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Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:32 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
"Umm.... pardon my saying so, but instead of arguing with each other, maybe we should be practicing how to fight as a unit?" the younger Crab woman said tentatively.

"My sensei teaches that two warriors standing in formation are stronger than two warriors fighting on their own. Is that something the other clans teach, as well?"

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:22 pm
by Makime
"Finally someone talks sense. Lady Anjing you train your people well." Makime nods to the Yoshitsune with approval, "The skills may not help you but fighting together builds trust. Trust in the person beside you to do their part and your own expectation to equal their trust. Something far more useful then a few names and deeds that might matter for naught."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:27 pm
by Kaiu Tai
Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 3:32 pm
"Umm.... pardon my saying so, but instead of arguing with each other, maybe we should be practicing how to fight as a unit?" the younger Crab woman said tentatively.

"My sensei teaches that two warriors standing in formation are stronger than two warriors fighting on their own. Is that something the other clans teach, as well?"
Tai reaches up, to clap a hand on Ayako's shoulder in visible approval.

"The spirits of earth and fire, and such may support us. But the threats are also spiritual in nature. Might be they're better at convincin' those powers than we are. We need to practice this sort of fightin' together to have much hope. Or the trust not to be fooled when this enemy shows us lies with one another's faces on them."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 4:49 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku nodded in agreement.

"Mistrust will be the death of all of us. We can not allow it to fester when so much is on stake. The Little Teacher told us how this Harbinger will use anything to make sure in the end they are victorious. Exploiting paranoia and mistrust, making sure we never fully trust our allies,"

He sighed, thinking just how ironic it was that him was saying this.

"We need to know that whoever stands to our side, even if we are not Thunders, will have our back. And they need to know that we would do the same."

He turns to the crowd

"What can we do?"

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:09 pm
by Hantei Genji
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:28 pm

"Growing up and leaving their poor old parents bereft!"

He chuckled.

"Shirayuki's betrothed to young Saru Taiyo, and staying in the Dragon lands leading up to the wedding. Phi's studying with the Spider, and probably consulting with that Kuni fellow on fashion designs. Soryu's visiting the Nezumi, studying up on their lore and hopefully not pestering White Moonrise too much. Reiko and Kozan are, well. Five."

And therefore holy terrors of boundless energy and curiosity.
"Oh my, I bet they never even write, do they?" He chuckled alongside the old man. "Ah, going up the mountians for the wedding then? I see the family is all over the place the....any news back from the Nezumi?" He tilted his head, deep i nthougoht for a second. "Ah, five. I look forward to that time. Do they sleep through the night? Please say yes."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:17 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"You insult the Crane by alluding we cannot be trusted, choose your words more carefully, Son of Hiruma," she responded.

"My words are my bond, I have already stated my sword is yours. As Hisomu-san requested we are simply here to introduce ourselves and speak of how we can support the effort. If you suspect one of us as a traitor, then say it."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:27 pm
by Otaku
Otaku... snorts, faintly. "Trust is about more than not being a traitor," the quiet, sweet voice cuts in bluntly. "It is working together. It is believing the best of your allies, knowing their strengths. Searching to find insults where none exist should be beneath you. And all of us."

She tilts her chin up proudly, stiff and uncomfortable with making herself the center of attention. "And yes, very well. I'm Otaku. I am Shinjo's in life and death. More than that... I can show better than tell."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:34 pm
by Kaiu Tai
Tai glares at the Crane girl. "Yep, claimin' a statement about the danger of mistrust is an insult with your name on it is certainly helpful." Fuck, the kami were never this damn prickly.

"hmm...and fine. Tai of the Kaiu. The stones hear me, the fire will answer my sacrifice. But I'm old enough to know how hard it can be to tell where to focus those things to make a proper difference. But I'll give everything to leave my children a world without nightmares like the ones we've lived with in recent years."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:35 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku nods at the words from the Ki-Rin "Well put Lady Otaku," the man nods. "The enemy will not have any qualms about sowing mistrust between us, tirelessly working to make sure there are cracks between ourselves and sometimes the smallest crack is enough to bring down a whole castle."

"I am not innocent of this. I am not a trusting person. I have been chasing demons for the past five years, living alone and trusting the bare minimum," his tone hides a tinge of sadness but he steadies himself. "That solitude will not work here. That will only end with us dying alone."

"I want to know that even if the enemy mimics any of your voices, that my resolve is steeled and knows that it is only a parlor trick. To stand united and win as one."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:46 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Otaku and Tai were given nods in appreciation of their introductions, though Satsuki missed the glorious Tsubame there to be introduced too.

In the meantime, she had gotten out a large sheet of paper from her satchel and begun writing.

Volunteers for keeping watch over the camp (Day):

Volunteers for keeping watch over the camp (Night):

In case of medical emergency contact:

In case of spiritual imbalance contact:
- Togashi Satsuki

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:51 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Hiruma Naraku wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:35 pm
"I am not innocent of this. I am not a trusting person. I have been chasing demons for the past five years, living alone and trusting the bare minimum," his tone hides a tinge of sadness but he steadies himself. "That solitude will not work here. That will only end with us dying alone."
She had said her piece even as this devolved from the purpose, all this talk of trust and mistrust was pointless to her but if they wanted to wade into this she would not oppose it. There was sympathy for the Son of Hiruma and she finally spoke, “I have not been so alone, Son of Hiruma, but I, too, have spent the last few years hunting the Corruption, sometimes with my fellow Crane,” she said gesturing to Hikaru, “and other times alone.”

“Our enemy already probes our defenses in our dreams, denying us sleep. It will not be long before the Harbinger or their agents will try to find us in our dreams, offer us power or play on our weaknesses. Keep your jade close at all times, it is not a cure all but it is an adequate shield.”

“As a suggestion Jiyo-sama has a great deal of experience with the Corruption and Makime-dono is a master strategist, and both will be useful in seeing to the defense of the village, Thunder or not.”

She said proudly, “No one of us is here by accident, I trust all of you to do what must be done.”

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:59 pm
by Kaijarisuigyo
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:46 pm
In the meantime, she had gotten out a large sheet of paper from her satchel and begun writing.

Volunteers for keeping watch over the camp (Day):

Volunteers for keeping watch over the camp (Night):

In case of medical emergency contact:

In case of spiritual imbalance contact:
- Togashi Satsuki
Kai silently walked to the paper and put a finger in the "Volunteers for keeping watch over the camp (Night)" box.

Then she moved a few paces away, back under the cover of the trees, and started stretching. She was technically still within ear's range in case something truly important was said, but she felt she had ample time to do some gymnastics before that point was reached is ever.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:02 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
He nodded in agreement as Ai spoke; it was normal that she was well informed as the Crane were, together with the Spider, the clans that had devoted themselves the most to fighting the enemy.

"We must offer no easy avenue for the enemy. As for me... I am a master of poisons and for the past five years I have been perfecting my creations against the monsters of the Harbinger" he stated before he retrieved a small vial from his pouch, a greenish liquid with an iridescent sheen resting inside. "This here is one of my best creations. This poison would not harm any person that does not possesses the touch of the enemy, in fact, none of the ingredients are outright poisonous."

"The name of the poison is Amaterasu's Censure and the effects it has on those that are corrupted is akin to a forceful and violent unraveling of their essence. It forces their corruption to destroy them from inside, to purge our realm from their presence."

"I have already shared the recipe with the Spider as this secret should not be only with me. My death should not signify that this tool is lost to us. If any of you have knowledge about herbs and poisons, I will gladly share with you all of my recipes that do not affect those that are not corrupted."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:04 pm
by Otomo Akutou
So he's a poisoner, then, Akutou thinks. Not much good on most hunts. Spoils th' meat.

Might be good f'r puttin' down some o' them as've needed it, though. Hafta think 'bout it.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:10 pm
by Shiba Kumori
The (up until now) silent woman lingering on the outside of the gathering stepped forward softly.

“We all have our paths… and we all have our own thoughts. Unity… need not be a cudgel deployed to demand uniformity of thought and action. Arguments are a natural outgrowth of care…”

She looked around the room, “We can be unified each in our separate strengths and weaknesses. The only thing that need be solitary is our desire to serve the people of this world. That is what it means to be ‘samurai’…”

She then bowed her head politely, “I am called Han-Hei. Some among you may know me as another name. But whatever name you know me by… Know I am here to serve the realm of men and the heavens. I have fought for many years and seen many of your homes… And I promise to help you protect the people you serve with my whole body and mind.”

She then nodded to the group and stepped out of the point of focus.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:47 pm
by Nanzi Ai
The talk of poison seemed unseemly... best to ignore that it was even said. Instead she pretended they spoke of sweet candies and how they could defeat the Harbinger's sweet tooth.


Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:58 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki nodded to Kai with a smile, and made her the first name on the list for volunteers.

"Excuse me," she stood up as she finished writing. "Could be maybe get a pole or something to place in the middle of camp, to serve as a message-board of sorts?"

She held up the paper and its writings on it. "I think Hisomu Goju's idea is a good one, so we can know one another by name and capability. Building on his momentum, we can put actions to those words in how we can best help all of us through the days ahead. I think this could be a start for that, and we could place this paper on a place visible to all, to write their names if they wish."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 10:14 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji stood up and smiled, glancing around. More cousins than expected, how curious...

"A great idea Satsu-chan. I will see about finding a pole somewhere. Meanwhile, let it be known that I'll also happily take night guard duties. I'm used to not getting a lot of sleep. The risk of parenthood, as some of you may know." He stood up straight, a slight shine to his skin as he continued. "It is a difficult propostion for all of us here, yet we must prevail. I know the last few years have been especially difficult...Amaterasu shine on me but I dread every night nowadays, but we must prevail. Not for our Empire's sake, but for Mortality's sake." He took a breath. "Now on that note, I'll happily brew a good batch of tea for anyone that is interested." He turned towards the Spider host. "Hisomu-san, I appreciate your organization here." He turned towards the Crab. "And Hiruma-san, your enthusiasm is appreciated, but I'd hold off on...any shenanigans, if we can, just yet. We just did arrive, after all."

The Stag Shiny Boi stepped back, his arms loosely by his side.

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 11:06 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Hantei Genji wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 5:09 pm
"Oh my, I bet they never even write, do they?" He chuckled alongside the old man. "Ah, going up the mountians for the wedding then? I see the family is all over the place the....any news back from the Nezumi?" He tilted his head, deep i thougoht for a second. "Ah, five. I look forward to that time. Do they sleep through the night? Please say yes."
"I get the odd letter here and there, but with me on the road, Kinyoubi is handling most of the correspondence. But yes, the plan is for all of us to reunite in the Dragon lands for the wedding. Soryu's been sent to transcribe the contents of memory sticks into writing we can understand, so... there's going to be a bit of a communications gap there, unfortunately."

At the last question, he made a seesaw motion with his hand.

"They will go to sleep early, granting you a blessed evening's peace, but they rise early."

He gave a mock-shudder.

"So, so early. And when they wake... they wake."

Re: Thunder Team Building Exercises [D2 MA, OPEN]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:06 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Goju got lost in his own thoughts about the past, he didn't notice what was going on until "Han-Hei" began speaking. He just nodded along like he had been paying attention the entire time and hoped he didn't miss anything too important.