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[Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:51 am
by Saru Shang
After the conclusion of the ceremony where the Thunders were chosen, it seemed like one chapter of the tale would find itself at its conclusion and another will start for the Thunders. That wasn't to say that the others would no longer have any part in their own tales, as there was still plenty of work to do in their Clans, the greater Empire, and even here. Shang had gotten word that Haka Tae-soo was attempting to purify the river and she was curious enough to follow up on his progress.

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:11 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Saru Shang wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:51 am
The Dragon would find the oldest Haka squatting down by the river's bank, not far from where their tent was set. He held a wooden bowl on one hand, running it through the water slowly while apparently whispering something.

As he hears something behind him, he stops and tries at the same time to pull the bowl back and turn around, and, somewhat awkwardly, almost loses grip of the bowl, but manages to hold it back and places it besides him at the riverbank, a small amount of water collected on its bottom. He then finally turns around and straightens himself to bow at the one arriving. "Saru Shang-nim. A pleasure to see you again."

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:42 pm
by Saru Shang
Shang squinted her eyes in the dark as she tried to make out Haka by the river before approaching. It perhaps didn't occur to her until now that being out here in the evening wasn't the greatest idea but there were thankfully no incidents on her walk. She would bow back and offer a small smile. "Good evening, Haka-san. I would be surprised that you're out here this late but your dedication to the river is obvious. Just as we have our heroes venturing toward battle, there are still heroes needed elsewhere."

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:05 am
by Haka Tae-soo
Saru Shang wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:42 pm
Shang squinted her eyes in the dark as she tried to make out Haka by the river before approaching. It perhaps didn't occur to her until now that being out here in the evening wasn't the greatest idea but there were thankfully no incidents on her walk. She would bow back and offer a small smile. "Good evening, Haka-san. I would be surprised that you're out here this late but your dedication to the river is obvious. Just as we have our heroes venturing toward battle, there are still heroes needed elsewhere."
It almost seems like it's the Dragon's smile that brings worry and a furrowed brow to the young man's face. "Ne... many heroes are needed, geureochi?" A small, uncertain smirk pulls at the corner of his lips for a moment. "Do you feel it, Saru Shang-nim? Feel you are one? Can be one?" The smirk grows into a grin, but a humourless one. "I keep wondering..."

Grasping the bowl again, he leans closer to the river, runs it through the river again, filling it with more water now.

"About many things, really. The river hurting here... is it only the corrupted stones? Is there something else? With the dreaming spilling into the land... maybe there's something else?"

He looks at the water in the bowl. "Would Halmeoni's purification rituals remove the corruption? Should I try?..."

He looks at the Dragon again. "Ah. Joesong, Saru Shang-nim, I started rambling... you seemed interested in the river as well, ne? Also grown up by the Riverside?", he asks with a tentative slightly warmer smile.

(OOC: Ugh, had forgotten to subscribe to this thread and completely missed the answer here earlier!)

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 6:33 am
by Saru Shang
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Wed Nov 15, 2023 5:05 am
"Aha," she said in realization with a small chuckle. "I suppose even now, the guessing game isn't lost on us even with the Thunders chosen. They don't hold a monopoly on that aspect naturally. There will be many future causes to champion and those will need their own heroes. As for me, I don't know for sure! Perhaps I'm just forever fated to be a witness."

She gave a shrug and her gaze went down to the bowl once more. At the moment, watching Tae-soo tend to the river seemed like a good enough distraction from the potential doom and gloom that loomed over them. The assumption is that there will be a future. She did wonder if that was the same reason that brought Tae-soo here.

"With so much running water, you'd think that the corruption would have found itself washed away like drops of ink in a lake. Not that I'm an expert at how that influence travels. I don't know what you wouldn't try. I suppose if you were to funnel or filter out the water after it gets touched in the lake, would that not unredo the effects?" She waved off a hand, realizing she a speaking out of her depths. "Or something to that effect!"

"There is indeed a river where I'm from," she nodded. "It was a place where I would typically have my meals, do my writing or merely just think. So I suppose, it's perhaps why I found myself drawn to this place and concerned at the same time. It's a bit..." She paused to find the right word for her thoughts. "...fascinating? Pitiful? Strange? That such a river would find itself twisted enough that it drains the joy from such nostalgia."

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:42 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
He takes the bowl in his hands, shakes it around while he listens to her, making the water whirl around.

"Saru Shang-nim has helped create parts of the scrolls for that ritual in the notes Satsuki-nim deciphered, geureochi?", he notes halfway through, a small, thoughtful smile lingering on the corner of his lips. Was that still just witnessing? The question may perhaps be read on his face, if Shang turns to look, but it isn't voiced.

"It is strange, isn't it?", he then says when she mentions the lingering corruption. "Blood, ink, the rests of what we consumed, even those who passed. The elders always said ig could lead to taint and decay if we let too much of that into the river at the same time. But as the river is always renewing itself, it would take the old to their renewal, and bring new life. That this doesn't happen here..."

He looked at the river, still swirling the water in the bowl around. "Maybe it's more than the River can deal with on its own? Maybe that's why it's asking for help..."

He let's the bowl rest for a moment, takes a knife, cuts his hand rests ot on the water. Another small tentative smile at the woman as he makes moves his hand around in small circles inside the bowl. "It is sad, isn't it? I wonder if it's selfish of me, but it still..." Another look at the river, as one would look at a loved friend facing troubles. "It's no joyful occasion, but I still feel happy being able to be here. And hopefully do something..."

Although... could they really do something? Was that just an Illusion?

He whispers a few words, his hand still moving the water around in the bowl. A wrinkle appears on his forehead, he apologises, apparently to the water itself, another cut is done and the process is repeated. This time, the water seems to keep moving even after he stops moving his hand, and he keeps whispering for a while longer.

"I wonder if Gangmul-sshi will be able to... 'unredo' the effects on itself", he says with a small chuckle. "... should we try?", he says, nodding his head indicating the water while he looks at Shang again.

He keeps his eyes on the water as he waits for the water to stop moving. "May I ask what brought you here, Saru Shang-nim? And... what you.... what you think comes after, I suppose."

Attempt 1
D6 ME - Casting Purification of the Kami. 3 Raises... mostly for Fluff, as there isn't an option to 'improve the purification' or remove Taint. 4 wounds | 8k4 ⇒ 22 (TN: 25)

Attempt 2
D6 ME - Casting Purification of the Kami. 3 Raises... mostly for Fluff, as there isn't an option to 'improve the purification' or remove Taint. 4 more wounds... 3/4 water slots used now | 8k4 ⇒ 52 (TN: 25)

11/57 Wounds taken if I'm remembering previous castings correctly.

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:09 pm
by Saru Shang
Shang smiled faintly back at Tae-son and chuckled softly. "Well, I suppose I was able to help in that regard. Admittedly, that was something made possible as a collective effort with everyone's help. I suppose my part in it was like something of a commission, almost? In a way, I'm still wondering if I am needed further in this tale or if my part in this story is completed already? Of course, I still have my own story to tell, to be clear!"

"It doesn't look stagnant," she murmured as she squinted her eyes at the sight of the lake in the evening darkness. Well, she couldn't see it now but every other time, it looked like a perfectly normal lake almost. Except for those shapes she saw in the garden, there was that. "And it's not selfish in the slightest if what you're doing for yourself is also of aid to others. True selfishness is giving absolutely nothing back in return for what you've given."

When Tae-soo worked his blood magic on the water, she would watch curiously for any obvious effects. Without being a shugenja, she could only see so much with the naked eye, which was likely nothing at all.

She blinked at the question. "Here? Like the river? Oh, you mean the village itself? I suppose I've been wanting to see more of the Kami Empire outside of the Dragon lands. I know of tales from my parents and those before me of a time when there were no Kami, no Clans and no borders. How they would roam the land freely and try to survive. Everything was new and everything was an adventure. In effect, I'm looking for those sorts of emotions and trying to recapture that spirit. But now, I suppose what comes after really depends on what comes after..."

There a moment she would muster a smile, but out of concern, for Matsu. It would be foolish to ignore the risks but it would also eat her inside if she thought about them too long.

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:25 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Saru Shang wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 7:09 pm
The Dragon's words widen the tribal Scorpion's smile a fair bit. "I suppose we're not used to an entirely clear separation between 'yourself' and 'others'.." He shakes his head. "Aniyo... that sounds silly. Of course I know I'm one person, Ha-yeong another, Halmeoni was another one, and our neighbours who made the best rice noodles weren't ourselves, not in that way." A weak, maybe nervous chuckle. "But we're used to... being a part of something? Drops in the river, part of it even while outside?"

He shakes his head agian. "This... it's hard to explain. Probably sounds silly, like most of our..." Another shake of his head, followed by looking down. Was that acceptance that their ways were strange? Somehow less? Was that what the future held, then?

He kept quiet while Shang spoke about coming here, her goals. That what she said would resonate with what was going on inside him like that was rather unexpected - and his face probably betrayed that thinking.

Tomorrow really did stand in like a wall between now and any clear image of the future, though. It was a hard truth even while unspoken. And Shang had just taken that wall from the unspoken to the reality of words.

A slow, hesitant nod. "Ne..." He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but no more words seemed to come out. It was as if speaking more about it made the wall rise higher. In the end, he just nodded again - more firmly this time, ostensibly to Shang, maybe even more so to himself. It was as if he was somehow trying to reaffirm that there would be a future. What could they do now other than that?

Another look at the water provided a suggestion. He exchanged some more whispered words with it. Only some of them audible - Offer. Pure. Clear. Friend. Share.

He then placed the rather large bowl about halfway between himself and Shang, looked at her, then at its center, nodded again. The suggestion was rather clear as he took it into his hands and slowly brought it closer and closer to his lips.

OOC: Tagged Canary after the spell, will tag again about him actually drinking. The offer to share is there, although it may or may not be clear to Shang :D

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:56 pm
by Saru Shang
"You are right! We are all drops of a grand river of life, perhaps where the water flows is steered by the Kami-Empire and the rocks along the path are the hardships we encounter but we continue to flow down the stream regardless to our ultimate destination. To a lake? Off a waterfall? Evapourate? Hm! It did sound like a rather apt analogy for life until that part," she mused with a few taps of her chin.

"I didn't mean to sound selfish earlier, but I suppose are a storyteller, I kind of view life as a combination of stories to be told. Everyone has the possibility of being the focus of the story and every story has a lesson or an intent to provoke a feeling. At least, ideally in life. I'm sure we will have a story told of us regardless in life, so long as we continue to trudge ahead. Perhaps more so I'm hoping to create a story where the proverbial audience wouldn't get bored while picturing myself in that particular audience. Then again, if that's the only thing I was after, I'm sure I could go around shaking a hornet's nest or fight a bear to make things real interesting for myself but that's not exactly smart," she chuckled.

Shang would look at Tae-soo when he seemed to have gone on an unspoken journey after her words. She did nod back at him, although it seemed uncertain if she agreed or she was making a show of agreement while truly being uncertain of what would happen next.

If Tae-soo hadn't made a show of his work, she supposed she would have doubted drinking from the river was a good idea. However, Tae-soon surely knew what he was doing, right? With that, she would take a conservative taste of the water from the bowl. Hopefully, this would be an optimistic taste of the future.

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:26 am
by Canary
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:42 pm
He takes the bowl in his hands, shakes it around while he listens to her, making the water whirl around.

"Saru Shang-nim has helped create parts of the scrolls for that ritual in the notes Satsuki-nim deciphered, geureochi?", he notes halfway through, a small, thoughtful smile lingering on the corner of his lips. Was that still just witnessing? The question may perhaps be read on his face, if Shang turns to look, but it isn't voiced.

"It is strange, isn't it?", he then says when she mentions the lingering corruption. "Blood, ink, the rests of what we consumed, even those who passed. The elders always said ig could lead to taint and decay if we let too much of that into the river at the same time. But as the river is always renewing itself, it would take the old to their renewal, and bring new life. That this doesn't happen here..."

He looked at the river, still swirling the water in the bowl around. "Maybe it's more than the River can deal with on its own? Maybe that's why it's asking for help..."

He let's the bowl rest for a moment, takes a knife, cuts his hand rests ot on the water. Another small tentative smile at the woman as he makes moves his hand around in small circles inside the bowl. "It is sad, isn't it? I wonder if it's selfish of me, but it still..." Another look at the river, as one would look at a loved friend facing troubles. "It's no joyful occasion, but I still feel happy being able to be here. And hopefully do something..."

Although... could they really do something? Was that just an Illusion?

He whispers a few words, his hand still moving the water around in the bowl. A wrinkle appears on his forehead, he apologises, apparently to the water itself, another cut is done and the process is repeated. This time, the water seems to keep moving even after he stops moving his hand, and he keeps whispering for a while longer.

"I wonder if Gangmul-sshi will be able to... 'unredo' the effects on itself", he says with a small chuckle. "... should we try?", he says, nodding his head indicating the water while he looks at Shang again.

He keeps his eyes on the water as he waits for the water to stop moving. "May I ask what brought you here, Saru Shang-nim? And... what you.... what you think comes after, I suppose."

Attempt 1
D6 ME - Casting Purification of the Kami. 3 Raises... mostly for Fluff, as there isn't an option to 'improve the purification' or remove Taint. 4 wounds | 8k4 ⇒ 22 (TN: 25)

Attempt 2
D6 ME - Casting Purification of the Kami. 3 Raises... mostly for Fluff, as there isn't an option to 'improve the purification' or remove Taint. 4 more wounds... 3/4 water slots used now | 8k4 ⇒ 52 (TN: 25)

11/57 Wounds taken if I'm remembering previous castings correctly.
The water, which had an very subtle sheen to it, clears.

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:02 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Canary wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:26 am

The water, which had an very subtle sheen to it, clears.
(OOC: Does anything happen when Tae-soo and Shang drink the water? Or is it just... water?)

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:05 pm
by Canary
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:02 pm
Canary wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:26 am

The water, which had an very subtle sheen to it, clears.
(OOC: Does anything happen when Tae-soo and Shang drink the water? Or is it just... water?)
[It's just water.]

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:14 pm
by Saru Shang
Shang would perhaps make an exaggerated attempt to taste the water like she was sampling some expensive sake or wine. Ultimately, the water would seem rather mundane and she wouldn't see the big deal that Yumi experienced.

After a moment, she would give a few small nods at Tae-soo. "Unless the effects are more subtler than I thought they would be, I'd say that this is an improvement if it's merely water in the end. Far closer to water than some psychedelic sake, I'd say!"

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:15 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Saru Shang wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:14 pm
The fact that the water in the bowl tastes just as water brings a sequence of reactions to the young man's face. First a small smile. Then thoughtful seriousness, as he considers Shang's first words. Then an actual laugh at her last words, even if just for a moment.

"It does feel that way, doesn't it?", he says, still chuckling a bit. "...That does mean the river is stronger than the poison tainting it" A wide smile. "I'm happy to know that", he says as he touches the water again. "I'm sure you are too, friend. Geureochi? Although I should have known..."

A nod at Shang, then a few whispers.

"The river would be glad to share some of this moment of happiness with us, Saru Shang-nim. If you're willing, of course"

He takes another sip, then extends the bowl to Shang again.

When it's almost empty, he touches his finger to the water again, whispers some more.

The almost empty bowl suddenly seems full again, and he offers it back to the Dragon.

D6 ME - Fluff summon water for sake; 2 raises to have it be sake (still doesn't incur wound penalties, later PtiP still heals all wounds) | 10k5 ⇒ 40 (TN: 20)

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:00 pm
by Saru Shang
"While I was expecting to see what she might have seen..." admitted with an abashed chuckle on the matter as she glanced off. "But yes, I'd say that water being water is an optimistic sign for the future. Especially, when things have been so uncertain recently, I think we're overdue for some normalcy. Interesting is fine and good but when doing mundane things could result you in being a character in a cautionary tale, then we're living in some truly dark times!"

"Hm?" She said quizzically at first when the bowl was given to her, especially when it was filled once more when good water was right in front of them. However, she wasn't going to deny a drink of water if it was going to be offered to her. She would gingerly accept the bowl given to her and take a sip from it. Much to her surprise, it wasn't water at all!

Her eyes fluttered at the surprise. "The river seemed to have read my thoughts, this is very delicious water if that's the case!"

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:02 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Saru Shang wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:00 pm
He nods again at the mention of dark times, but makes no further comment. The water clearing was a good sign, and by now he'd made up his mind that now was a time for celebration.

"Pure might mean different things in the morning before heading out to fish and in the evening of a celebration. So halmeoni used to say", he says after she tastes the new 'water', an almost childlike smile on his lips. "And equally different in the evening before..." He shakes his head. It was not the time to think about dark things.

"I'm happy you enjoy it, Saru Shang-nim", he says instead with another nod, eyes following the river's flow as he waits for her to drink more or share the bowl.

Re: [Day 6 - Mid Evening] Purity of Water (Expecting)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:51 pm
by Saru Shang
It might have felt like a while since she had a few gulps of sake, although that was just yesterday. There was no denying the worrisome events of the last few days were enough to make alcohol more of a necessity in life than complement special occasions. At least, Shang thought so when she took another careful sip from the bowl before handing it back to Tae-soon.

"Thank you, I can't think of a better way to toast and drink to the health of the river. Also, through it, elsewhere in the Empire. May it be healthy and prosperous!" She declared. There was a momentary pause as she considered if the river was connected to other rivers in the Empire but she wasn't going to fuse over the geological layout or reason of the land. The point stood!

"If I may ask one thing of you, Haka-san. I can't say I'm completely familiar with the distinct dialect you have. I know you come from the Scorpion lands, perhaps, but maybe it hails from a specific region or background?" She asked curiously.