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Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:57 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"Regarding the ink. I have been tinkering with a few plans that would require your assistance," Naraku said as he looked at those assembled. He retrieved a small vial from his pouch and placed it on the table. "As you know this is Amaterasu's Censure, one of my concoctions that works by forcing corruption to turn against its host and unravelling him forcefully."

"I had an idea that might just be possible with the help of those assembled. A more powerful concoction binded to the scrolls. A concoction that would unravel any of the corrupted that dared to handle or look at the contents of the Scrolls."

"What do you think of this idea?" he looked at those assembled.

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:48 pm
by Kaijarisuigyo
"That I defer to the smith when the topic is about how to make blades, to the shoemaker when it's about shoes, and to the... chemist? When it's about the proper usage of noxious substances.

I mean, I could tell you the story of how Mole lost their eyesight for having looked into the box where Spider had hidden the sun. But I'm not sure it would be of much help here."

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:20 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
Nao, looking a bit worn by the creation of the ink, was grinding down the jade to add. "That's not a bad idea. I don't know that there's much I can contribute, at the moment."

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:55 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Hiruma Naraku wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:57 pm
"Regarding the ink. I have been tinkering with a few plans that would require your assistance," Naraku said as he looked at those assembled. He retrieved a small vial from his pouch and placed it on the table. "As you know this is Amaterasu's Censure, one of my concoctions that works by forcing corruption to turn against its host and unravelling him forcefully."

"I had an idea that might just be possible with the help of those assembled. A more powerful concoction binded to the scrolls. A concoction that would unravel any of the corrupted that dared to handle or look at the contents of the Scrolls."

"What do you think of this idea?" he looked at those assembled.
Satsuki didn't think much of poison normally, but... poison that only hurt the corrupted? "Sounds good to me, Naraku. I don't think it could hurt to use it."

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:00 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"Perhaps I might need your assistance Satsuki-San," he commented. "The assistance of the Kami would greatly increase the power of such poultice."

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:04 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Nodding, Satsuki began a calm whisper to the fire kami. A cut was made on her forearm, allowing the blood to trickle down to her fingertips.

With dainty dabs to Naraku's forehead, three petals of blood anointed him with the insight and knowledge of the kami.


D5 Casting Mental Quickness on Naraku. +1k0 Nadare's Insight. 2 raises for +1 Intelligence. | 8k4 ⇒ 35 (TN: 25)

Naraku's Intelligence is increased by 2.

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:35 am
by Haka Tae-soo
Tae-soo and Ha-yeong observe the group working on the different materials and parts. Things seemed to be going well. And this, perhaps more than anything else Tae-soo had seen since coming to the village, seemed to show a sort of fellowship, at times almost family-like collaboration. As he watched them work, he felt something stir inside him.

He missed this. Trusting others, working for a common goal.

It was a fleeting feeling. It might be just for this moment, just to do this one thing. But, somehow, this felt like home. Working together to make sure a ritual would be carried out properly, to make sure everyone would get through safe and well.

He got closer to Satsuki and Tai, trying to watch as they worked. He had never created a ritual, as it seemed like they'd have to do. He'd always followed the ways of tradition... so this would be new for him.

But it was for a good reason. He had to do his best.

Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:04 pm
Help to cheat? XD
OOC: Satsuki (or maybe Chuchu?) Tae-soo would gladly get some help to make that Spellcraft check happen. He can cast FKB on himself easily enough, and he should be able to handle MQ - but not with Raises. If Satsuki can manage MQ with Raises at some point, that'd help a lot! Failing that (or in addition to that), Chuchu's help to get Skill ranks to 4 would be highly appreciated too.
Will wait on that before attempting checks to increase his chance to successfully create the ritual for the "Guardian of the Deep River" (referencing 玄武, or 'deep/dark warrior', as apparently the Black Tortoise was called!).

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:47 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:35 am
OOC: Satsuki (or maybe Chuchu?) Tae-soo would gladly get some help to make that Spellcraft check happen. He can cast FKB on himself easily enough, and he should be able to handle MQ - but not with Raises. If Satsuki can manage MQ with Raises at some point, that'd help a lot! Failing that (or in addition to that), Chuchu's help to get Skill ranks to 4 would be highly appreciated too.
Will wait on that before attempting checks to increase his chance to successfully create the ritual for the "Guardian of the Deep River" (referencing 玄武, or 'deep/dark warrior', as apparently the Black Tortoise was called!).

Seeing Tae-soo approach, she smiled and bobbed her head to him, and his sister. "Tae-soo-nim, good morning. And to your sister as well... ah, Ha-yeong-nim, right?" Satsuki had a good memory to help her remember their names, and their forms of address.

"Any help is appreciated. And I don't think anyone could compare to your ability to speak with the water... heavens know I don't have much talent for it. I can help you in return though."

When she had Tae-soo's permission, she performed the same ritual for him as she had done for Naraku; anointing him with her blood on his forehead in the appearance of a flower's petals, letting the fire kami light the fires of creativity and creation.


D5 Casting Mental Quickness on Tae-soo. +1k0 Nadare's Insight. 2 raises for +1 Intelligence. +1k1 Void for good measure | 9k5 ⇒ 35 (TN: 25)

Tae-soo's Intelligence increases by 2. Tae-soo can also benefit from Cooperative roll with Satsuki, added +4 to the total of his roll (her 4 ranks in Spellcraft).

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 2:13 am
by Ryoshun Nao

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:21 am
by Haka Tae-soo
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:47 am
Tae-soo bowed to Satsuki, low, but this time not lower than necessary - more respect, less fear. "Togashi Satsuki-nim. We've spoken to the river, I've been to the underground cave, and seen how the water and the earth are suffer. I see all the work you've been doing to see this ritual perform... it humbles me, and yet encourages us as well." Upright again, and nodding to the younger one. "Ne, Ha-yeong-sshi?"

Then, nodding to her. "I'm no place to deserve such formality, Togashi Satsuki-nim.", he says - she may or may not notice he's referring to the 'nim' honorific. "But your respect of us, and our ways, and your help, I - we thank you kindly. It's greatly appreciated, and we'll do our best to see this done and help this land, the water, so that it may nurture it, the winds, so that they may blow away bad dreams, and the warmth, so that it may reach the hearts of all its people"

An honest smile, more open and pure than any Satsuki or most others will have seen on the young man's face so far, and he stands before her to receive her blessing, taking the token offered to him when she's done.

He then proceeds to call on the warmth as well - the fires within himself, often weak and doused in one so attuned to the water, but also those sparked by the creativity and the warmth of cooperation all around. A small cut, and he calls it forth, asking its wild spirit for guidance in this task unknown to him thus far.

With the spirits of warmth and cooperation directing his eyes, his hands and his thought, he sets to the task at hand - following Satsuki's advice and pointers at a number of occasions, of course.

How could a ritual to call forth the "Guardian of the Deep River" work?

It's not easy work, not at all. But with a lot of effort (and help! from spirits and dragon friends!), they finally seem to be on the right track.

And a powerful ritual it would be!

Intelligence +2 for 10 minutes with Satsuki's help - should be enough for 1 Spellcraft check at least!

D5 LM - Casting Fire Kami's Blessing on himself for good measure as well! TN 10, deficiency. 1 wound taken. | 5k3 ⇒ 21 (TN: 10)
Fire Slots: 1/3
Wounds: 3/57

+3k0 to high and merchant skill rolls using Intelligence for 1 hour.

D5 LM - Attempting to develop "Guardian of the Deep River", ML 4 Water spell. TN 35 as per ... vel#p15634.
+2k2 (Int +2) due to Satsuki's Mental Quickness casting; +3k0 due to Fire Kami's Blessing. VP for +1k1. Satsuki's help (cooperative roll) for +4 to roll! Group project with group effort to cheat at difficult test go! | 10k6+4 ⇒ 57 (TN: 35)

That should do, hopefully!

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 8:50 am
by Kaijarisuigyo
Kai's performance as "the student who wouldn't stop talking in a failed attempt to appear useful while not actually contributing anything" was spotless.

"Pretty good brushwork you have there people. Nice looking ink too. And... Uh...

Bird? It's Bird's turn right?

With the Vermilion Bird, we are now entering the realm of the spirits whose way of thinking and being is not nearly as alien to the human mind. That one Bird moves in the sky by flapping its wings like a bird, sings like a bird, sometimes loses a beautiful feather like a bird. It is the most grand and powerful of birds, but its essence is still birdly nonetheless.

Each day they fly over the whole land, starting their patrol where the sun rises and ending it where it sets. You just cannot see them as their red and orange and yellow colors camouflage them perfectly within the solar disk.

From their vantage point so high in the sky, there's little they do not see, and who gets to have a talk with them can learn much.

There were the first to notice the darkness' approach when it invaded the realm of dreams. But sadly we didn't react quickly enough to their warning crow."



[unless there's an Artisan: Backflip/Strength required somewhere, I don't think there's a single thing Kai can contribute mechanically sadly; sorry]

Re: And So Four Scrolls Were Made [D5, Late Morning. INVITE ONLY]

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:00 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku felt his mind expand as Satsuki commanded her Kami to assist him. His mind raced through his formulas and concoctions, recognising which would be the best ingredients to add to the make the perfect ink.

He removed the bandages from his left arm, revealing the scarred member. He drew his knife and sunk it on his flesh, filling a vial with his blood.

He retrieved the necessary ingredients finishing them off by mixing his blood with the jade.

His creation was done and he was pleased.


4 wounds taken

D5 4 Scrolls | Poison Ink | +2 Int from Satsuki | Void | 12k7 - > 10k8 | 3 raises for style | 4 wounds | TN 40 | 10k8 ⇒ 60 (TN: 40)