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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru didn't quite smile, but the corners of his lips curled upwards, just the tiniest bit. "When Satsuki-sama and I first met, she mistook me for..." Hikaru swallowed, "-someone else. She hugged me." He did smile then, chuckling softly. "I couldn't remember ever being so shocked. At yet, I think, somehow I knew then. I didn't know I knew, but I knew."

His frown returned as Anjing went on. "It's not like that." Hikaru said, frowning. His lips parted, but then closed. He knew it wasn't like that; doing tasks to prove himself seemed entirely right to him. But he could not explain why, and so he did not attempt to do so.

It was only with this last that Hikaru finally realized what physical compatibility meant. "Oh." He said. "Oh. Oh." There was a brief pause as Hikaru ran back through the conversation. Once or twice his eyes widened. Finally, he cleared his throat. "Ah... she and I... have behaved honorably." Hikaru said, his handsome features seemingly set in a wince. "But I do not doubt our compatibility." He covered any further embarrassment with a sip of tea. Actually, a gulp. Actually, he slowly drank the rest of it.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:27 am
"Doubtless that must have been very surprising for you." Anjing remained strongly pro-hug, given the right time and place.

"But it sounds like a wholesome meeting, a good point for a beginning. Perhaps a good story to tell in later years."
Watching Hikaru's expressions was a rare treat and Anjing was kind enough to not laugh, instead nodding solemnly at this declaration of honourable behaviour.

"I did not doubt your conduct for a minute. Indeed, of all those assembled here I am sure you are probably the one I could trust most in that regard...well except maybe Genji, that man basically invented being proper."
Worse he was nice about it.

"Find a speed that you are both comfortable with, remember, not too fast, not too slow."
Okay, she couldn't resist.
"I will speak to my niece tomorrow, we will assess your progress so far then....." She lets that statement hang for a few moments. "But I shall put in a good word on your behalf. Ultimately, the choice is hers."

She rests back on her heels, looking relaxed, at least by Anjing standards. "Truthfully this is good news, a very pleasing distraction. Perhaps love can bloom, even on this battlefield?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

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"I am sure Genji-sama learned much from Lady Doji herself. And Lord Hantei." Hikaru inclined his head. "But I agree. He is a fine man, and very skilled with the sword as well. I consider him a good friend."

Now that he was up to speed (no pun intended) on the subject, Hikaru definitely reddened. He poured himself some tea. If Anjing were not a fearsome warrior, a kind auntie, and a famed Daimyo all at once, Hikaru might have objected. As it was, he merely nodded. "I... shall keep your words in mind, Lady Makime." Indeed, his lips pursed as he made mental notes. The memory of his hair and Satsuki's came suddenly to mind. What else might they entwine...

Hikaru gasped as hot liquid splashed onto his hand; he'd overfilled his teacup. "Ah... thank you, Lady Anjing. And I hope so." He smiled gently. "We spoke of her parents, but she did say the choice was hers as well. And Satsuki-sama has never been afraid to speak her mind." His tone was definitely admiring.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:50 am
Anjing looks at the red Crane and then at the spilt tea.
"Tssk, boys. Take this."
She tosses him an old rag.

"There was no risk of her parents denying her it, when she was little they let her roam hill and dale. They love her very much. But you can take comfort then that if she does choose you, the choice will be her own."
Sipping her own tea in amusement.

"And because she always speaks her mind, you will doubtless know the choice very clearly. I wouldn't know anything about being so forthright of course."

She takes the tea pot and calmly refills her own cup.
"Let's see. What advice can I give you about her..."

Anjing holds up a finger. "Never be dull, she does not care for it and frankly, should not tolerate it in a husband. The empire is full of dull people, do not be one of them."

A second finger. "When you two fight, and if you never fight something is wrong; So when you two fight, speak to the truth of the matter when tempers are hot. But always be prepared to apologise and seek love and forgiveness when they cool. Satsuki's fire is strong and so is her will, you must be able to complement it."

And a final finger. "Most women marry thinking that their man will change, most men marry believing their wife will never change. A relationship is not set in stone, you are both young. Satsuki will grow and change, I expect you will do the same. Make sure that you both grow together, or you will grow apart."

Anjing sips her tea.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Still red-faced, Hikaru cleaned up the tea.

"Yes." He agreed, smiling, with the assessment of Satsuki. And at the joke! But mostly at the assessment of Satsuki. In fact, Anjing had just listed some of the things Hikaru loved about her.

Hikaru was brought out of his reverie as Lady Anjing, once again, filled her own tea. Only force of will kept an eye from twitching madly. Instead, he bowed. "Please forgive me, Lady Anjing. I should be keeping your cup full."

But there was more. He listened carefully as she spoke, nodding sometimes. He did not think himself dull. Hikaru frowned. "She is very much like fire, is she not? I feel that perhaps I would be most like air. I feel no shame in seeking forgiveness. When I speak, I speak the truth..." He frowned, "-but I think perhaps I sometimes keep silent instead of speaking. As I have been taught." His frown grew deeper. Sometimes, he very much disagreed with that.

Hikaru's expression became even more intent as Anjing rounded up her advice. "Yes." he sighed. "I have a feeling that change is coming. We cannot help but change. Still, we have thus far managed to change together. I will see that we continue to do so, as much as we are able."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:24 pm
"-but I think perhaps I sometimes keep silent instead of speaking. As I have been taught."
"An idiot keeps silent instead of speaking because he is afraid his speech will reveal that truth. You are not an idiot Hikaru, if you have things to say then you should say them. Clearly too, so those of us with old ears can hear them."

But then her expression becomes more sympathetic.
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:24 pm

Hikaru's expression became even more intent as Anjing rounded up her advice. "Yes." he sighed. "I have a feeling that change is coming. We cannot help but change. Still, we have thus far managed to change together. I will see that we continue to do so, as much as we are able."
"Good, you have the right idea about things. Now I am curious, when did you first meet Satsuki? Was it on the walk over here? Or at the camp?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

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Hikaru's brow creased at the word idiot, but he waited until she finished speaking. When she did, he smiled gently. "I will do my best, Lady Anjing." He said, inclining his head. When he straightened, he frowned. "I think that since I met Satsuki-sama, she has helped me to become less reserved. Less formal." If true, that would mean Anjing was seeing the relaxed Hikaru. "Certainly when I am with her." He added, perhaps making it more believable.

"On the...?" Hikaru chuckled softly. "Oh, no. It was years ago." His expression turned more serious. "At the wedding between Hadananzi and Nanzi Ananzihime."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:49 pm

"On the...?" Hikaru chuckled softly. "Oh, no. It was years ago." His expression turned more serious. "At the wedding between Hadananzi and Nanzi Ananzihime."
"Hikaru, we were just talking about how sometimes you do not speak when you should. You waited 5 years to court her? Were you hoping another suitor died of old age? Oh she has been very patient with you indeed, she must like you a great deal."

Anjing takes a few moments to tut and murmur words like '5 years!', 'kids these days', 'probably writing poetry'.

"Well, what's important is you got around to it now I suppose. Now, I shall expect a full status report soon. Not tomorrow obviously, but perhaps the day after? And obviously, my request that you continue to provide for her safety remains."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

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For the first time in a while, Hikaru was speechless, and not because he was choosing his words carefully. "It... I... it's not like that." He said, grimacing, waving his tea; this time, at least, he managed to not spill. He settled down, holding the cup with both hands. "At first, we weren't ready. Then, we were both so busy..."

Hikaru closed his eyes, shook his head. "You're right. I apologize. Perhaps I have waited overlong." Why had he waited so long, anyway? Hikaru's jaw clenched as he considered the possible answers.

His eyes opened, and he inclined his head. "Of course. I shall keep her safe. I swear it. And I shall... report." Hikaru frowned. Wait, what was she expecting him to report on? He looked at her, brow furrowed in confusion.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:39 pm
"Busy, busy. We are all busy, that is what happens when you're doing something important. You have your quest, she has her people. You will always be busy. Find time. You found the time now, so use it."

Seeing his look.
"Report on how your courtship is progressing of course, I expect you will have completed at least one of her trials by then? You have five days to be ready, not five years. Then if we survive all of this madness you can slow things down again. Maybe spend a few months in her lands with her family, get to know them."
A slight smile.

"I hope you like riddles."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru stared off into the middle distance. "Yes." He said, his voice soft. "You're right. I will."

"Ah. Of course." Hikaru smiled gently. "First, of course, I must learn what my tasks are to be." He looked at Anjing. "Perhaps it seems silly, but it means something. I cannot do what Lord Nanzi did. The time for that sort of thing has passed." Hikaru took a breath, sighed it out, but then his jaw set. "But I will prove my own worthiness."

Ah yes, riddles. Hikaru chuckled. "Riddles are not so different from poetry in a way. I think I will adjust well." Then he blinked. "I... suppose I could not remain in Lady Doji's service if I marry Satsuki." By the slightly stunned look on his handsome features, it seemed Hikaru hadn't quite faced this fact.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:51 am
Hikaru stared off into the middle distance. "Yes." He said, his voice soft. "You're right. I will."

"Ah. Of course." Hikaru smiled gently. "First, of course, I must learn what my tasks are to be." He looked at Anjing. "Perhaps it seems silly, but it means something. I cannot do what Lord Nanzi did. The time for that sort of thing has passed." Hikaru took a breath, sighed it out, but then his jaw set. "But I will prove my own worthiness."

Ah yes, riddles. Hikaru chuckled. "Riddles are not so different from poetry in a way. I think I will adjust well." Then he blinked. "I... suppose I could not remain in Lady Doji's service if I marry Satsuki." By the slightly stunned look on his handsome features, it seemed Hikaru hadn't quite faced this fact.
"Do not do what Nanzi did. Do what Hikaru did. Do not ape another in your proposal for it is for her alone. Also Nanzi has this whole shaved head thing going and frankly it wouldn't work for you."
Not at all.

"Oh, yes, you would have to leave Doji's service." Anjing clicks her tongue. "I haven't seen an expression like that since I told Hida I was expecting the first time. Yes Hikaru, you would have to join her in the Dragon lands. After hearing about your quest that...well, have you not travelled across the land searching for a cure? Should your home be in the lush fields of the coast or the distant mountains it should not change your mission."

Sympathetically though.
"It will still be hard though." She reaches forward and squeezes his shoulder. "Believe me, I know. But home is where your family is, where those you love are safe and happy. It's not a physical place, it's something you make."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

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Hikaru brushed back a strand of his hair. The white one; it had come lose again, but in a very 'single flaw emphasizing handsomeness' sort of way. "Certainly not." Hikaru murmured, distratectly.

He sighed. "Yes. It will be hard." He grimaced as Anjing squeezed he's shoulder, but it was just so, so, auntie-like that he found it comforting despite his natural disinclination towards touch. "I've been away from Lady Doji's court for so long. Perhaps... perhaps my home is elsewhere now."

He sighed again. "I feel as though I have much to think about. But it does not dissuade me in the least. Satsuki is... we have chosen each other." He said, nodding.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:39 pm
Anjing was growing more and more sure that Hikaru dyed his hair. She'd have to talk with Satsuki about that, see if an intervention was needed.

"If I've given you something to think on then I consider this meeting a success. It's worth considering the sacrifices you might have to make for a relationship. But better to see and realise them now, and choose to make them, then to realise what you've lost on after."

She squeezes his shoulder again comfortingly before giving it a pat and standing.

"Well I should be going about my day. I wish you fortune, Hikaru. If you two end up happy together then I shall be joyful as well."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

As Anjing rose, so did Hikaru.

"You may consider this meeting a success then, Lady Anjing." He said, bowing. "As you have given me a great deal to think about." He took a deep breath. "But even thinking on the sacrifices I must make, I do not think my resolve will falter."

He bowed again. "Good fortune to you as well, Lady Anjing." Once more, he smiled, just a little. "And thank you."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:00 pm
As Anjing rose, so did Hikaru.

"You may consider this meeting a success then, Lady Anjing." He said, bowing. "As you have given me a great deal to think about." He took a deep breath. "But even thinking on the sacrifices I must make, I do not think my resolve will falter."

He bowed again. "Good fortune to you as well, Lady Anjing." Once more, he smiled, just a little. "And thank you."
"May the Fortunes bless you as well Hikaru. Think but do not falter, I shall look forward to our next talk."
She smiles very slightly as she nods her head at the Crane and departs.

((/scene? :D thank you for the RP))
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