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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Her eyes narrowed in an instant as she turned to look at him, “What is it you see?”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"I see a girl struggling with a lot of things, the last of which should be a bit of jealousy", he said and puffed a tired smoke ring. "I followed your vixen tail here under orders, it's true, but I wouldn't be having a good time of it unless I had my own reasons."

He looked back at her.

"There's a problem with that, I would think though. You being a princess and all. Or am I wrong?"
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »


She reeled back in surprise.

“It’s not…!” She started speaking in a voice too loud for how far he sat away from her.

“You’re the one that brought up some other person in some sort of negative comparison.” She got out in a more controlled voice.

She puffed up her chest a bit and continued, “I don’t think you have any idea what is and isn’t possible with a ‘Princess’.”

She turned back to the woods, “And I promise you buster… if I was interested in you like that, you’d know it!”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Yes, you'd just sweep me off my feet and take me back to your castle, simple as that, huh?" he was smiling.

I bet her birth mother would love that.
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“If you were worth the hassle? Sure, why not?” She asked.

“Something wrong with you? Something special about ‘princesses’ that make us better?”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"I wonder", he scratched his chin in thought. He hoped he didn't have to explain politics to the Emperor's daughter. Still, her attitude made him happy, almost awake, even.

"You know", he said after a bit. "No matter what does actually happen, you're still my companion. Wanted to make sure I said that "
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“Okay…” She replied with a slightly confused expression.

“We are traveling companions until we aren’t…”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

Norikage stared at her blankly.

Is subtext not a thing where she comes from? Or maybe she's the only one terrible at it and that's why she left?

"Right, forget it." He stood up, feeling like an idiot.
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“No.” She persists.

“What are you trying to say?”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Yeah you really are a princess", he snorted and shook his head.

Turning about he leaned down and looked her right in the eyes, like he had many times before to try and playfully make her feel uncomfortable. To keep her off balance. To keep her from thinking of why he was following her around when he couldn't talk about it.

But this time he wasn't doing that. He just stared. And smiled. He was looking to unsettle her in a much more honest way now. He was too tired for tricks, but too annoyed with her to capitulate and say it.
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

As he looked into her eyes she first peered back in annoyance. She had seen this gimmick before and it was entirely unentertaining by now.

But as he held the gaze, she felt something waver ever so slightly in her. Questions… Was he really serious?

Eventually she blinked first. She turned her gaze outward again, and then further to the side away from him.

Her silence was proof of her unsettled reaction…
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"... So there you have it. Not that much of a big deal, I guess right?"

He sat back down on the log next to her silently. "Shame we can't see the moon, huh?"

It would be nice to have something else to talk about
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“My dad says the moon was kind of a jerk…” She replied simply as she looked out into the woods.

A small smirk slid onto the side of her mouth.
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Oh yeah, what's the story with ol' gramps? He withholding inheritance or something?"

He'd heard it, but it was nice to call Lord Moon gramps just the same.
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“Something like that. Got real hangry one night… stayed that way for a long time.” She replied with her same smirk.

“You’re not the baby-eating type, right?”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"I've gobbled up a babe or two, sure", he said nodding smugly.
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

She chuckled once and then leaned forward, putting her elbows on her knees.

After a moment she said, “In all seriousness… I don’t know what is happening or not… it’s not all that relevant. But, your friend with the cat-eyes. You might want to check on her if you haven’t. I heard she got real messed up.”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"What do you mean, messed up?" he asked, scowling a little.
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“You probably heard about the stampede and all the commotion it drummed up…” She started.

“Apparently some… twisted… wolves had come down scaring all the wildlife.” She continued.

“Ryoshun-san went out with a few others to fight the wolves. I hear she got chewed up real bad… Alive… but hurt real bad.”
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Re: Unmasked Conversation (D2, LE)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

The idiot.

He gave his companion a glance. Considering the circumstances, he didn't want to make a big deal out of her being alright. Yet to him it didn't seem fair for her to bring up Yukara, not right then, not after the 'conversation' they'd just had.

"I'll have to go see her tomorrow", he muttered. "I can't do a think for her tonight, not like this." He was too tired to be anything but honest.
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