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Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:34 pm
by Saru Shang
"I'm not so sure of what will become of Shinsei," she murmured as she glanced off in the vague direction of the Imperial Camp, as if she could take a look at what was going on there. Obviously, it was difficult to see beyond the trees, and rain and several kilometers away, so she gave up on that futile process.

"Anyway, perhaps we had enough of our talk of doom and gloom. I'm sure it's appropriate to our surroundings, around the graves of so many past dead, but we are alive right now. I think I've taken notice of your shamisen playing at the festival the other day, it was very well done! I imagine that you've been practicing for a while. In face, maybe since you were a small toddler, if what I've heard of the Crane is true."

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:18 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"Actually I only took to the instrument in the last few years, I was never particularly interested in the arts beyond the fighting arts when I was younger," she admitted.

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:32 pm
by Saru Shang
"Ah! You did well by my observation, more so than a casual hobby. I suppose I'm a bit of the reverse, where I've trained in art and performance first before moving onto more martial pursuits as of late. Nothing formal or anything in the slightest but perhaps enough to get a vague sense of the warrior spirit. What made you take up the instrument now?"

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:26 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"I went on a warrior's journey for a couple of years to see the Empire and on that journey... an acquaintance offered me the shamisen," she said warmly.

"As a reward for aiding them when needed, and so I decided to learn. I enjoy it, very relaxing and a great way to reduce stress."

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:00 pm
by Saru Shang
"Quite a thoughtful gift. That said, if you were unwilling to learn, it would have made for a rather odd gift. Those things are hard to maintain and even more difficult to play. A flute or a drum would have made for a more accessible instrument. On a day such as today where the moisture seems to wreak havoc on a lot of things, would make it difficult for practice," she smiled apologetically on that note. "I digress...the gift of art is wonderful indeed."

"You mentioned a warrior's journey, may I ask what that entailed? Was this part of your sacred duty?" She brought up curiously.

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:09 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“I...” she paused and searched for words and then continued, “I needed to see more of the Realm, to experience things that my life had shielded me from; it was a chance to learn about myself. I was able to take another name and act in my own capacity. I helped people, saw interesting locales both natural and man-made.”

“I was on this journey for about two years and only recently returned to service within the last year. It was a good experience, and honed my understanding of Bushido and myself.”

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:21 pm
by Saru Shang
"That's admirable, Nanzi-sama and I'm glad that you've made the most of your experience. Those are great reasons to venture out beyond the comforts of home. I would like to think of myself as having a similar journey," she said before letting out an abashed titter. "Perhaps not as adventurous as yours, admittedly. I found that my inspiration was rather lacking at home and they've allowed me to venture out to see new inspirations for my work. It's only been a few months, so I can't say I've even started that lesson. It's been mostly quiet as I've stayed on the roads...well, except now."

"I do hope that when I return, if ever, I find either a greater understanding of myself or the world. Or at least, a full of inspiration," she chuckled.

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:34 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"Coming here should give you a great deal of inspiration, so many luminaries and heroes assembled in place," she replied.

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:46 am
by Saru Shang
"Oh, I suppose the silver lining of destiny bringing us together for this purpose is that I least got to meet people from all over the Kami Empire without getting an invitation to a grand Winter Court. It seems the most interesting people have found their way here, including some individuals who apparently were present at the arrival of the Kami. Well, that's probably mostly Jiyo Sora-sama," she chortled a little before continuing on.

"There are other individuals of different backgrounds. Such as yourself, Nanzi-sama. By the end of this, I do hope to get an idea of where they came from, what they miss and the reason that they fight."

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:48 am
by Nanzi Ai
"Oh... and what do you miss and why do you fight, Saru-san?" she responded.

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:50 am
by Saru Shang
"That's a good question..." she said before turning pensive of the question. "I have to admit ever since leaving home, I haven't exactly grown homesick yet. Maybe I haven't been gone long enough or maybe I have grown more accustomed to being abroad. The Dragon mountains are terribly cold if I say to myself, so I do enjoy the relatively warmer weather. The road is full of strangers, many small settlements who aren't enlightened in the same way as I am. I probably consider myself different than my peers, so perhaps my life is full of strangers."

She gave the matter some further thought before offering a shrug of her shoulders as couldn't think of one. At the moment, at least.

"As for why I fight, am I fighting right now? On what front? For what? The Kami Empire at large? It does concern me that the world as we know it might cease to be if we did nothing to stand against the darkness. I might not know much of the land beyond the Dragon lands but I was still hoping to see much of it, acquaint myself with the other Clans and most importantly, continue to collect inspiration for my work. It will be all for naught if this all ceases to be. I suppose that will cease all reasons to be too, so to speak." She said shaking her head in dismay.

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:01 am
by Nanzi Ai
“As a bushi I would say every day is a battle, though some battles are much easier than others. I find fighting for a nebulous Realm or something else grand is far too impersonal. I fight for those I know, my friends… my Lord, my family, even just a peasant I just met if they are endangered. Putting a face or name to a thing gives it weight and importance in my eyes,” she said honestly.

“We fight for each other in this place, because we need each other. It may come down to Nine Thunders but those Nine will not get to where they need to be without all of us supporting them.”

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:00 pm
by Saru Shang
"Are these battles always against something that in front of you, that's made itself obvious as a threat that you must strike down with your sword?" She said curiously at first before shaking her head. "I take it that's likely not the case, then what are these smaller battles? Just merely building a connection with those around you to empower both them and yourself? If that's the case, I suppose that's something we should all be doing, regardless of the impending darkness or not! We all risk fragmenting into loners if we never saw a need to support each other."

She sighed softly with a serious nod. "This Nine Thunders business just makes this need more important than ever. I guess to answer your previous question, my fight is for the people? I don't mean that in the same manner of folk hero who wanders the land, slaying monsters, but perhaps people as a collective concept?"

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:38 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"Wherever you find your source of Courage and inspiration, use it," she sad warmly. "This is a battle that will not be won by just strength of arms, I know that for sure."

"You are here because we need you."

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:51 pm
by Saru Shang
"I would imagine son, Nanzi-sama. At least, I would hope that's the case! Or else destiny would have likely lured a whole army or band of hardened warriors to the village. I would hope that this would be no mere accident! That said, I think I could be capable of fending for myself if it comes to it, so long that you have me standing a few yards from the actual threat." She smiled sheepishly at that.

"Thank you, that is heartwarming to hear," she said with a small dip of her head and a faint blush. "Of course, I assume you mean the collective we and you. As in you, I, and the Empire."

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:53 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"Of course, and there is no shame in being away from the enemy... actually rather smart, swords hurt," she said chuckling.

Re: [Day 4 - Early Afternoon] Mood Immersion

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:24 pm
by Saru Shang
"If they use swords, I'm sure," she said with a faint sigh in her breath, recalling that whole bit about mutant wolf hybrids. It seems that their means of dealing harm weren't always going to be conventional or even mundane. "But we'll make do with everyone's skills and use when the time comes."

"I should let you get back to your patrols, Nanzi-sama. Thank you very much for your company, thankfully my visit here wasn't overly," she said as she glanced at the grave markers. "dreadful, let's say. And thank you for the conversation. I will do my part in the coming days, much like exemplars like you will be doing the same."