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Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:21 pm
by Otomo Akutou
...and his hat leaves his head as he bows it deeply.

He's a rube. He ain't stupid.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:29 pm
by Chuchu
Chuchu toddles her way on over to Kenji and shyly holds out her hands for him to take. She knows this one -- has helped him once already. Maybe she can help him again.

"I do not understand honor," The nezumi child starts her blessing honestly; the strange human word tastes funny in her mouth. "But I think it's like Name, isn't it? It's who you are. Who you are is needed in this very moment, Lion's Claw. Be sharp as your namesake and cut only that which is corrupted, and your Name shall echo across eternity."

She then looks to the next Thunder of the coming storm.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:40 pm
by Chuchu
Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:04 pm
She simply bowed her head.
Chuchu goes to Nao, gazing up at the girl who's so like her and so unlike her. She offers her handpaws to the Bat.

"To simply know something is not enough. One must also have wisdom to use that which they have learned in the service of others." Her tail wags a little as she thinks of Nao selflessly gathering things for a stranger simply because it might help. "The smartest thing any of us can do is take care of each other. I believe in you! Take what you have learned over your lifetime into this battle, and your Name shall echo across eternity."

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:56 pm
by Ryoshun Yukara
As she was passed over, for a brief moment Yukara felt a pang of frustration, of rage. The dark voices which followed bubbled up, hissing in their envy, their poison.

She gazed at her freshly returned hand, and could only ponder that being removed and returned had not washed it clean - she was still guilty. Still unworthy.

It threatened to choke her, the realization that she had only been deluding herself into thinking she had a place here - that she had some part to play in among the people... the beautiful people who stood astride the world. Knowing she had been an amusement. A distraction. A toy. Destruction? Destruction!? They wanted to speak of destruction... many of them had never seen it, never known it as she had. Had not wrought it to home after home while weeping at its horror...

The voice hissed its poison.

Yukara finally let go a long breath, not even aware she had been holding it, and eased the strength of her grip.

So what?

Her destiny was not to do this thing. She was not to be a hero, loved by history, to be adored. Had that ever stopped her before? What needed doing would not change - until her work was done, there was no time for these petty thoughts.

The voices desperately rose in intensity, arguing about how she was betrayed, about how she deserved better, how this monk had no more right to decide her fate than any other. And Yukara shut them out, one by one, until her mind was still once more, quiet.

There were things that could be helped, and things that could not. Just because her life was not one of import, did not mean she would give satisfaction to her enemy in this late hour. She knew what those voices belonged to.

Striding to Nao, she rested that hand on the young woman's shoulder, offering a small blessing of her own, "You will not simply tell the tales of others, Nao-sama. You will be at the heart of this tale - and tell it first hand."

She smiled, adding, "Though I am not worthy to join you in this task, what I can do, I will do. You need only ask."

Then she removed herself from the way of events, letting the items of remaining importance play out.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:57 pm
by Canary
Canary wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:20 pm
Shiba Kumori wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:13 pm
Briefly, incredibly briefly, the roiling stormclouds above part, and Lady Sun's glory shines down on all the people who stepped up to gather in this place to protect Ningen-do. Whatever their reasons, however they came to be there, the warmth of the sun shines down, dappling through the trees in rays that touch each person present.

[All weapons of those present are now considered Jade for penetrating reduction.]
When the light of the sun is finally swallowed up by the clouds of the approaching storm, Kumori is left still looking as though she were illuminated, not unlike Genji.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:00 pm
by Canary
Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:56 pm
As the negative thoughts spread through her, the light of the sun briefly touched her, and she felt the warmth of a small hand in hers. She briefly hears a girl's voice.

Grandma, if that happens, will you help me, too?

Perhaps it wasn't the future to be a Thunder, but she did have a beautiful future ahead of her. It wasn't something that could happen if she was dead. Her time to shine would take time, but it would come, along with a family that loved her and one another.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:03 pm
by Chuchu
The shaman now walks to Otaku. The Ki-Rin gets a tiny hug on the leg as Chuchu whispers out the blessing.

"I do not know your Name, but I bless it. May your Name be as incorruptible one of the People's Names." Her forehead rests against Otaku. "It is in your people's nature to Dream, but they cannot Dream safely without you. Draw within your heart the Rot that plagues the Dreaming -- by your holy dreams pull apart that which is true and that which is corrupted -- and return that which belongs to the void to the void. Purify the Dreaming and your Name shall echo across eternity."

There's one more... another stranger. Chuchu looks to the Scorpion, who she's seen only in passing.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:08 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:25 pm

Saru Ranmaru wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:59 pm
"Ranmaru," she chuckled and shook her head. "It'll be fine no matter what happens. But thank you."

Then they all fell quiet for the selection it seemed, everyone's attention focused on Nozomi and those she named Thunders.

When she realised neither she or Hikaru were selected, she felt an... odd sense of calm. No disappointment, concern, envy, or even joy. Just a simple realisation that this was how it was, and she had her own part to play in the great tapestry of the universe.

Maybe her mother's teachings had finally began to sink in. Guess this was how she felt when they went to rescue Hisomu... no wait, she never stepped forward to be selected, she said she already knew where her place was. Perhaps she just needed to learn that too now.

Her hand, which had been holding Hikaru's all this time, eased a little as she noticed she might've held on a bit tightly. "We might not be going to save her with them, but we'll still be helping," Satsuki said softly to him.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:22 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:56 pm
The chaos within her mind stopped when Yukara touched her. Nao focused on the woman and smiled.

"You are worthy Yukara-san. I know your story will be great abd will inspire greatness. It is comforting to know one such as you will be with my family."

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:24 pm
by Chuchu
Bayushi Norikage wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:31 pm
He bowed. "I accept this path, and I'm honored by the company fate has granted me."

This isn't because you're special, it's because this has to get done. Don't get a big head.
With purpose, the Daughter of Ten Thousand Dreams walks to meet the last of the Thunders. She stops before the Scorpion. Dark eyes shine as she takes a moment to appraise him. His is the hardest -- not for her, but for Norikage.

"I have spoken of wisdom," She murmurs. "The wisdom of caring for others. How we only survive by taking care of each other. Your duty may seem counter to such words -- but only if you do not realize the truth beyond it. It is not enough to be against something. You must be for something. Sometimes the right choice is to destroy that which could destroy the world you wish to leave your children, and their children, and their children's children."

Chuchu rests her hands over her heart. "Fight for Tomorrow. Do not give in to the alluring promises of destruction for destruction's sake -- fight for this world that has loved you and you have loved -- and your Name shall echo across eternity."

The nezumi begins to glow. Her little body becomes untethered from the grasp of reality, rising into the air as pieces of her Name break apart into little golden stars that float across the gathered to find each respective Thunder. Each is limned in the flickery light of pure Dreaming as they become one of her Ten Thousand Dreams. It's a connection to eternity itself, for so long as something in the world dreams, their Name will not die.

And then it's over. Chuchu drops to the ground with a heavy thud, and she cheeps, unsteady on her feet. Once she's certain she won't fall she makes her way to Sora, who she asks for uppies with widespread arms.

-1 permanent Name to Bless the Thunders.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:32 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Saru Ranmaru wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:59 pm
Ranmaru suppressed the emotions raging inside him and made his approach. To Hikaru he gave a slight wave and then he leaned in to whisper into Satsuki's ear. "Let us see if this man is selected. If so, then it's only right that you march together. But if he does not, then you should refuse."

Out of curiosity, he glanced at Hikaru to try to gleam his feelings on the matter. Would the man be broken by having her go to this challenge without him?

It was, of course, a little problematic that he didn't think it'd be so bad if she was to watch him go.

"Send me in your stead if he does not go." He smiled. "This is all theoretical though." This suggestion was based on pure impulse. But a warrior needed to seize the moment before it passed.
Hikaru didn't hear Ranmaru's words. He just had some vague awareness of a shirtless mass nearby. He was listening to the names. Who would be at the forefront of the battle against the corruption, that his Lady had been fighting for so many years now?

It seemed that it would not be him. Perhaps Jiyo-sama had been right: Hikaru had no destiny of note. He felt as though the path before him was growing dark, crumbling. You will fail. He heard the voice, Lady Doji's voice but wrong, in his head. Beyond failing, it seemed he would not even be allowed to try.
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:08 pm
When she realised neither she or Hikaru were selected, she felt an... odd sense of calm. No disappointment, concern, envy, or even joy. Just a simple realisation that this was how it was, and she had her own part to play in the great tapestry of the universe.

Maybe her mother's teachings had finally began to sink in. Guess this was how she felt when they went to rescue Hisomu... no wait, she never stepped forward to be selected, she said she already knew where her place was. Perhaps she just needed to learn that too now.

Her hand, which had been holding Hikaru's all this time, eased a little as she noticed she might've held on a bit tightly. "We might not be going to save her with them, but we'll still be helping," Satsuki said softly to him.
Hearing his wife's voice, feeling her hand shift in his, Hikaru blinked. He shook his head, shaking off some of the confusion. After a moment, he smiled at her. "You're right, of course." He murmured back, taking a deep breath. "Whatever we can do, we'll do. Any help must push the balance in her favor." Even if he was just one of many, no longer her samurai. Perhaps he still had a destiny, just along a different path.

Time would tell.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:35 pm
by Ryoshun Yukara
Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:22 pm
The chaos within her mind stopped when Yukara touched her. Nao focused on the woman and smiled.

"You are worthy Yukara-san. I know your story will be great abd will inspire greatness. It is comforting to know one such as you will be with my family."
Yukara smiled faintly, "Perhaps I am worthy, but not of this task. What I shall do is yet to be written, and I would ask that if you can return to witness it, and to pass it on, please... you are one of my first friends. I do not wish to lose you."

With a soft nod, she added, "In the meantime, you will have the best vantage in this most important story, writing it with your own hand."

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:49 pm
by Nanzi Ai
She said to the Nezumi in a quiet voice, "Thank you Chuchu-san, thank you."

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:08 am
by Saru Ranmaru
Throughout the selection process, Ranmaru turned inward. This purpose he had concocted for himself had been for naught. He took the realization better than he had anticipated. Here would not be where he forged his destiny.

And so easily he abandoned his niceness. "Hmpf, I guess it ended up working out for you after all, Little Dragon." It definitely wasn't because he was at least a little bitter about being left out. Well, it was certainly overshadowed by the fact that he'd have to live to see these two together. Satsuki with such a pinnacle of manliness...! Truly some people were far too fortunate!

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:17 am
by Doji Hikaru
Saru Ranmaru wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:08 am
Throughout the selection process, Ranmaru turned inward. This purpose he had concocted for himself had been for naught. He took the realization better than he had anticipated. Here would not be where he forged his destiny.

And so easily he abandoned his niceness. "Hmpf, I guess it ended up working out for you after all, Little Dragon." It definitely wasn't because he was at least a little bitter about being left out. Well, it was certainly overshadowed by the fact that he'd have to live to see these two together. Satsuki with such a pinnacle of manliness...! Truly some people were far too fortunate!
Finally, Hikaru noticed Ranmaru, although he again didn't hear what he said.

Hikaru looked at Ranmaru, smiling. "Oh, good evening Ranmaru-san. I didn't see you there." He gave Satsuki's hand a little squeeze.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:19 am
by Nanzi Ai
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:17 am
Finally, Hikaru noticed Ranmaru, although he again didn't hear what he said.

Hikaru looked at Ranmaru, smiling. "Oh, good evening Ranmaru-san. I didn't see you there." He gave Satsuki's hand a little squeeze.
Ai wanted to approach but slowed as they engaged the other Dragon, she remained on the periphery as to not be rude.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:21 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Satsuki rolled her eyes at the comment of 'Little Dragon', but didn't seem to overly offended. Seemed like maybe the two of them had worked things out over the week of having to spend more time around eachother.
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:19 am
Ai wanted to approach but slowed as they engaged the other Dragon, she remained on the periphery as to not be rude.
Satsuki bowed her head respectfully to Ai. "It's a heavy duty you've been chosen for, but I'm certain you're ready to face it, cousin."

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:24 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Chuchu wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:24 pm
The nezumi begins to glow. Her little body becomes untethered from the grasp of reality, rising into the air as pieces of her Name break apart into little golden stars that float across the gathered to find each respective Thunder. Each is limned in the flickery light of pure Dreaming as they become one of her Ten Thousand Dreams. It's a connection to eternity itself, for so long as something in the world dreams, their Name will not die.

And then it's over. Chuchu drops to the ground with a heavy thud, and she cheeps, unsteady on her feet. Once she's certain she won't fall she makes her way to Sora, who she asks for uppies with widespread arms.

-1 permanent Name to Bless the Thunders.
Tadaka almost went to help her but stopped when she moved towrds Sora. He'll take good care of her. He then returned to where he was.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:25 am
by Saru Ranmaru
HE DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE ME UNTIL NOW. Ranmaru shut his eyes tight so that he could properly bear this agony. Once he got over his dramatics, he said, "As good as the evening can be." Dejected he bowed goodbye before slipping away.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:26 am
by Nanzi Ai
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:21 am
Satsuki bowed her head respectfully to Ai. "It's a heavy duty you've been chosen for, but I'm certain you're ready to face it, cousin."
“I am not sure I am worthy, I came here wanting this… knowing it was meant to be but now… I am ready, this is what we are here for. I will keep Nao-chan safe… Genji too, everyone,” she said looking at the others before settling on Naraku and then back to her cousin.

She then leaned forward using her fan to shield her words to whisper something to her cousin.

OOC: PM forthcoming.