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Kaiu Tai
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(D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

(open and expecting)

Tai spends some time refreshing wards upon her return before poking up the fire to heat water for tea. She really should have gotten Hikaru to bring her some *before* conjuring up that chunk of glittergrain.

editing in the rolls for the Wards.

D4 MM: Ward of Purity #1 | 6k3 ⇒ 21 (TN: 15)
D4 MM: Ward of Purity #2 | 6k3 ⇒ 31 (TN: 15)
D4 MM: Ward of Purity #3 | 6k3 ⇒ 19 (TN: 15)

And meditation after the trip to the mine. D4 MM: Meditation | 6k3 ⇒ 32 (TN: 20)
Last edited by Kaiu Tai on Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:02 am
(open and expecting)

Tai spends some time refreshing wards upon her return before poking up the fire to heat water for tea. She really should have gotten Hikaru to bring her some *before* conjuring up that chunk of glittergrain.
When Anjing emerges she...seems pretty well rested actually, there aren't any curses and only a few seconds of blinking in the weak light.
"Huh, feels like the first decent sleep I've had since we got here."
The wards receive some side-eye.
"Wonder why."

With a smile and a bow of thanks to the wise woman she takes up a seat opposite Tai and unless stopped will take over getting the tea ready as a sign of quiet thanks.
"I hope your sleep was also untroubled?"
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

(Right, today's weather is rain. Guess we're rigging enough shelter for some fire but we're getting dripped on)

"Yep, heard somethin' in the night, but not enough to really know? Haven't had a chance to ask around much this morning and see what other folks dreams were like." She brings her pouch of herbs beneath the upwind bit of stretched skin shielding the little fire and sorts through to find the packet of rather old tea chipped off of a wedding brick and then the one of wizened dry ginger root. "I'd suspect it was a benefit of not eatin' that food at their feast, but I *did* hear somethin'. So I'll bet on the wards for that. Poison nor indigestion makes thing actually sniff around a camp."

"Met your cousin's Crane suitor yesterday. Said you'd sent him."
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:36 am
(Right, today's weather is rain. Guess we're rigging enough shelter for some fire but we're getting dripped on)

"Yep, heard somethin' in the night, but not enough to really know? Haven't had a chance to ask around much this morning and see what other folks dreams were like." She brings her pouch of herbs beneath the upwind bit of stretched skin shielding the little fire and sorts through to find the packet of rather old tea chipped off of a wedding brick and then the one of wizened dry ginger root. "I'd suspect it was a benefit of not eatin' that food at their feast, but I *did* hear somethin'. So I'll bet on the wards for that. Poison nor indigestion makes thing actually sniff around a camp."

"Met your cousin's Crane suitor yesterday. Said you'd sent him."
"Huh, didn't hear anything, was too busy catching up." She yawns as if to demonstrate. "I'll sleep a little less soundly tonight, keep my ears more open. Never thought sleep would be such a problem."

She rocks looks up as rain drops splatter and hiss on the fire.
"The Hikaru boy? Yes I told him you were the wisest one around these parts, that if needs be you could help him." Curious. "What did you make of him? Wants to marry Satsuki that one, seems a good sort, for a Crane."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Anjing wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:41 am
"Very...earnest. Also owes me some tea. Don't know either well enough to say they're a good match, but I gather they've known each other more than the 3 days we've been here, and they both seem pretty sensible, so it's probably fine." She sits back, tucking the pouch well under her cloak to protect it from the rain slowly sticking her hair against her scalp. "Besides, if he's an ass, she'll set his hair on fire. Imagine if you were able to do that, hmm? How often would Hida be wearin' a hat outside to hide the scorch marks?"
Seidou turned Crab * Shugenja * Mason * Potter * Wrong Somehow
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:13 am

"Very...earnest. Also owes me some tea. Don't know either well enough to say they're a good match, but I gather they've known each other more than the 3 days we've been here, and they both seem pretty sensible, so it's probably fine." She sits back, tucking the pouch well under her cloak to protect it from the rain slowly sticking her hair against her scalp. "Besides, if he's an ass, she'll set his hair on fire. Imagine if you were able to do that, hmm? How often would Hida be wearin' a hat outside to hide the scorch marks?"
Anjing grins. "Have his head taking after his mother by the end of it I suppose. That much power I'd be shooting flame everything, talking to the spirits all the time, complaining at them, I'd be a menace."

Jerking a thumb at Tai. "But, this is why the Fortunes blessed more sensible people than I with such power. Still, maybe best they don't get to that? You're not wrong about the 3 days." She leans forward with a shocked whisper. "Five years they knew eachother before they started courting. Five years. Whatever the option of youthful fascination is, they have it. I gave Hikaru a boot up the backside, told him he'd need to be a bit quicker in the future."

Shaking her head.
"Kids these days. When I was young, I knew what I wanted and who I wanted and I just walked over and made my intentions known. Find out where you stand right off."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Anjing wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:21 am
Tai looks sharply over to her commander, drops flinging from her hair. "Five!" She shakes her head. "Were they waiting for a sign from the heavens? I think I'd have rolled Akihito into a cave and sealed him in till he decided to say yes or no if he'd been ditherin' for a whole year even." She shuffles over to her tent to retrieve cups for them both.

"Was it the possible end of the world lightin' a fire under them? I mean, there's worse reasons to realize life is too short."
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:54 am
Tai looks sharply over to her commander, drops flinging from her hair. "Five!" She shakes her head. "Were they waiting for a sign from the heavens? I think I'd have rolled Akihito into a cave and sealed him in till he decided to say yes or no if he'd been ditherin' for a whole year even." She shuffles over to her tent to retrieve cups for them both.

"Was it the possible end of the world lightin' a fire under them? I mean, there's worse reasons to realize life is too short."
"Pretty much, and they got one! Shame it had to be the whole apocalypse but you're right, it lit a fire under them. Well, they're gonna start courting now and how long is that gonna take? But at least it's a start, some movement."

Anjing leans over and makes sure the tea is ready to pour, gonna need a strong brew for a cold and damp day.
"Akihito's always had a good head on his shoulders, you put him in a cave you get your yes or your no right quick. Must be looking forward to seeing him and the kids once all of this is over?"
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Anjing wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:01 am
Tai nods. "Assumin' we get out of here, he's gonna hear about this and tell me to just stick to our mountain for the rest of forever. Expect I'll have some new things to teach the twins and that water caller who walked up to join the Xia three winters back." Leaning over the pot, Anjing will smell the earthiness of the aged tea and bit of ginger. It's only going to get stronger as the water boils off.

"The whole mess has been hard on him. Doesn't like problems he can't build around. Can't make a trap or alarm for bad dreams." She reaches over to scoop up the pot, callused hands unphased by the heat of the handle. "And you? Glad to go back and see them? Think this is enough adventure for this life?"
Seidou turned Crab * Shugenja * Mason * Potter * Wrong Somehow
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Kaiu Tai wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:55 am
Tai nods. "Assumin' we get out of here, he's gonna hear about this and tell me to just stick to our mountain for the rest of forever. Expect I'll have some new things to teach the twins and that water caller who walked up to join the Xia three winters back." Leaning over the pot, Anjing will smell the earthiness of the aged tea and bit of ginger. It's only going to get stronger as the water boils off.

"The whole mess has been hard on him. Doesn't like problems he can't build around. Can't make a trap or alarm for bad dreams." She reaches over to scoop up the pot, callused hands unphased by the heat of the handle. "And you? Glad to go back and see them? Think this is enough adventure for this life?"
"Yes, no...maybe?" Anjing puffs wind out of her cheeks. Figure it's past time Hida and I talked through some things for both our sakes. This whole-" she gestures at the fog "-end of the world business, well I've been telling people it's good for rethinking things, it's certainly got me rethinking. Hopefully we can find a better way forward. Not gonna lie, it would be nice to do something with lower stakes though all this stress is doing a number on me.

Anjing takes a deep breath of the potent tea, her nostrils flaring.
"Gonna really enjoy some clear air after it's all done though. And the sun, really anything that isn't a misty swamp will be nice. And I'm glad the kids weren't here, would have done nothing but worry about them."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Anjing wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:44 am
"Lower stakes...yeah. There's a certain amount of wishin' I could send a note tellin' Akihito to go spend a week lettin' the Xia pick his memories so that history is written down and there for the grandkids and their grandkids. Might be the first thing I do if I get back." She passes a cup over and sets the mostly empty pot aside to catch the rain on dregs that might still be good for another steep.

"I'm still worried about the kids here. Can't tell if all this maybe means the nightmares and monsters are worse out there."
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Makime »

Two became three as a familiar Lioness approached. "Lady Anjing, Kaiu-san." She nodded to each in turn. Stepping up to the fire Makime warms her hands, "My apologies for the intrusion clan has sent none with knowledge of the spiritual." Taking a breath she continued, "And do not wish to trouble the young Satsuki-san."

"...did either of you encounter a creature last night?" Directly to the point as always.
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Makime wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 3:57 pm
Tai looks at the not yet sipped tea in her hand and passes it up to the new guest before answering the question. "Tea?"

"No creature seen, though I woke just enough to hear somewhat. Take it you or someone had more than that bother them, and that it weren't just a raccoon if you're lookin' for spiritual advice."
Seidou turned Crab * Shugenja * Mason * Potter * Wrong Somehow
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Makime »

Makime takes the offered tea, then remarks dryly, "Thank you, nice to be offered a drink I can trust."

After a quick sip she shakes her head, "I am a light sleeper and awoke to see a being of shadow standing over me. It fled upon noticing I was awake, or perhaps more accurately seemed to dissipate. I checked around my tent but saw nothing and returned to sleep after alerting the watch. My first instinct was to wake the camp but...I suspect whatever these things were they had already struck."

Another sip, "You say you heard something?"
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Kaiu Tai »

Makime wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 4:38 pm
"Aye."Tai nods toward Anjing."'Herself slept sound for once. I heard a bit. Haven't checked in with the others covered by my wards yet. But I mean to in a bit. But that points to somethin' dark movin' around here. Would recommend some coordination to get as much of the place warded as we can. Village is too big to cover it all, but we may have enough folks to manage in the camps if folks cluster tents close, or even share where they can."
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Anjing mutters a curse. "A shadow being? In your tent? Tssk, this is getting worse and worse every day. The demons strike more openly."
She reaches down and rests a hand on the shaft of her battered club.
"Could have been any of us without those wards."

"Makime, you need to get protection, I warned everyone to be safe."
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

The figure of Yoshitsune Ayako could be seen approaching the camp, stumbling through the rain and moving slowly. As she crossed the wards, she called in a hoarse voice, "Lady Anjing! I ... I must report to you." Bloodstains can be seen on her armor.

Crippled (72 wounds)
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Anjing curses using a highly creative and implausible coarse combination of words that most other Crab would have their ears boxed for.

"Tai, you get the spirits ready, I'll help her."
She tosses her cup down and moves fast towards the wounded Crab warrior, if necessary prepared to carry her to medical attention.
"Easy there girl, I got you." Glancing behind her for pursuers she tries her best to move them into the camp proper.

"Tell us what's happened."
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

The younger Crab tried to stand up straighter as she gave her report to the daimyo, but it was obviously difficult.

“Something powerful wearing the form of Shinsei is attacking people,” Ayako reported. The most important news first, she had been taught. Then she elaborated.

“The monk Ukyou asked for help; he couldn’t wake Shinsei, who had fallen asleep in the garden. But when we got there, ‘Shinsei’ woke up and struck down Ukyou, and attacked Lady Matsu and myself. This… thing… spoke in an unnatural voice, nothing like the real Shinsei speaks, and it swung fists that hit like hammers.”

“We were barely able to hold this not-Shinsei off long enough for Togashi Satsuki and the Ivindi priest Sugri to drive it off.”

“But it’s still out there, somewhere.” Ayako coughed, then tried to surreptitiously wipe away a trickle of blood.
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Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

Post by Anjing »

Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:50 pm
The younger Crab tried to stand up straighter as she gave her report to the daimyo, but it was obviously difficult.

“Something powerful wearing the form of Shinsei is attacking people,” Ayako reported. The most important news first, she had been taught. Then she elaborated.

“The monk Ukyou asked for help; he couldn’t wake Shinsei, who had fallen asleep in the garden. But when we got there, ‘Shinsei’ woke up and struck down Ukyou, and attacked Lady Matsu and myself. This… thing… spoke in an unnatural voice, nothing like the real Shinsei speaks, and it swung fists that hit like hammers.”

“We were barely able to hold this not-Shinsei off long enough for Togashi Satsuki and the Ivindi priest Sugri to drive it off.”

“But it’s still out there, somewhere.” Ayako coughed, then tried to surreptitiously wipe away a trickle of blood.
"Acknowledged. That's...surprising. We'll start the search immediately and put people on alert, if he hit you this hard then this Shinsei or whatever it is might kill someone."
Ignore the bood she reaches out to (gently, Ayako had taken a beating) squeeze the other Crab's shoulder.
"But you survived, protected everyone else present, including it sounds like my adventurous niece, and then made it back to report. You've done your duty for now, and done it well enough to see another day, so let's see to those wounds before you get blood all over the camp. "

Once Ayako is somewhere out of the rain she'll hustle off to get the medicine.
"And after we've got you patched up and your head's cleared a bit we're going to need you to think back to what you saw. Anything you can remember could be valuable and gives us a lead. Makime and Tai both got their heads on right. Was this Shinsei corrupted or something else? Was it him? Maybe something possessed him?"
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Status: 7.0 • Honor: Lip Service • Glory: 6.5

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