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Hisomu Reo
Posts: 323
Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:37 pm

Something to Settle Your Mind [D1 EN]

Post by Hisomu Reo »

Reo tosses and turns in his bed for what feels like an entire night. With no way to tell time, it feels like an eternity.

"Huff." Reo rolls out of bed and pulls out a set of herbs he had taken from earlier in the day. He grinds up a few and sets them into a pot of water for an herbal concoction. Reo sits and sips the drink...but it still doesn't settle his mind.

D1 EN - Make something to help Reo Sleep-Intelligence/Medicine(Herbalism) | 8k5 ⇒ 23 (TN: 30)
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
Status: 1.0 | Honor: 4.5 | Glory: 1.0
Yumi with lots of arrows, Light Armor, Medicine Kit, Mortar and Pestle, finger of Jade

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