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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Otaku »

Otaku pulls the blanket-cloak a bit more closely around her as the cold breeze probes them. "Something is not right in this village. That's obvious," she says softly. "Whether or not it's the villagers, or only some of them... it's still hard to say. The very air here is wrong." She lifts her chin, the effect a mix of proud and short person surrounded by taller people. "I have the same doubts, but these are still Shiba's subjects, and our duty is to safeguard them. It's right to be prepared for the worst. We must also be prepared to carry out that duty to protect them. From their neighbors, if necessary."

She half-shrugs one shoulder, the effect somewhat muffled under the coarse blanket. "I saw that those corrupted wolves seemed as hungry for the farmers' flesh as the samurai's."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Anjing »

"Mmmph. A fair point Otaku, although I have never seen a corrupted monster do anything I'd consider logical."
Anjing glares at the cold wind as if the heat of her anger could somehow warm it.

"I accept Makime's guidance on this. If they cross the line, we will be ready. But it is not a decision I will make lightly, although if they drug us again I fear I might lose my temper."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"I spoke to the head woman, Chouri, on this matter." Makime crossed her arms, irritation evident in her expression, "She blamed the incident on teenage pranksters. A claim I find...ridiculous. Her tale of coming here is also...a bit suspicious to me. I would invite anyone else to speak to her and get your own assessment."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Otaku »

"Her tale of coming here?" Otaku's brows arch. "What was wrong with it?"

She frowns. "A prank is a thin excuse. As the village leader, she should take responsibility."

That's the whole deal, after all, really, as Otaku understands it. You get the big nice house in the middle of town, and in return the town's problems are your problems. As above, so below, all the way up to Shinjo and Shiba.
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"She fled the lands of the Crane and somehow found a path to this village and the original tribe...something the scholars of the Imperial Library missed." Makime shook her head, "And when I asked why the excuse was...vague. That she felt it was simply not her place at the moment. Given what has happened in the Crane lands following the...incident at the palace." She shrugs, "Perhaps I make too much of it."

The Lioness nodded to the Otaku, "I reminded her that leadership is not merely an exercise of privileges but an assumption of responsibilities. To those below and above. I do not think she truly considered my meaning."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Anjing »

Anjing's expression remains troubled as Makime's recounts what she has found so far.

"Many have been displaced in the past years, it is not impossible. Merely unlikely."

As for leadership.
"Any of my kids drugged visiting dignities they'd be doing solo guard duty on a mountaintop for the next month, if I was in a good mood. Hospitality isn't something you play around with. Either someone is your guest and under your protection, or they are not."
Shaking her head.
"Especially in times like this."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Otaku »

"Hm." Anjing and Makime's skepticism is justified, in Otaku's opinion; it's not impossible for a simple village leader to have traveled all this way, but it's not usual either.

"I am with you there, Anjing-san. Children who did that would be cleaning stables for... a long time." The corners of her mouth curve up with dry humor.
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"Indeed." Makime eyed the three, "I'll be speaking to the healer of the town next. As I suspect he had a role in the incident, though it may be one of laxity. I am no expert of what herbs cause what problems...but I am pretty certain you need a lot of whatever it was and it required some preparation. Which means it probably came from him, or was stolen from him and he didn't notice."

"But we drift from this meetings purpose." She let out a sigh, "So we are in agreement, I will handle the planning...though in situations that allow for it, big decisions might also be best reached with a consensus between us. Our intention is to fortify one location in town to keep the villagers at in an emergency, with at least some of them prepared to aid in its defense if it comes to it. And finally...we don't trust the villagers here but until proven otherwise they are under our protection as representatives of our Kami and the Empire, same as any other of the Emperor's subjects."

"Is this all correct."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Otaku »

Otaku nods. "Well enough for now."

She would wait for the others to respond before adding, in a tone of neutral inquiry, "Who is this Wu Zhe that Jiyo-san recommends to liase with the villagers, by the way? I don't know him."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Anjing »

Makime wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:37 am
So we are in agreement, I will handle the planning...though in situations that allow for it, big decisions might also be best reached with a consensus between us. Our intention is to fortify one location in town to keep the villagers at in an emergency, with at least some of them prepared to aid in its defense if it comes to it. And finally...we don't trust the villagers here but until proven otherwise they are under our protection as representatives of our Kami and the Empire, same as any other of the Emperor's subjects."

"Is this all correct."
Anjing nods, rumbling an "Agreed."
Otaku wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:43 pm
"Who is this Wu Zhe that Jiyo-san recommends to liase with the villagers, by the way? I don't know him."
"A warrior of the Dragon, they say he specialises in cheese. I understand his land is rich and fertile beyond most measures."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"I have not met this Dragon either." Makime crossing her arms, "...he isn't the half naked one is he? The one that I have noticed being somewhat too....enamored with his swords."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Otaku »

"That one is a Saru. Ranmaru is his name." Otaku's lips twitch in a way that's somewhat difficult to interpret at a glance. "Unless more than one of the Dragon here has trouble with shirts."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Matsu »

"No. That's Saru Ranmaru." Matsu shook her head, speaking up. "Who himself is... interesting." The Amazon continued, then looked to Lady Makime.

"I agree. Strategic deferment to your expertise, and that we council and act as a unified front. And Lady Otaku, thank you for your wisdom, and prudence," She looked to the much shorter woman, bowing her head. "To remind us of the need to extend the protection to all subjects."

She looked to Anjing, and then again the rest. "How can we best start drilling those best for defense?"
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Anjing »

Matsu wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:55 am

She looked to Anjing, and then again the rest. "How can we best start drilling those best for defense?"
“We need to see if any of the villagers have experience and equipment. See what we’re dealing with. Then those who have battled the enemy should teach, run drills.”

Bluntly. “Time is too short to make much of anyone without training. But we might be able to instil some basic discipline. Put the fear of the fortunes into them, if they’re indeed loyal they need to know that failure means their families will be slain by the enemy.

As for the visitors.
“Either those who journey here are warriors. Or they’re not. If they warriors they should be out training the villagers and sparring with one another to gauge capabilities. If they’re not warriors they need to make themselves useful. Healers, quartermasters, engineers. There’s need for everyone.”
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"The farmers are not going to be worth much in a fight." Makime shook her head, "They will need every advantage...which is why we have them fight behind earthworks."

She rubbed her knuckles, "The problem is again a few. It takes only one or two running to start the sort of panic that sees men and women rundown and crushed. Fear is a bit like a sickness that spreads rapidly. The first sign and soon all are sick with it. Massing them together will help. The walls will help. Samurai will help, though less so given these people I think. Training will help."

"And we lack on basically all of those fronts."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Matsu »

"I would take the lead on drilling those who can already fight, Lady Makime," she commented firmly. "Courage runs through the blood of my family. We face the darkness without thought of running, and if I could inspire those here to face it, I'll have considered it my duty." Confidence surged through all her words, eyes burning with that adherence to the tenet of which she is a Paragon.

"If you all agree with that, I mean."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Otaku »

"The villagers have one or two leaders of their local protectors," Otaku puts in. "A woman called Aoyama is one. I did not see her fight or who else she has with her, but she seemed steady in an emergency."

"Many of these people are old or young, though. We will also need those who won't fight, but can keep the others with them calm and brave."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"I would much rather have reduced numbers of steady spearmen but I would train the rest all the same." Makime shrugged, "The more who can do at least some fighting the better. Even if kept back it will hopefully help keep them calm. Panic in the rear is just as dangerous a distraction as on the front line."

Makime nodded to Otaku and then Matsu, "I am ok with Lady Matsu handling training, seek out this Aoyama woman. Tell her the situation and our plan, get what information you can. That sort of thing. But remember, these villagers are not to be trusted fully. Tell them what they need to know, no more and no less."

She took a breath, "We will have to explain this in a few hours when we gather someone to represent each clan."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Anjing »

"I am sure you shall be diplomatic." Anjing said with a straight face.

"Ensure they understand the importance of a unified front. If needs be perhaps ask Matsu to stand behind you when you do."
Looking over at the village.

I have met many of the Clanless and the outlanders who have been drawn to this land. I shall reach out to those I know, it will then be their choice to stand with us or to observe. It speaks to the desperation of the hour that I trust them more than many others."
And lastly, with a dour expression.
"And see to your safety as well, the attacks will only worsen. If the foe wishes to sow discord they might begin targeting leadership. Keep your allies close."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Otaku »

Otaku nods, then... sighs. "If only we could guard dreams as easily as bodies. I think they are worse than usual here. Too many tired faces around the camp of a morning."

She purses her lips. "Anjing-san, your clanswoman Tai seems a very capable shugenja. Togashi Satsuki is here as well, and Ryoshun's daughter Nao. Are there others? No one has found a way to protect dreams yet, or we would not be here, but perhaps we can at least ward each other so that if any of us are poisoned and turn..." She opens one hand palm-up, then closes it into a fist as if gently crushing some unfortunate bug.
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