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Memories of Divinity Past [D1 MN]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:24 pm
by Hisomu Reo
Reo limps down to the river bank, a few tools in his pouch and a lantern in the other. It was impossible to resist the call of the mystery in this place, and Shinsei had announced that a clock was ticking. The forces of Yume-Jigoku would be coming, and all would need to be ready. That meant little chance to wait. Surely, that was why his thoughts were still churning at this hour of the night. As an advantage, it meant that no one would be around to see.

"Relax Reo, the worst that can happen is that you waste something that cost a quarter of your last stipend. And become Tainted, losing your family and home or becoming a monster that would kill them. Standard day"

Pulling out a mortar and pestle, Reo sets them along the riverbed. Then, with a moment of grave pause, he pulls a small white stone from the bag. This was a dreamstone, an object that itself could warp the mind and body. Rather than crumbling, as it had previously, jade now lost its luster. This had been his previous piece, now replaced with a fresh finger. Reo had been thinking of how it might be used.

The stories of the River were that those who drank from it lost memories. If there was a drug in the water, it likely had been washed away with the current. Such an effect seemed potentially spiritual in nature. So what would happen if a spiritual object lost its memory of the trauma it received? Or would it somehow inbue the stone with more power.

"Only one way to find out" Reo pounds the Dreamstone, cracking it into three pieces. Taking the other two for later, Reo takes a few cups. He dips a cup into the river, pulling out a few drams. He carefully pours a few drops of water in, mixing it with the pestle, keeping the lantern close to see the effect.

Re: Memories of Divinity Past [D1 MN]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:58 pm
by Canary
The water in contact with the dreamstone takes on an odd, iridescent sheen. Over time, with the natural movement of the water just moving in, it infuses the water completely, making the liquid in the pestle reflect the lamplight strangely. The dreamstone itself almost seems to melt, disappearing into the liquid.

Re: Memories of Divinity Past [D1 MN]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 3:12 pm
by Hisomu Reo
Reo pauses and observes, attempting to parse out the sheen by the color of the lamplight.

After that, he steps back at arms length and carefully dips his finger of Jade into the concoction.

Re: Memories of Divinity Past [D1 MN]

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:08 pm
by Hisomu Reo
Regardless of the result, Reo will try to set a snare to catch a rabbit or other small mammal.

"Worst case, something to add to the cook pot"

MN set a snare to catch a small animal | 3k2 ⇒ 33