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Hiruma Naraku
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Re: Crafts and Arts [Day 1, LE]

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"There are voices in the graveyard. Shapes in the mist," there seems to be more to the voices that Naraku feels confortable with sharing. "Parlor tricks surely but I do not enjoy leaving stones unturned."

He eyes the man when he asks about his poison. Silently he moves towards his workstation. He retrieves a small flower and turns to Reo. He holds his slashed palm over the flower and let's a drop of blood fall upon the flower. The reaction is slow at first, a slight descoloration on the petals but soon the flower wilts and falls. "Dramatic overexageration," he laughs. "The effect on flesh is not as strong but it is enough to cause a nasty burn. Almost caustic in nature."

"Any poison that mixes with it becomes more insidious. Even a bulky warrior would find it troublesome to resist their effects."
Crab Clan • Samurai • Menacing • Poison Master • Thunder of Rebirth • Hero of the People
Status: 5.0 Honor: No (2.5) Glory: 3.5 (5.5 for remainder of game)

Carries: Daisho, Utilitarian Kimono, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, 3x Jade Finger (1/3 and 2 full), One Vial of Amaterasu's Censure, Travel Pack

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Hisomu Reo
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Re: Crafts and Arts [Day 1, LE]

Post by Hisomu Reo »

"So..." Reo muses. "If one were to grind up a powder and dissolve it in your blood, it would take on those qualities?"

His mind is churning.
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
Status: 1.0 | Honor: 4.5 | Glory: 1.0
Yumi with lots of arrows, Light Armor, Medicine Kit, Mortar and Pestle, finger of Jade

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Hiruma Naraku
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Re: Crafts and Arts [Day 1, LE]

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"I do not think so," the Crab replied implying that he had already done a few tests with his blood. "The best I can do at the moment is extract its properties when crafting other concoctions."

"I been experimenting on a few. One that would amplify the pain of each wound suffered by the victim and another..." he moves towards his pack and retrieves a finger of jade "One that would bind my blood with jade and turn the essence of the corrupted against themselves."
Crab Clan • Samurai • Menacing • Poison Master • Thunder of Rebirth • Hero of the People
Status: 5.0 Honor: No (2.5) Glory: 3.5 (5.5 for remainder of game)

Carries: Daisho, Utilitarian Kimono, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, 3x Jade Finger (1/3 and 2 full), One Vial of Amaterasu's Censure, Travel Pack

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Hisomu Reo
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Re: Crafts and Arts [Day 1, LE]

Post by Hisomu Reo »

"Oooh." Reo lets out a low whistle. "That sounds impressive"
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
Status: 1.0 | Honor: 4.5 | Glory: 1.0
Yumi with lots of arrows, Light Armor, Medicine Kit, Mortar and Pestle, finger of Jade

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Hiruma Naraku
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Re: Crafts and Arts [Day 1, LE]

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

He moved towards his workstation and retrieved a few ingredients. "Petals of white lotus and a cordial made from grinding up yellow chrysanthemums flowers," he started dictating. "The ration should be one petal for half a sai of the cordial. The petal should be grounded and the cordial to be used should be heated over a low fire, with care not to evaporate the concoction. The ground petal should be added with care and gently mixed in the liquid with a bone mixer. Don't use metal or wood, it will split the compounds and ruin the concoction," he said as he gently stirred the mixture before letting it rest over the small flame.

He reached to his pouch and retrieved a small wrapping." I know what you're thinking. None of these ingredients are outright poisonous. Is he going to add something extra? Well the answer Hisomu-san is that no, this is not poisonous, at least not for you or me," he grinned before unwrapping the object he retrieved from his bad revealing a finger of jade. He took his knife and shaved the jade onto the mortar before bringing the knife to the palm of his hand and cutting it once more, his blood dripping into the mortar.

"The reason is that we are not making a poison to kill the pure. I have no interest in poisoning those that are innocent nor I will turn my tools towards that purpose," he commented as he ground the jade shavings, mixing them with his blood. Once they had been properly mixed he carefully poured the contents of the mortar into the mixing pot, the concoction gaining a verdant sheen." This is one of my greatest creations. I call it Amaterasu's Censure," he looks at the concoction, smothering the flame after it boils for a few minutes.

"Once this concoction enters into contact with someone of the enemy, it quite literally forces their own filth to unravel and turn against them, unravelling them from existance unless they expunge the toxin from their unholy bodies," he carefully handles the concoction and pours it on a small vial.

"The stronger is their devotion to corruption, the stronger is the effect of the poison," he turns to the Spider smiling brightly "I quite enjoy seeing one of their monsters struggle against this toxin. Their body contorting in pain and unravelling itself as their own body rejects their existance."

"You must be thinking why did I share this secret so easily," he smirks. "We are at war against someone that would wish nothing more than to anhilate our very existance. To usher a thousand years of darkness. I told you Hisomu-San, I hate secrets, and against this enemy, all of Ningen-Do must stand together."

D1 LE | POI/IMT VS TN 25 | 9k4 ⇒ 27 (TN: 25)

[1 wound taken. 2 wounds total]
Crab Clan • Samurai • Menacing • Poison Master • Thunder of Rebirth • Hero of the People
Status: 5.0 Honor: No (2.5) Glory: 3.5 (5.5 for remainder of game)

Carries: Daisho, Utilitarian Kimono, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, 3x Jade Finger (1/3 and 2 full), One Vial of Amaterasu's Censure, Travel Pack

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Hisomu Reo
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Re: Crafts and Arts [Day 1, LE]

Post by Hisomu Reo »

Reo studies the man carefully, attention rapt. This was the reason he had come here after all, to learn secrets such as this.

"You are right to be careful with this. It is an incredible art, and should be spread as quickly as possible. Do you have a way to suspend the jade without using your blood? If I gather your method correctly, that is what is necessary to dissolve the stone. What do you use the white lotus and cordial for, stabilizing or absorption agents?"
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
Status: 1.0 | Honor: 4.5 | Glory: 1.0
Yumi with lots of arrows, Light Armor, Medicine Kit, Mortar and Pestle, finger of Jade

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Hiruma Naraku
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Re: Crafts and Arts [Day 1, LE]

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"Good questions," he smiles. "The white lotus petal acts as the absorvant, whilst the cordial acts as a binding agent and stabiliser. White lotus is a plant that grows in even the murkiest of waters, it's pristine white unmarred regardless of its surroundings. What best compound to absorb the purity of Amaterasu's tears?"

" As to my blood... It is not necessary, as explained previously the only reason I add it is to make sure that not even a monsters constitution can stop the poison from working. You can do just fine without my blood"
Crab Clan • Samurai • Menacing • Poison Master • Thunder of Rebirth • Hero of the People
Status: 5.0 Honor: No (2.5) Glory: 3.5 (5.5 for remainder of game)

Carries: Daisho, Utilitarian Kimono, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, 3x Jade Finger (1/3 and 2 full), One Vial of Amaterasu's Censure, Travel Pack

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