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Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 11:37 pm
by Ukyou
A pair of monks walked along the bank of the creek that was relatively wide, but not quite a river yet. One was small and slight in build, with slightly feminine features, but carried himself with the confidence of someone ready to take on the world. The brass rings on his staff jingles as they walked.

The other trailed slightly behind him, much taller, with dark hair and skin along with bright green eyes. He looked around the area as they walked. "This place feels like it's own little pocket of the world." He glanced to the side and sighed. "It seems... quiet. Is this really the place?"

"It is... Things will be decided here. Well. Not here here," replied the other, glancing back.

"It feels to peaceful for that," the man following replied before crouching down and picking up a black feather with a smirk. "Stressed?"

"Well, this isn't exactly going the way- give me that!" They reached out and took the feather, turning red. "You're my student now, remember? Cheeky bastard."

The other man just grinned as they continued walking."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:09 am
by Jiyo Sora
"You must be joking."

The speaker's voice had a certain harshness to it, a sign that however one conducted one's latter years, spending your first twenty or so learning to howl Hikaru war-cries and snarl at people left an impact.

But his tone was more.... exasperated than anything else as Sora emerged from the cover of the deeper forest.

"I drag myself across half the damn Empire, and yet somehow, somehow, the first people I meet on the way to Shinsei's appointment are..." He paused. The eyebrow above his inhuman right eye... twitched as he regarded Ukyou. He regarded Ukyou for a long, level moment. "... a pair of monks. Didn't he invite anyone else to this mess, or is this just meant to be an exceptionally inconvenient get-together of old friends?"

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:13 am
by Wu Zhe
At a distance a little dancing light could be seen piercing through the fog. Bobbing from left to right the little flame seemed to be getting closer and with it the sound of bells. Not a clear and crystalline sound, it was slightly muted.

Then there came the distinct moo of a cow

''We will be there soon if we don't take anymore breaks'' a calm voice answered the animal

Soon enough an armored man in a wide-brimmed hat and green clothes came in sight, a lantern perched on his bronze spear. Following him was a trio of mountain cows, one of them male if the horns where any indication. On top of it, lounged a red panda.

After a serious yawn, the dragon bushi noticed old imperial and the odd pair of monks.

''Good afternoon'' he said with a smile and a cheer

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:16 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Well that settles it, definitely an inconvenient get-together of old friends. OI! Zhe-san! I see you brought enough milk for everyone..."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:19 am
by Nanzi Ai
Nanzi-Ai-Music.jpg (56.3 KiB) Viewed 262 times
Ai sat by the river as the monks made their way towards her, or perhaps destiny had placed her at just the right moment to be in their path. The Heavens work in strange ways, she adjusted the tuning on her shamisen and then continued to playing. It was a nice break from being on the constant go, long days on the road taught her to take respites when she could.

Plus the village was not far now, she could take a moment for herself.

Not far at all.

She sang her song as she played, “Who would you die for… who would you lie for? This ain’t the Tao, cause I got a long sword, a long sword… don't ever mess with me, cause I got enemies… oh I got enemies… and Nobody’s there for me…”

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:22 am
by Ukyou
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:09 am
"I drag myself across half the damn Empire, and yet somehow, somehow, the first people I meet on the way to Shinsei's appointment are..." He paused. The eyebrow above his inhuman right eye... twitched as he regarded Ukyou. He regarded Ukyou for a long, level moment. "... a pair of monks. Didn't he invite anyone else to this mess, or is this just meant to be an exceptionally inconvenient get-together of old friends?"
He got a brief hit of vision - black feathers, a waterfall, beady eyes staaaaaaring at him... then a series of caws like laughter - when he came back, the smaller monk had a shit eating grin like could imagine that crow having back then. "Old friends? Why, I don't know that we've ever met, Jiyo-san. I am Ukyou, and this is my student, Kichi. We're here quite without invitation, though, I'm afraid. Did we need one?"
Wu Zhe wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:13 am
''Good afternoon'' he said with a smile and a cheer
Ukyou raised his staff. "Good afternoon, Dragon-san!" He looked over. "And a Crane! It's a busy route, it seems."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:25 am
by Kichi
The tall, dark man, apparently Kichi, rolled his eyes at Ukyou's antics. He does bow to everyone, though. "Jiyo-sama, Wu-Sama, Doji-sama." His bow to Ai is a little deeper.

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:29 am
by Wu Zhe
Zhe smiled wide. He remembred Jiyo Sora and, for someone so close to the Emperor, had found him to be fairly amiable and down to earth.

''Milk, cheese and more.'' he replied to the imperial, indicating to the numerous sacks the animals were carrying with them. ''A gift for the village. I figured they might be wary if a bunch of armed strangers appearing at their doorstep and since the specter of famine looms over many, a bit extra would be useful and welcomed anyway.''

When the tall monk bowed to him, Wu Zhe bowed back


Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:31 am
by Nanzi Ai
She continued:

"So, Mother, forgive me, for You know that I am always sinnin',
I take no interest, partyin' with liquor, fuckin' up my system...
Excuse my language, that's a hang up on how shitty I been dreamin'
I'm sorry I feel no attraction, I know that it's been a minute..."

"'Cause I've been so low for so long,
Oh-oh, yeah, yeah...
'Cause I've been so low for so long
Oh, oh-oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.."

She finished when addressed.
Kichi wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:25 am
The tall, dark man, apparently Kichi, rolled his eyes at Ukyou's antics. He does bow to everyone, though. "Jiyo-sama, Wu-Sama, Doji-sama." His bow to Ai is a little deeper.
She gave him a bow and stood as she was included in this, "Warmest greetings, minna-sama. I pray the day finds you all well and you have been blessed with rice."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:34 am
by Jiyo Sora
Ukyou wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:22 am
"Old friends? Why, I don't know that we've ever met, Jiyo-san. I am Ukyou, and this is my student, Kichi. We're here quite without invitation, though, I'm afraid. Did we need one?"
"Oh, come now, given the warm ties between the Boss and the Little Teacher, I feel like we're all old friends here."

He peered at Kichi.

Seemed to see something familiar there too, but kept his mouth shut, and simply returned the bow.

Wu Zhe wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:29 am
''A gift for the village. I figured they might be wary if a bunch of armed strangers appearing at their doorstep and since the specter of famine looms over many, a bit extra would be useful and welcomed anyway.''
Sora gave an approving nod.

"You do Wu proud, Zhe-san."

As they approached Ai, he cocked his head to the side.

"I seem doomed to encounter familiar faces wherever I turn... albeit a bit older than the last time we met."

Which in Ai's case had been for about three minutes, fifteen years prior.

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:38 am
by Nanzi Ai
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:34 am
As they approached Ai, he cocked his head to the side.

"I seem doomed to encounter familiar faces wherever I turn... albeit a bit older than the last time we met."

Which in Ai's case had been for about three minutes, fifteen years prior.
“Jiyo Sora, Imperial Librarian or is it Historian? My honored father said we may cross paths on this venture. Wu-san, warmest greetings as well. This one is Nanzi Ai, called here by Destiny… or perhaps the natural beauty in the land, who can say?” she replied.

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:40 am
by Jiyo Sora
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:38 am
“Jiyo Sora, Imperial Librarian or is it Historian? My honored father said we may cross paths on this venture. Wu-san, warmest greetings as well. This one is Nanzi Ai, called here by Destiny… or perhaps the natural beauty in the land, who can say?” she replied.
Sora bowed, correctly. Whatever his issues with Doji and Nanzi, he, as always, did his best to leave their kids out of it.

"Merely a librarian, Nanzi-san. My wife is the historian. Safe journey?"

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:42 am
by Ukyou
Wu Zhe wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:29 am
Zhe smiled wide. He remembred Jiyo Sora and, for someone so close to the Emperor, had found him to be fairly amiable and down to earth.

''Milk, cheese and more.'' he replied to the imperial, indicating to the numerous sacks the animals were carrying with them. ''A gift for the village. I figured they might be wary if a bunch of armed strangers appearing at their doorstep and since the specter of famine looms over many, a bit extra would be useful and welcomed anyway.''

When the tall monk bowed to him, Wu Zhe bowed back

"Ahhh... Both wise and generous, Wu-san," Ukyou said with a smile and nod. "I'm sure they will be most grateful."
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:34 am
"Oh, come now, given the warm ties between the Boss and the Little Teacher, I feel like we're all old friends here."

He peered at Kichi.

Seemed to see something familiar there too, but kept his mouth shut, and simply returned the bow.
Ukyou grinned. "I am very flattered that the storied hero who faced Hell itself, Jiyo Sora, feels such familiarity toward us."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:44 am
by Nanzi Ai
“I am honored by the concern, Jiyo-sama, but it was not overly unpleasant. And it has ended with meeting a stout hero of the Empire, a man who plucked Hisomu-ojisan from hell itself. My family will always be grateful for your Courage,” she responded warmly.

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:44 am
by Kichi
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:34 am
Seemed to see something familiar there too, but kept his mouth shut, and simply returned the bow.
Familiar, but distinctly different from the last time he saw something.
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:38 am
“Jiyo Sora, Imperial Librarian or is it Historian? My honored father said we may cross paths on this venture. Wu-san, warmest greetings as well. This one is Nanzi Ai, called here by Destiny… or perhaps the natural beauty in the land, who can say?” she replied.
"There's a great deal to be had of both in this place."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:49 am
by Jiyo Sora
Go into the heart of the Realm of Evil one time, hear about it for the rest of your life...

"Given what your mother, in particular, does for the Empire, Nanzi-san, I consider that high praise indeed."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:50 am
by Wu Zhe
''Well met Nanzi-sama, I am Wu Zhe.'' he replied with a bow ''If the beauty if the land calls you then there is a lot of travel in your future, I am sure''

Then the monk spoke

''Thank you for your words, Ukyou-sama'' he bowed again ''It is only natural that we help each other in hard times.''

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:51 am
by Kichi
Wu Zhe wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:29 am
When the tall monk bowed to him, Wu Zhe bowed back

[sorry for the double post, missed this]

Kichi shook his head at that. "Please, there's no need for -sama. I'm a mere monk, and a student at that... Though I suppose we all are that until the very end."

He bowed once again at the introductions. "It is an honor to meet all of you."

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:55 am
by Nanzi Ai
Wu Zhe wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:50 am
''Well met Nanzi-sama, I am Wu Zhe.'' he replied with a bow ''If the beauty if the land calls you then there is a lot of travel in your future, I am sure''
That elicited a light laugh, “I have traveled quite a bit already, Wu-san, and the beauty of our Realm never fails to surprise me.”

To Sora she just smiled at the mention of her mother and nodded. She added with a coy smile, “I take it the whispers of Thunder have brought us to this place, or is it something else that compels your journey to this place?”

Re: Going the Long Way [D0 EA, open]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:09 am
by Ukyou
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:55 am
To Sora she just smiled at the mention of her mother and nodded. She added with a coy smile, “I take it the whispers of Thunder have brought us to this place, or is it something else that compels your journey to this place?”
Ukyou's expression turned serious at that. "Whispers of Thunder, indeed. The pull of destiny has brought many here, whether they rumble or not. Whether they know that's why they're here or not."