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Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 7:26 am
by Ryoshun Nao
"Makime-sama is correct." Nao spoke up. "We are here to defend the lives, hopes, ambitions, and dreams of an Empire's worth of people, and likely more."

"My name is Nso, youngest child of the Kami Ryoshun and his wife Nazo. They now defend the realms of the dead from the enemy, as we do the living. Like my mother, I possess an ability to send my spirit into other realms, including Yume Do. I have seen the corruption there. It is deceptive and seductive, using our dreams to lure us into accepting power and encouraging us to pursue greater desires. That cycle is how it grows and spreads."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:37 am
by Hiruma Naraku
"We are here for the survival of our world," Naraku intervened and looked at Nao. "If we lose this fight, it is over for us. A thousand years of darkness. From there on we go from thriving to surviving, scrapping by in the shadows."

"I am Hiruma Naraku, the only child of Hiruma and I have spent the past five years fighting against these monsters and investigating what I could about the enemy and I do not intend to take this fight laying down.

I do not know if I will be a Thunder and, to be honest, it matters not to me. I fight for Ningen-Do, I fight for all of us here and all of those that aren't here. We must stand together and we must not lose focus of that. Petty squabbles we might have should not matter anymore. Let them return after we kill these fuckers and banish them once and for all."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:41 am
by Kaijarisuigyo
"This is boring."

Kai leaped from the canopy of a nearby tree into the circle of people, landing half knelt.

"Most of what you have said is like a flock of birds coming together, and talking about how one of their feathers is a slightly different color, or whether they ate grain or worm this morning, or how many migrations they already went through. All true things, but also things not worthy of the legend.

Do you think the darkness will be tricked by someone slightly better than average at sneaking? No, it will only be misdirected by someone who's as Leopard, who can move with such grace and silence even the world forgets they're there.

Are you sneaky like that? If so, say so. Do you intend to become as sneaky as that? If so, say so. Do you have stories showing how you can be sneaky like that? Even better. Tell it.

Do you think the darkness will be charmed by someone not that bad at playing the flute? No, it will only distracted by someone able to entrance them with a music beautiful enough to make stones cry. Do you think you can take up that role? Then bring out your instrument and start playing. Each note will be more telling than a thousand of your words.

And swords. And magic. Same. Tell. Show. Explain how you once draw your blade so fast the sparks alone were enough to blind your enemy for life. Throw a leaf into the sky and cut it in five pieces before it can reach the ground. Tell of how your great magic already once banished the darkness. Summon a big dragon of fire right now.

Be the heroes you want to be. You need to be. Forget your polite restraints and become your legendary selves."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:52 am
by Nanzi Ai
“Do not insult the samurai of the Empire, Kai-san, it speaks ill of your manners and your intentions. Conduct yourself accordingly or at the minimum be silent. Do not bring disrespect to Hisomu-san’s gathering, if you disagree with his methods then host your own meeting and set the rules accordingly otherwise use proper decorum and refrain from such coarse behavior,” she said with light chastisement.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:01 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku groaned audibly when Ai voiced her opinion.

"Did you listen to anything I said? Kai might be unorthodox but there is truth in what they say. This is not some fancy court where we will be discussing the latest poems that have circulated through the Empire or learning about floral arrangements. You know what this is?

This is a village that is fundamentally fucking wrong. I look at half of you and it seems like you haven't slept in ages? Heck, even I that managed to sleep without problem had colorful dreams. This is a place where in the past an heterodox offshot of the Isawa came to investigate name magic. For fuck sake, there is a graveyard where you will find yourself face to face with either your fears or regrets. No wonder they have a river that makes you forget, this place is WRONG

I will once again reinforce the main point.

We lose. We die."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:06 am
by Nanzi Ai
“She can believe what she wishes, fling poo as a monkey or crawl like a worm, but she will not tell us how to conduct ourselves no more than I will tell her. That is where I draw insult, Hiruma-sama,” she responded.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:14 am
by Anjing
"Tssk. I think the arguments have been made. Whether they were made artfully I will, in the spirit of this gathering seek not to comment."
Which was an Anjing rarity.

"A good point loses its edge if made poorly. My ears are old so perhaps I missed some of the...girl's reasoning."
She gestures towards Kaijarisuigyo.
"But it sounded like an urging to be our best selves, our legendary selves even. On that I will agree, as I agree there were other ways to say it, and I agree the village is exceptionally, unfathomably cursed. We are all in furious agreement over the facts, even if our manner greatly differs."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:20 am
by Nanzi Ai
Anjing wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:14 am
"Tssk. I think the arguments have been made. Whether they were made artfully I will, in the spirit of this gathering seek not to comment."
Which was an Anjing rarity.

"A good point loses its edge if made poorly. My ears are old so perhaps I missed some of the...girl's reasoning."
She gestures towards Kaijarisuigyo.
"But it sounded like an urging to be our best selves, our legendary selves even. On that I will agree, as I agree there were other ways to say it, and I agree the village is exceptionally, unfathomably cursed. We are all in furious agreement over the facts, even if our manner greatly differs."
“Apologies, Anjing-obasan, you are right we should be our best selves as Bushido demands. But I will not forget polite restraints, my Honored Mother even now does mortal battle with the forces of Yume-Jigoku and does so with decorum and propriety. I will not forsake my Honor just because we could lose, that is how the enemy will win… by turning us into them,” she responded.

“And any call to do so will be seen as an affront to my Honor and my Honored Mother.”

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:23 am
by Hiruma Naraku
"Nanzi-san, I welcome any reprisal you may search against Kai or even against me. In fact, if any of you have any complains about me and intend to pursue them, I strongly urge you to follow through.

But do it after. Let us defeat this monster first. Lets focus on what is at hand. As either the nine chosen or as the majority that will support them. Hold onto that promise and use it to survive, so you may obtain reparations after.

I do not think the Little Teacher chose this village on a whim and I do not think his demeanor yesterday was simply because he was tired. I believe this will be where we will make our last stand.

So now we should plan and see how can we best act."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:26 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora took a breath and let it out slowly.

"Twenty years ago, it was not skills, nor practical accomplishments which led Shinsei to select the party which went into the Pit to rescue Lord Hisomu. It was the purity of Seppun Dawei's soul, Old Man Yamadono's devotion to protecting his family, the purity of White Moonrise's heart, and my desire for truth. There were deadlier warriors, more powerful souls, and almost anyone else in our expedition would have been more spiritually attuned than the four of us who went with Lord Hantei. But we were chosen because we were the right people in the right place at the right time. And we got the job done. It was who we were, rather than what we could do, that determined our selection. So that end, I think this meeting is likely proving most enlightening."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:28 am
by Akodo Kenji
Ah.... The ronin woman was insane. That wasn't really an unexpected thing in this place, all things considered.

Still at least Lady Anjing was here to talk sense to people. He was pretty sure if the Crab Daimyo hadn't stepped in Lady Makime would soon be trying to hang someone from a tree by their ankles.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:28 am
by Nanzi Ai
Ai turned her masked gaze to the Crab heir, she knew the dangers before she arrived but her greater had spoken so there was nothing else to say. She had set her terms. She said calmly, “As you say, son of Hiruma.”

She would listen, but she would not forget her Honor. At Sora's words she nodded in agreement.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:45 am
by Akodo Kenji
"So..." Kenji said trailing off for a moment. "Shall we continue introductions? I know Lady Otaku has yet to make herself known, and I think there are a few others as well."
Otaku wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:59 am

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:36 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Deeds of renown did or t' be did? Akutou thinks. I ain't no 'strologer; the hell I know what'll happen?

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:44 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Some said it was better to be late than to never be there at all. A Crane didn't necessarily think that way, and some engagements were really better avoided altogether.

Nevertheless, Hikaru did arrive, positioning himself on the edge of the group, near the Unicorn. He gave her a nod, but kept a respectable distance; she, like him, looked like a samurai who appreciated personal space.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:13 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Akodo Kenji wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:45 am
"So..." Kenji said trailing off for a moment. "Shall we continue introductions? I know Lady Otaku has yet to make herself known, and I think there are a few others as well."
Her masked gaze fell to the Otaku.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:09 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki sat down with a sigh as the arguments begun, and waited patiently for peace to settle again.

She didn't think this was an audition for the role of Thunder, but rather an assessment of one another to learn more about those they'd be fighting alongside. At least it seems things calmed down before she could think about taking out her writing utensils.

Noticing Hikaru, and Otaku whom people seemed to look to, she gave them both a friendly smile and a wave of her hand.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:19 pm
by Matsu
Matsu had been there when the meeting was called, despite the player being stuck at work for all of the first part of the day.
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:26 am
Sora took a breath and let it out slowly.

"Twenty years ago, it was not skills, nor practical accomplishments which led Shinsei to select the party which went into the Pit to rescue Lord Hisomu. It was the purity of Seppun Dawei's soul, Old Man Yamadono's devotion to protecting his family, the purity of White Moonrise's heart, and my desire for truth. There were deadlier warriors, more powerful souls, and almost anyone else in our expedition would have been more spiritually attuned than the four of us who went with Lord Hantei. But we were chosen because we were the right people in the right place at the right time. And we got the job done. It was who we were, rather than what we could do, that determined our selection. So that end, I think this meeting is likely proving most enlightening."
She beamed a bit at hearing Jiyo speak about her father, and how destiny had served then. Folding her arms across her chest, she waited for her turn to speak and introduce herself.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:29 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
Nao watched as things seemed to deteriorate after she spoke. She wondered how that had happened and whether she should have said more. Or maybe, less. She sat quietly and listened.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:14 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Ai shifted from foot to foot, the floor was open for any to seize it.

OOC: I think anyone can speak or this thread will never end.