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[D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

When Lady Anjing, the legendary Daimyo of the Anjing family, asked you to spar with her, you said yes. No matter the circumstances, and no matter what else you thought it might be about.

Such was on Hikaru's mind when he made he way out to the field. Instead of being with the woman he... well, he'd be coming back to that later. No, instead he was walking beside the formidable Lady Anjing. Of course the sparring would have a much different tenor than that he had shared with Satsuki just yesterday. The thought brought a hint of color to his cheeks that he prayed Lady Anjing would not see.

So what would it be? Hikaru's handsome features were pensive as he considered this problem, along with the many other problems that he habitually considered at any other time. It may be a report. It was almost certainly a test.

Hikaru stopped, turning to Anjing and bowing crisply. "This seems to be a good spot." He said; it was close enough to the camp to still receive light from the campfires. As usual, his clothing was all as neat and tidy as could be, not a hair out of place... well, with the exception of his white lock. At least he very much looked the part of a samurai.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:16 am
"As good as any." Anjing agrees, resting a club padded with cloth on her shoulder.
"You look full of energy." A coincidence or had she noticed a flush? Difficult to say.

"And very clean and proper." She rolls her neck slowly before slowly stretching her shoulders. "But clean and proper won't protect my niece."
In a flash she lunges forward, closing the distance in a heartbeat, her weapon scything towards his legs.
"Show me that you are a warrior too!"
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Do I?" Hikaru frowned, glancing casually away as he began to roll his own shoulders, limbering up.

But there would be no time. The words were scarcely a warning, enough to make Hikaru's brow crease, and look towards Anjing, his lips parting. Pale eyes widened as she suddenly closed the distance, weapon swinging.

Nanzi-trained swordsmen were nothing if not fast. Hikaru's katana was in his hand in an instant, swinging down to deflect the blow, a clash as the weapons came together. Hikaru grimaced as he backpedaled quickly, trying not to stumble from the force of Anjing's attack. He didn't say anything, but he looked at her with furrowed brow, uncertainty obvious on his face.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Anjing continues forward, the Anjing style being focused on raw aggression, her weapon continue to threaten the Crane.
"In the village today, Shinsei nearly killed one of our best warriors." She grunts, moving right and swinging a powerful blow at this side. "My niece was there, she could have died. Show me that if you were present, she would have been at no risk."

Despite the grim tone the release of exercise has a savage grin on Anjing's face.
"I need to see your skills for myself, do not hold anything back."
Last edited by Anjing on Mon Nov 06, 2023 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

By this time, Hikaru had heard about the attack. His lips pressed together firmly, a sign of remembered fear at that event. How could one be afraid of something that had already happened? Regardless, it was all too easy for Hikaru to imagine Satsuki, killed by some power of corruption.

Only some of this translated to fighting ability, though. Hikaru grit his teeth as Anjing pressed the attack, forcing him on the defensive. Again there was a clash as their weapons came together, and again Hikaru found himself stumbling back.

His rear foot slipped, sending Hikaru down on one knee. Desperately, he cut upwards, his katana arcing in a precise strike meant to keep Anjing back, at least for a moment. His face was grim, his jaw set as he prepared for another attack routine from the legendary daimyo.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:20 am
Anjing jerks back to avoid the defensive swing, forced to give ground and allow Hikaru to reset.
There's a brief moment of silence as the two face one another.

Hefting her weapon, face flushed and breathing hard "You're not bad with a sword, better than most I'd wager. And if this were a duel you'd have cut me in half."
She slowly steps left, circling him.
"But you're not gonna find many in my family who care about that nonsense." Anjing raises her weapon again and pauses for a second before her foot kicks a clod of wet mud at Hikaru's face as she hurls herself forward again.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

As Anjing circled, so did Hikaru, the point of his katana tracing her path. As she spoke, he breathed in and out, in and out, slowly steadying himself, gathering his focus. The two combatants seemed entirely different as they faced off.

The kicked mud was a surprise. When Hikaru had fought corrupted creatures, he had expected that sort of thing. From another samurai, not at all. A startled exclamation escaped his lips as mud struck across his face, partially obscuring his vision, sending him stumbling back.

Hikaru could hear her closing in. He could not see; he would have to trust his discipline and focus. And, in part, Lady Anjing. Hikaru weaved his sword in a defensive pattern as he fell back. For all that he couldn't see, his movements were cleaner and more precise than when she'd first attacked him.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:23 pm
Anjing studies the precise defensive strokes for a half moment, eyes focusing on the pattern. It was well done, no way through without being hit. But if you were through....

No roar this time, it would ruin the point of the mud, she simply lower her shoulder and charges him center mass, taking a blow on her armour before colliding forcefully with the Crane, sending them both sprawling onto the ground below.

"Tssk, we don't fight fair. And the monsters you need to be ready for won't either!"
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

The clash of metal sent a shock up Hikaru's arms, but not as much of one as the tackle. He grunted as the two of them fell heavily to the ground.

That sort of fighting was definitely not the sort Hikaru was good at. He hit the ground with a thump, wincing as his elbow landed more heavily than it should have. Anjing was close. And stronger than him, he knew. Must be all that wrestling with Hida and oh Fortunes why did he think about it. It was more than just for tactical advantage that Hikaru scrambled quickly away.

Reasonably athletic, Hikaru tucked himself into a sideways roll, coming up on one knee, his sword still held in his hand. A quick twist, and he held it at the ready, hilt by his temple, blade up, point aimed at Anjing. With his free hand, he brushed mud from his eyes. "Is this how you always spar?" His voice was a bit tight and strained, his chest heaving.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:31 am
The clash of metal sent a shock up Hikaru's arms, but not as much of one as the tackle. He grunted as the two of them fell heavily to the ground.

That sort of fighting was definitely not the sort Hikaru was good at. He hit the ground with a thump, wincing as his elbow landed more heavily than it should have. Anjing was close. And stronger than him, he knew. Must be all that wrestling with Hida and oh Fortunes why did he think about it. It was more than just for tactical advantage that Hikaru scrambled quickly away.

Reasonably athletic, Hikaru tucked himself into a sideways roll, coming up on one knee, his sword still held in his hand. A quick twist, and he held it at the ready, hilt by his temple, blade up, point aimed at Anjing. With his free hand, he brushed mud from his eyes. "Is this how you always spar?" His voice was a bit tight and strained, his chest heaving.
Anjing grins, her teeth white against the mud on her face.
"Sometimes I really go for it." Anjing kicks herself up with surprising agility mud flying as she shakes herself, her weapon held confidently by her side.

"No point practicing for fights with rules. When you're fighting for your life rules don't matter. What matters is the little things, where your weapon is, where is there? Are you stronger? Faster? Smarter maybe?"
She points her club at him.
"Sometimes it's what you're fighter for. Put a family behind someone and they'll fight like a she-bear protecting her cubs. Can you do that Hikaru? How hard would you fight to protect her if it was live and death."

She starts circling to the left slowly, taking her time.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Once tackled, twice shy. Hikaru rose more slowly, cautiously, keeping his sword leveled at the dangerous auntie at all times. His pale eyes were narrowed as he studied Anjing's movements, ready for anything now.

By the serious frown on his face, Hikaru was seriously considering her words. His lips pressed together, compressing tightly.

"Yes. I can." Hikaru said. "If it were life or death, I would give my life. There is no question." He shook his head, denying any alternative. "I trained to spend my life for Lady Doji if it became necessary, or one of her family. But I would do the same for Satsuki." His normally soft voice was strong and firm.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:51 am
Once tackled, twice shy. Hikaru rose more slowly, cautiously, keeping his sword leveled at the dangerous auntie at all times. His pale eyes were narrowed as he studied Anjing's movements, ready for anything now.

By the serious frown on his face, Hikaru was seriously considering her words. His lips pressed together, compressing tightly.

"Yes. I can." Hikaru said. "If it were life or death, I would give my life. There is no question." He shook his head, denying any alternative. "I trained to spend my life for Lady Doji if it became necessary, or one of her family. But I would do the same for Satsuki." His normally soft voice was strong and firm.
Anjing nod, her expression deadly serious. She slowly raises her weapon for another charge. The fog swirls around them, cold eating into their bones as the mud begins to dry. Two warriors, facing one, ready for battle.

"Okay then I believe you." She yawns and rests the club on her shoulder. "You want some tea? You must be freezing, all skin and bones anyway. And a rag for your face, got mud all over you."
Nonchalantly she scratches at some of the mud on her armour.
"Gonna take a while to get all of this out."
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru turned his body, bringing his sword back for a more powerful strike...

And then it was over. Apparently.

Hikaru stood there, blinking, staring at Anjing. After a few moments, he sheathed his sword, a single smooth motion.

"I thought I was the one with the tea." He murmured, lips quirking. "In fact, I have promised some to Kaiu Tai-san." He frowned at Anjing. "If you like, I can assist. I'm quite experienced at cleaning mud off of gear." Given how he always seemed to look so freshly cleaned, it was probably true.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:12 pm
Hikaru turned his body, bringing his sword back for a more powerful strike...

And then it was over. Apparently.

Hikaru stood there, blinking, staring at Anjing. After a few moments, he sheathed his sword, a single smooth motion.

"I thought I was the one with the tea." He murmured, lips quirking. "In fact, I have promised some to Kaiu Tai-san." He frowned at Anjing. "If you like, I can assist. I'm quite experienced at cleaning mud off of gear." Given how he always seemed to look so freshly cleaned, it was probably true.
"Well come on then, the camp's not so far off. No use standing around. Not gonna make you clean my armour though, I was the one who got the mud on it anyway."
Anjing turns and starts walking to the Crab camp humming quietly, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

"I had to know." She adds.
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru gently shook his head, although it wasn't clear what he was denying, as he turned, following Anjing.

Reaching into his kimono, he drew forth a cloth. Carefully, he wiped his face with it, then wordlessly offered it to Anjing.

He nodded. "I understand." Hikaru said, his voice back to its usual softness. "You care a great deal for her. That is clear." He looked at her as they walked slowly back to camp. "I hope it is clear that I do, too."

The corners of his lips turned up. "Does this mean you are satisfied?"
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:46 pm
Hikaru gently shook his head, although it wasn't clear what he was denying, as he turned, following Anjing.

Reaching into his kimono, he drew forth a cloth. Carefully, he wiped his face with it, then wordlessly offered it to Anjing.

He nodded. "I understand." Hikaru said, his voice back to its usual softness. "You care a great deal for her. That is clear." He looked at her as they walked slowly back to camp. "I hope it is clear that I do, too."

The corners of his lips turned up. "Does this mean you are satisfied?"
Anjing nods, taking the cloth and beginning to clean her face off.
"I do, she has fire, and it's that fire that can get her into trouble. That just makes me worry more."
She turns the cloth over and starts cleaning her hands slowly.

"No doubt your heart is in the right place. But satisfied?" She grins. "Your form still needs work, bit slow on the ground." Taking a deep breath, swapping her weapon to the other shoulder. "But on the whole, yes, I think I am."

Barking out a laugh.
"Bet you fought you'd be doing another kind of fighting to win here heart? How's that going anyway? You make her ears into the moon or whatever the challenge was?"
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Yes..." Hikaru said, frowning. "I remember the first time I saw her face her demons, ah, metaphorically speaking." A brief grimace at that; damn these times they lived in. "Her fire is also what gives her the drive to help others, to make a difference." Hikaru smiled. "I may have been hers at that first hug, but it was seeing her risk herself then I knew it."

As Anjing grinned, Hikaru half-smiled, half-grimaced, shaking his head. In the end, he chuckled softly, so perhaps that was good enough for both of them.

"To hold the stars in the palm of my hand, to show the strength of fire, and to create the most sublime sound." Hikaru said, tilting his chin up. "And... I believe I have the answers. Or perhaps I should say, my answers." He hesitated a moment. "I know I should not feel nervous, and yet, all the same, I do."
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:42 pm
"Yes..." Hikaru said, frowning. "I remember the first time I saw her face her demons, ah, metaphorically speaking." A brief grimace at that; damn these times they lived in. "Her fire is also what gives her the drive to help others, to make a difference." Hikaru smiled. "I may have been hers at that first hug, but it was seeing her risk herself then I knew it."

As Anjing grinned, Hikaru half-smiled, half-grimaced, shaking his head. In the end, he chuckled softly, so perhaps that was good enough for both of them.

"To hold the stars in the palm of my hand, to show the strength of fire, and to create the most sublime sound." Hikaru said, tilting his chin up. "And... I believe I have the answers. Or perhaps I should say, my answers." He hesitated a moment. "I know I should not feel nervous, and yet, all the same, I do."
The two enter into the Crab camp, Anjing nodding at the sentries and gesturing for Hikaru to come near the fire where a large pot of water boiled quietly.

She starts carefully removing her armour and placing the pieces on a simple wooden pole.
"Grab a cup, and there some cloth you can use for the clean and polish over there.

She sits down on a camp stool and starts slowly working mud out of the bronze.
"It's good that you both have the same capacity for risk, even if you perhaps hide yours better. Much better."
With a grunt she works some sod free.

", sounds. And you have the answers? Interesting." Her tone a little more comforting. "Nervousness is to be expected, what sort of would be partner wouldn't feel a touch of nerves? To feel nothing would be to devalue the entire experience. Embrace that, let it drive you to be better. I think you'll only be doing the proposing to her once."
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru did as directed, taking a cup and cloth. He too sat down, carefully cleaning his gear. He worked methodically, making sure each piece was clean before moving on to the next.

He merely nodded acknowledgement at first, although the much better caused him to look up. "I do not think I could have made it this far if I did not have a heart to match hers." Hikaru murmured, almost smiling wryly.

He turned his attention back to his work. "I believe I do." He said, sighing. "And yes. You're right." This time he did smile. "There is an excitement to momentous things, is there not? A battle, a duel, even the culmination of a work of art. Something that inspires us to do our best. And, as far as this, I feel quite inspired indeed..."

He looked up again. "Especially since I know I'll have to answer to you if I ever prove unworthy." Hikaru said, now actually smiling wryly. "You have a very solid strike, Lady Anjing."
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Re: [D4ME] Only Auntie Allowed

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:59 pm
Anjing rolls her eyes good naturedly at the work of art. You can marry the boy out of the Crane but...

"I'm not going to bonk you on the side of the head everytime I think there's room for improvement, far too many mountains to walk over to get to you anyway."
Nodding with a small smile.
"But I'm glad there's still enough strength in these arms to get your generation on their toes. You're faster than you look, kept your head. Those are good qualities."

She carefully places her now clean helmet to the side before bending down to throw in some herbs into the water.
"Tai recommends this to restore energy."
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