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Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:15 am
by Canary
After the scouts’ reports, it’s confirmed – the fog is getting steadily thinner, and while you can’t leave yet, the way should be open in an hour. You have the route and the timing… Now it’s just a matter of getting both yourselves and the villagers out of here. If there a battle going on, then whatever is out there is likely going to converge on the village, considering the scouts could hear violence from all around the area. A project involving getting over 200 people from one place to another is going to take some serious coordination.

Rules: Players may choose one part of this event each to participate in. Each roll must be passed by at least one person, except for the first roll, which must be passed by at least three people. The consequences of failing all rolls will be automatic damage taken during the LE event.

Getting the Word Out: The Farmland has been selected as the staging ground for the evacuation; now it’s just a matter of getting the word out. They’ll need strong runners to get the word out to everyone in time. Roll Athletics (Running)/Stamina TN 20. Success allows you to reach all the houses in your assigned area. Successful raises will allow you to pick up additional houses anyone may have missed. Failure means you weren’t able to get everyone.

Organizing: While the others are gathering, it’s up to you to get people organized for the most efficient exit. This will involve where people should be in the marching order and giving instructions. It’s really not unlike getting an army from point A to point B. Roll Battle/Perception, TN 20 to get everything sorted out. Successful Raises will make the LE Event require fewer rolls. Failure means some will be left behind.

Supply Lines: Not everyone is ready to simply be uprooted from their homes, and it will take supplies to get the samurai back home. It’s time to pack up. Roll Commerce/Intelligence TN 20 to organize the supplies and what people bring with them to get them through, as well. Roll Commerce/Intelligence TN 20. Successful Raises will make getting home easier. Failure means a very lean return home.

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:57 am
by Makime
Chaos reigned. Confusion, screaming, terror, madness. Makime walked through it all a calm in the midst of the storm. The villagers didn't particularly like her, she didn't particularly like them either...but duty's demands were always on the Lioness's mind.

So she grabbed the first villager to cross her path and calmed the poor man down. "We need to get organized, listen to me and we will get through this. Now, gather your fellows. There is work to be done."

And just like that, so simple an act, the first bit of order slipped out into the roiling chaos. Little by little, person by person, the roiling slowed and took on a new shape. A tidal wave of humanity was forming, piling and preparing to leave this nightmare. And in the midst of this building wave, stood one haggard Makime...finally feeling some measure of relief for the first time in days. This was her element and she would dominate it.

Battle/PER on Moving Day Day 7. VP Spent +4 from Tawagoto's Army. 3 Called raises | 10k6+4 ⇒ 52 (TN: 35) Passed. Fourth Raise from Tactician. 4 raises total

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:00 am
by Reiko Ohta
Ohta was perceptive, and noticed much... but she didn't know the first things about tactics or organization or planning. So she looked and simply copied what Lady Makime did.

The short pale woman grabbed a villager by their jacket, "We have to work together. You, follow that other villager please."

She pointed at the villager Makime had sent out, letting go and seeing that her villager followed that one. Yes, it seemed to work; They seemed more scared of her than the chaos around them. Score.

D7, ME, Event roll, Battle/Perception, unskilled 4k4 | 4k4 ⇒ 27 (TN: 20) (fluff pass on battle)

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:31 am
by Jiyo Sora
Assuming the Harbinger hasn't utterly kicked his ass in an earlier thread, Sora decided to act a runner.

And true to form, despite being one of the oldest samurai present, he was also among the most tireless.

[Classic "should have called both Raises I was capable of" result Athletics/Stamina for Getting the Word Out, TN 20 | 7k4 ⇒ 70 (TN: 20)]

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 12:38 pm
by Hisomu Reo
Reo doesn't consider himself the best with money. No one as coming to him with investment ideas, and any forays into being a merchant was long past. Still, as Ninube was gone most of the time on missions, that had left him in charge of logistics and budgeting for the Seekers, along with feeding and clothing a bevy of children. Logistics was something he was used to.


D7 ME Moving Day - Supply Lines - Commerce/Intelligence TN 20 - VP for Phantom rank | 5k4 ⇒ 30 (TN: 20) Pass!

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:08 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Though carrying his whole kit, Akutou charges to the outskirts of town, moving with remarkable speed as he arrives at a pair of homes, bellowing out "Git on, y'all! Trouble's a-comin', an' you ain't gonna wanna see it when it do!"

Perhaps because they recognize him, or perhaps because they recognize he's right, the residents gather their things and proceed towards the growing throng of evacuees-to-be.

Athletics with one Raise passed at 40,
Two houses rounded up.

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:01 pm
by Shiba Kumori
After reporting back to the group of the direction of the Imperial encampment outside of the village Kumori listened intently to the orders.

They’d need someone to run who still had strength… Someone to warn the people and direct them to safety…

She doffed her armor… It wouldn’t serve her as she ran… she would need speed and endurance to reach everyone she could.

She then set off… Shining through the streets of the village, calling out to any and all.

She reached the home of her hosts, Yoshie and Daisuke, and directed them towards the way out.

She would serve the people… with all her strength, heart, and stamina.


D7 ME, Moving Day, Ath/Sta, VP, Daredevil, 1 Raise | 8k5 ⇒ 25 (TN: 25)

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:25 pm
by Saru Shang
Shang unfortunately was perhaps the worst person to ask when it came to managing stock of what to bring. She had always been a bit of a pack rat where every little thing mattered. All journies required a memento! How else would you remember where you've been and show others proof? They would also make good future gifts, allowing the person to regale your audience with a tale of how you've come across this particular branch and what it meant on your journey. This was doubly important when Blue Lotus Village was likely going to cease existing after this, one way or another. These things could belong in some sort of museum-like facility!

Unfortunately, taking too much is sometimes just as bad as not bringing anything of use at all.

Day 7 - Mid Evening, Moving Day, Commerce/Intelligence: Unskilled + 1K1 with void (2/4) | 4k4 ⇒ 14 (TN: 20) Failed!

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:44 pm
by Hisomu Tadaka
Seeing Makime and Reo handling the organization side of things, Tadaka decided to run and tell the villagers. But damn was this a lot. Like was it always this far to the villagers homes? Like this was a lot. Was Jigoku sucking the air from the him? Clearly, he was in some sort of Jigoku trap. He went back assured that his fellow samurai probably have already saved the villagers.

Moving Day Athletics/Stamina VOID 1 Raise | 5k4 ⇒ 19 (TN: 20)

Re: Moving Day [D7, ME, Event; Non-Thunders]

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:43 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
After hurriedly helping Shizuku pack her things, Ayako began running to the outlying farmhouses to get the word out.

“Come on!” she exhorted them. “We’re getting out of here! You’ll be safe with us, but you gotta move!”

“B-but my water buffalo!!” wailed one of the farmers. “It’s all we’s got!”

“Leave it!!” the young Crab snapped, then instantly regretted it as the farmer’s young son started wailing in terror.

“Oh, all right, fine, the water buffalo can come,” Ayako said, relenting with a huge sigh. How did she get into these situations? Grabbing the farmer’s son, she lifted the boy onto the broad back of the water buffalo and began to herd the whole group towards the rally point for the evacuation.

7ME Moving Day, Getting the Word out, Stamina/Athletics with 1 raise for more houses, Void Point for +1k1 TN25 | 6k5 ⇒ 40 (TN: 25) succeeds with 1 raise