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Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:24 am
by Otomo Akutou
In his mind, Akutou hears the O-Iemoto comment on the marginal adequacy of his advance.

I know, sir.

Stealth 24,

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:10 am
by Nanzi Ai
Stealth seemed... undignified. She walked quietly yet proudly. She did not like this, but understood that it was not outside the bounds of proper behavior.

OOC: Stealth Sneaking Untrained | 3k3 ⇒ 23

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:24 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Goju was so silent you could almost forget he was there.

Stealth | 10k5 ⇒ 49

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:32 am
by Canary
There's light at the beginning of the cave, but as you move deeper, it gets much darker.

[You need a light to be able to see farther.]

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:08 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Goju silently waits for Satsuki bring the fire. That was how the kami worked, right?

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:42 am
by Otomo Akutou
There goes sneakin', thinks Akutou.

"Anybody got a light?" he whispers.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:42 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku signaled at Satsuki to see if she could do something to illuminate the cave.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:34 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki blinked at first, then realised no one had brought a torch. Oh right, I guess torches isn't something normally needed for stealthy missions! Now it made sense.

Using her knife, she made a cut in the palm of her hand. The blood was drawn into a circle and she held the palm up toward the sky. "Grandmother Amaterasu, cast your divine light on this place and drive away the dark."

If everything worked as it should, the cave would light up for quite a distance.


D3 MA. Casting Gift of Amaterasu. Raising once for range, and once for duration | 6k4 ⇒ 32 (TN: 20) (3 Wounds)
Duration: 15 minutes
Area of effect: 75' radius sphere inside the cave

Code: Select all

Gift of Amaterasu

Ring/Mastery: Fire 1 (Defense)
Range: 50’
Area of Effect: 50’ radius sphere
Duration: 10 minutes
Raises: Range (+25’ per Raise), Duration (+5 minutes per Raise)
This spell is a prayer to Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, asking her to bestow her favor on the caster in the form of radiant Fire kami. (In the twelfth century, when Amaterasu is superceded first by Yakamo and then by the Jade Sun, the name and forms of this spell changes, but the effects remain the same.) Once the prayer is completed, warm sunlight blazes down on the chosen area, bathing it in full daylight even if it is at night, indoors, or underground. This spell is particularly popular among shugenja who are assigned to assist in the protection of castles and other vital locations, since a sudden blaze of daylight can bea very effective deterrent to thieves, assassins, and spies.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:39 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku squinted at the sudden burst of light, but peered into the now illuminated cave.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:09 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Ai shielded her eyes briefly, once adjusted she peered inside.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:48 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Akutou shifts to the side of the cave, helping to preserve his vision and limit possible avenues of attack.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:02 pm
by Hisomu Tadaka
Goju was ahead of Satsuki and wasn't as blinded by the light. He still tried to retain his stealth as much as he could.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:48 pm
by Canary
The cave goes deeper, into a winding corridor. A little while of walking, and it opens out to a ledge on the edge of a large underground lake. It's hard to see the ceiling, but around the water level, you can see deposits and veins of what appear to be dreamstone, given their milky, oddly colored iridescence reflecting the light. It creates a play of shifting rainbow colors in patterns that make no sense based on their shape.

You also find yourself starting to feel a little sleepy.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:16 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Ai starts making her way back and said, "We should not linger here."

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:32 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku's eyes widened as Satsuki's light revealed what he had feared.

Mother of the Kami
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:16 pm
Ai starts making her way back and said, "We should not linger here."
He nodded at Ai's suggestion. "Mark the location of this cave. We have to destroy this but not today." he grimaced "Unless Togashi-San can bring the cave in and purify the water we best retreat. I will redact a report and we will see what are the next steps to take."

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:45 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki was staring too at the sight that the sun's light revealed. "What the fuck..."

She stifled a forced and unpleasant yawn. "No... not without some more shugenja for a ritual. It would take quite some time to cause a cave-in here," she said with a shake of her head.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:33 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Akutou looks back out the way they came in, checking to see if company has arrived.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:09 pm
by Canary
Otomo Akutou wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:33 pm
Akutou looks back out the way they came in, checking to see if company has arrived.
The way back looks empty.

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:06 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Goju looks to see if he can see any tracks in the cave. Maybe that wolf came from here. Maybe something else has been here.

Looking for Tracks Hunting/Percp | 6k4 ⇒ 27

Re: Into the wilds [D3 MA] (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:01 pm
by Canary
Hisomu Goju wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:06 am
Goju looks to see if he can see any tracks in the cave. Maybe that wolf came from here. Maybe something else has been here.

Looking for Tracks Hunting/Percp | 6k4 ⇒ 27
He can see a slight furrow down the middle of the path. With his expertise in boats, Goju recognizes that it must have been some kind of small, narrow boat.