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Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:27 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
"Is it?" she asked. "There's a difference between what you dream of accomplishing on your own and what you may dream of if offered the power to do more. After all, the easier it is for you to do something, the more you may dream of doing, And, more. And, more. But, if you are doing things that you couldn't do on your own, are you really doing them? Or is it the power and whatever is behind it? Whose desires are you really pursuing at that point?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:41 pm
by The Harbinger
"Well, that's just it, isn't it? You could do it on your own. But you don't have the methods available," she replied. "And if the human mind works like that anyway, then it's nothing I could cause in the first place - it's simply the nature of a human with power. That's the amazing thing about them - they can come up with horrors that Jigoku could never dream of... so to speak."

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:19 am
by Ryoshun Nao
"You're right about that." she admitted. "We are fully capable of corrupting ourselves and committing unprecedented horrors on our own. That's a choice far too many of us make. But, we also can rise above that darkness and become something brighter. Something greater. We can choose to embrace our dreams rather than becoming lost in our nightmares. Free or darker influences, I fully believe that's the choice most of us would make."

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 12:39 am
by The Harbinger
"Would you like to bet on that?" she asked, letting the lava of her hair flow over her fingers. "If you're confident that, given power and no outside influence, most people would continue to make the right choices, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Temptation/Awareness | 7k4 ⇒ 33 v. Etiquette/Willpower
[OOC: This isn't meant to be mind-control. If she fails, we can discuss how to play it.]

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:15 am
by Ryoshun Nao
"I believe in what I said." she shrugged. "But, I also believe that power is an outside influence. And, 'right choices' is subjective"

- - -
(D1, EN) Once Upon a Time, Etiquette/Willpower, Final VP for +1k1 | 5k4 ⇒ 24 (TN: 33)

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 3:00 pm
by The Harbinger
"I disagree. It is a fact of life, especially with a Celestial Order that encourages heirarchy. One person will always have more power in a human society," she replied. "So differences in power are as natural as gathering in groups for humans."

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 3:43 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
"Power comes in many different forms. And, it will always have an influence over us." she nodded. "I won't deny that. What kind of test are you proposing?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:17 pm
by The Harbinger
"A little taste of power for someone. No tricks, mind games, or influence, except that they know more is available and can accept if they wish," she said, spreading her hands. "You can even choose who gets it."

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 7:48 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
"No. Knowing that more power is available would definitely influence their choices, especially if they didn't understand the cost or consequences that might come with it." she shook her head. "What would we even wager?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:23 pm
by The Harbinger
"I'd make sure the cost is explicit," she says, holding up her hands. "All in good faith. I want to see what happens too, after all."

"Hmm... How about information? It would be valuable for your people to know something about their coming enemy, ne?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:40 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
"It would. But, I'm afraid I must refuse, Harbinger-sama." she shook her head. "I've been considering it and I am very tempted to accept. Doing so, however, would mean turning someone else into our pawn, if even for a moment. I want to be better than that."

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:28 am
by The Harbinger
"If what you say is true, that won't happen," she replied.

She seemed to consider, then gestured an open hand to Nao. "Of course... you wouldn't be running the risk of putting another person through it if you did it yourself. Are you confident in your own ability to handle power?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:56 am
by Ryoshun Nao
"I just said I didn't want the power to toy with another's choices to wager with you. Why would I agree to accept any other power you offer?" she asked. "Of course, you've already have given power out, haven't you? What if you took it away? What if you reset Akiha to what she was before you entered her dreams. Would she regret what she did with that power?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:01 am
by The Harbinger
She shrugged. "I figured I'd ask."

She glanced back at the eclipse. "Shall we ask her?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:05 am
by Ryoshun Nao
"Can you remove your power and influence from her?"

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:33 am
by The Harbinger
"Sure. This is only a dream, after all," she said. "I'm merely showing her what she's capable of."

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:42 am
by Ryoshun Nao
She rolled her eyes. "You don't actually expect me to believe that, do you? Goodnight, Harbinger-sama. I'll come find you, if I change my mind regarding that bet."

That said, she attempted to return to Ningendo.

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:29 am
by Canary
"I suppose you don't have to believe the truth," she replied with a shrug.

Nao has no issue returning.

Re: (D1, EN) Once Upon a Time

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 5:03 am
by Ryoshun Nao
Back in her physical body, Nao sat up. From within her tent, she stared out at the camp
There were still people moving about. She was surprised more weren't asleep. It concerned her. She didn't want to admit it, but her conversation with the Harbinger had shaken her.

She was afraid.

She stepped out of her tent for a few moments and began to draw on the flat surface of a large rock. Once the symbols were in place, she cut into a finger and let a small amount of blood drip onto the rock.

She felt the fire kami surge around her, and she felt safer. Returning inside, she hugged San and fell asleep.

- - -
(D1, EN) Once Upon a Time, Casting Ward of Purity, ML 2, Affinity, 2 wounds taken | 7k3 ⇒ 19 (TN: 10)