I find it more of a reminder of how uncertain I am of the situation I find myself within. Only days ago life was far more simple, and almost impossibly sudden I am hearing stories of darkness and monsters coming for us all. Maybe things have always been this way this far south," she hesitates, and in that hold releases it with a sigh. "Perhaps the trouble followed you all here, those from so far in such great number."

"I do not know about what inspiration you might find, or what it will do for you, but I wish you to find it. For myself, perhaps it is best I continue to seek answers to my situation."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Saru Shang »

"Things haven't been normal for a while," she said on a slightly morose note. "At least when it comes to the Empire proper on a spiritual level and most recently, the land itself. The lands have been suffering for a while with famines and droughts in many parts of the Empire. I would consider it a blessing if you've managed to come from somewhere that wasn't at least a bit affected by this intangible blight. That said, it does seem like this land seems peaceful...but it does manifest some sinister oddities. I'd be careful if you're to be staying here for a bit."
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Re: [Day 3 - Mid Afternoon] It's Ain't Much

Post by Yumi »

"Things have not been well in the Earth for a long time, you are correct," she says, though her thought lingers on Shang following her words. Having to make sure she heard what she believes she did. Regarding Shang as of to root her truth out of her visage.

"You speak with some certainty that these sinister oddities come from the land here. Are you truly so certain, Shang of the Saru?"
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