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Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:33 pm
by Nozomi
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:11 pm
"Old Man Yamadono. Felt like he'd always be around..."

Sora sighed.
She nodded and sighed a little. "Nothing can last forever, no matter what we might wish." Such was the way of things. "A good man."
Hisomu Reo wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:24 pm
"I... like to think he still is, in his way, and where he is." Admittedly... where he was now, it wasn't somewhere she could touch, now was it? She did seem a little sad. The mountain of a man was someone she missed. "Here's to becoming relics where the grandkids can get the telling of our stories horribly wrong. Chusu would approve of a little embellishment."

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:35 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Ukyou wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:32 pm
"Oh yes... Some we may not expect at all," he muses.
Hikaru straightened, frowning. "I... don't quite know how Destiny works. But if they are here, they are supposed to be, right?"

He braced himself to receive a look, one that would tell him 'you already know the answer to this'.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:38 pm
by Yuzuru Hoto-Hori
Ukyou wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:32 pm
"I suppose one can't argue with matters of taste," he says with a shrug and speaks up a little bit. "Foxes always just seem to end up with their noses in the mud, though."
Even through his internal mutterings about the host of this little morning meeting, he heard the disgusting slander of the noble vulpine race. Sharp eyes picked out the speaker and then narrowed.

"Is this what you look like now, little thieving bastard?" He said quietly to himself, probably not knowing it had been out loud.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:40 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
With the increased murmurings of those gathered, Nao opened an eye. Nothing was happening yet, but she opened both eyes and looked around. There were so many interesting people around her. People important to the story.
Han-Hei wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:13 pm
The one in the fox mask drew her attention first. She would definitely affect the tale. If the number of people glancing at her were any indication, she already had.
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:11 pm
Sora for instance, and the rest of the old guard. What were they thinking regarding regarding the younger generation?
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:55 pm
Satsuki. Genji. Ai. So many of her cousins were in this isolated little village. For the first time, a feeling of dread fell over her, as she considered how badly the story could end. She couldn't allow that.

Absently, she reached out to San and pulled the pig into a hug.
Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:22 pm
And, there were the Bat. At least two of her clan were here. That was good.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:40 pm
by Ryoshun Yukara
Yukari followed the exchange with a quizzical expression, but the comment from the crane did cause a wry smile.

"You do have the nature of destiny in brief, yes. Though one wonders how much Destiny suggests, and how much it commands."

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:41 pm
by Shiba Kumori
Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:22 pm

A third monk materialized from the mist, her coming foretold by the soft thump of her walking staff on the damp earth. A walking staff crowned by a vicious looking blade, no less. The sight of Shinsei made her pause, recognition passing over her visage

Casting her baleful gaze across the gathering, she offered nods of greeting to first the foxy masked woman, then to the enlightened ensemble, and finally the crane, before inquiring "I have not missed the... enlightening?"
The fox shook her head, “Not as of yet, no. Welcome Bat-sama.”

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:43 pm
by Ryoshun Yukara
"And to you as well, Fox-Sama." She pondered for a moment, and then added, "I'm Yukara. Ryoshun Yukara. Student of a man who never told me his name."

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:49 pm
by Shiba Kumori
Sounds like a jerk of a sensei.

“Sounds… mystical.” She said with a nod and a forced smile.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:50 pm
by Saru Shang
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:27 pm
"Ah," she nodded. Not that she had much coin left herself from her long travel, but if Shang needed it she wouldn't mind parting with some of them. "I don't think it's in his style to ask for coin so directly, from what I've heard. But yeah! The stone is a curious piece, I agree, hmm. Do you think he seems like a stone though?" Satsuki gave the monk and his rock a curious look, and obviously seemed to wonder if there was something special about that particular rock.
"Oh, no no...I would never expect anyone to ask for coin so directly, that would be most improper. But I suppose some in hint or call to action could be dropped, such as not having had breakfast yet or being extremely thirsty. Heavens, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter, considering we've been told to not drink from the river a few times. That alone would make a lot of people thirsty around here," she gave a shake of her head and she took another look around to account of people here. "I suppose that would mean everyone has to make do with sake and spirits. Who knows what sort of implications that might bring with a gathering this large."

"At the moment, yes. Monks can be rather fluid in the stance that they adopt. I suppose all of us could use a stone in our lives with so much uncertainty of the present. Maybe the message is that having a constant leaning post is both inspirational and burdensome at the same time. We find ourselves surrounded by people and judged at all times. In a sense, us watching him and really watching ourselves. This is actually quite deep and quite thought-provoking. I was expecting the festivities to be more festive, to be honest. I'm not complaining, especially when my breakfast is food for thought, clearly!"

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:53 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Nozomi wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:33 pm
"Here's to becoming relics where the grandkids can get the telling of our stories horribly wrong. Chusu would approve of a little embellishment."
"People already get my damn story wrong. Can;t imagine what it'll sound like in another generation or two."

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:53 pm
by Kaiu Tai
Tai spent some time getting there, unhappy with how *off* directions felt. She could see the tents all around as she made her way to the fog-dimmed murmur of many voices, but when she'd been certain that she'd passed this off in the other direction last night. Damn fog.

Still, something was going on, and she could guess who the fellow in the middle was, even if she'd never really met him. So she settled in to wait.

(Not on much today, but present. Please PM if you want to chat with Tai).

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:55 pm
by Ryoshun Yukara
Han-Hei wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:49 pm
Sounds like a jerk of a sensei.

“Sounds… mystical.” She said with a nod and a forced smile.
"I called him sensei and never thought to ask. Then he died and I couldn't." She ahrugged as if it were perfectly natural.

"Mystical is an odd word... after all, every mystery may seem to be mystical... and just be a question we didn't bother asking."

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:58 pm
by Shiba Kumori
Like… What the fuck are you talking about?

“Yeah… for sure.” She nodded her head. It didn’t seem that this one was all that interested in philosophical questions.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:59 pm
by Ukyou
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:35 pm
Hikaru straightened, frowning. "I... don't quite know how Destiny works. But if they are here, they are supposed to be, right?"

He braced himself to receive a look, one that would tell him 'you already know the answer to this'.
"Indeed. We all have roles here. We just might not know their true nature just yet," Ukyou muses.
Yuzuru Hoto-Hori wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:38 pm
Even through his internal mutterings about the host of this little morning meeting, he heard the disgusting slander of the noble vulpine race. Sharp eyes picked out the speaker and then narrowed.

"Is this what you look like now, little thieving bastard?" He said quietly to himself, probably not knowing it had been out loud.
And added a wink to his grin over his shoulder for some reason before turning back the conversation.
Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:43 pm
"And to you as well, Fox-Sama." She pondered for a moment, and then added, "I'm Yukara. Ryoshun Yukara. Student of a man who never told me his name."
"How curious. I can think of some people who might pull that on a poor student."

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:04 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Ukyou wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:59 pm
"Indeed. We all have roles here. We just might not know their true nature just yet," Ukyou muses.
Hikaru's lips quirked. "I am not sure whether to find that comforting or the opposite. Perhaps a bit of both." He hesitated. "Still, I suppose it is good to know one's destiny."

He shot the fox-masked woman and the monk he'd met earlier a curious glance as they continued to speak.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:05 pm
by Ryoshun Yukara
Han-Hei wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:58 pm
Like… What the fuck are you talking about?

“Yeah… for sure.” She nodded her head. It didn’t seem that this one was all that interested in philosophical questions.
After a moment Yukara seemed to realize that she wasn't interesting the fox person, so she stepped back slightly. Hadn't her sensei told her not to interrupt?

How embarrassing.

Slinking away like a cat caught near a forbidden snack, she took up station watching the little teacher set up his rock.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:08 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Wu Zhe wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:30 pm
With most of his attention on the man sitting on the stone, the one with the strangely-patterned robe seems to take a while before he notices the man walking towards him. The fishing rod does eventually seem to attract his attention, though, his eyes shifting between it and man's face for a moment before he bows. Part of what looks like the mesh of a fishing net sticking out of the furoshiki on his back might have something to do with that.

"Ann... good morning" some hesitation, maybe a look up to be certain. "Dragon-nim.", he finally says. As the young man straightens himself, his eyes again shift from face, to fishing rod, to spear, back to face. Curiosity is not quite exactly hidden in his face, but he just in silence for some (possibly awkward) seconds. Then a small nod.

"...quite a gathering, ne?"

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:15 pm
by Shiba Kumori
That’s a flighty little Bat… Apparently I scared her. She thought.

“How’s it going up in Bat lands? Like I was telling Doji-sama here… I spent some time up there training over the past five years.” She offered as a way to coax the bat out of the cave.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:16 pm
by Akodo Kenji
There were an awful lot of people gathered around the trio of monks sitting around the center of town and Kenji was one of them. Well, more or less. He stood more towards the edge of the crowd, observing those present as much as anything else.

They were an odd lot that much was certain, but that was probably to be expected. He caught bits and pieces of conversation but hadn't commented or approached anyone yet. Content for the moment to watch and wait.

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:17 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Han-Hei wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:32 pm
“It’s no problem Doji-sama. I am simply one of many hopeless fan girls who ran off to study from the Lord Kakita after his exploits at the Winter Court five years ago became known. You can imagine our disappointment when he married Bayushi’s daughter and we found him to be as charming as a toad… despite the good looks.”

She smiled, “I was told that he used to be a Crane in his younger days. And he continues to hold them in high regard.”
"He was." Hikaru confirmed suddenly with a nod. "I trained with him myself. It is with no shame that I admit he was always my superior with a blade."

His lips quirked. "I had not imagined to hear him compared to a toad. I'm not sure he would be offended by the comparison, though." Lord Kakita was rather unflappable, after all.