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(D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »


It had been a long night.

Still, Hikaru had eventually gotten to sleep, rising somewhat later in the day than he was accustomed to. It was vexing. Vexing!

Once he'd gone through the rest of his morning routine, Hikaru had left his tent. Securing water was a fairly simple task, and he sat in front of the fire, watching the kettle. Yes, he'd heard the saying that a watched pot never boiled, but that made the process all the more relaxing.
Last edited by Doji Hikaru on Fri Oct 27, 2023 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: (D1LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 10:33 pm

It had been a long night.

Still, Hikaru had eventually gotten to sleep, rising somewhat later in the day than he was accustomed to. It was vexing. Vexing!

Once he'd gone through the rest of his morning routine, Hikaru had left his tent. Securing water was a fairly simple task, and he sat in front of the fire, watching the kettle. Yes, he'd heard the saying that a watched pot never boiled, but that made the process all the more relaxing.
"Ah Hikaru". Anjing had been about to leaver the Imperial Camp after a not unpleasant but somewhat unusual breakfast that had been gatecrashed by a...thing.

"So, this is where you lay your head?"
She nods politely at the Crane before spotting the kettle.

"You're making tea I see? I'm sure I can find a story or some sweets to share if I can offer them in trade."

Frankly with the night she had Anjing was determined to be 90% tea by midday.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

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Spotting the famed Daimyo (aka the nice older woman who stuffed him full of spicy stew), Hikaru straightened. As he'd been sitting pretty straight already, this was pretty much standing straight, just closer to the ground.

"Lady Anjing. Please. Join me." Giving a kneeling bow (a brief concession to non-uprightness), Hikaru gestured with upturned palm to a spot not quite across from him.

Gently, he shook his head. "No trade is necessary. I am honored to share tea with you. Especially as you did me the honor of sharing your stew with me the other night."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 10:55 pm
"Still so polite, it must come from youth."

Not that she objects as she sits across from him, thumping her pack down and sitting back nearly as straight as the Crane.

"I suppose tea for a meal is a fair enough trade. And it seems to have done you some good, you look rested indeed."
A slight frown. "I did not have quite such a relaxing night. And when I awakened the weather was even worse. It is enough to make me feel very tired indeed. But the tea helps."

She gestures at the tents around them.
"The imperial camp is rather fancy I see."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru gave Anjing a sharp look. "In fact, I did not sleep well. It is fortunate that I turned in early, because it took me hours to get to sleep. Whenever I tried to sleep, I would be awoken by..." His lips pressed tight together, "-an uncanny feeling." He left it at that.

Tilting his head, he regarded Anjing with some concern. "Let us have some tea while we talk. Perhaps you can tell me if you had a similar experience last night?" Hikaru put deeds to words, carefully pouring the tea, mixing it, offering the cup to her with both hands. All with perfect ceremony, as might be expected from a Crane.

D2LM Tea Ceremony, VP spent because why not | 6k5 ⇒ 40 (TN: 15)
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:10 am
Tea ceremonies were not Anjing's favourite past time. But in a cursed village fighting the realm of nightmares, she reckoned they might have a new appeal. The careful routine and warm beverage help calm her mind and when Hikaru finishes she nods her thanks.

"Presumably there is a Crane somewhere who could conduct a bad tea ceremony, but they must be rare indeed. That was very fine."
Looking over at Hikaru, oen eyebrow slightly raised.

"I had the same experience except sleep simply eluded me. I came close, one or twice. But it was as though I could feel it retreating whenever I came close. And the villagers spraying herbs everywhere did not help." She purses her lips. "I suppose they calculated most of us would be too tired come morning to storm over there and demand an explanation."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Smiling just the tiniest bit, Hikaru gave a kneeling bow. "Thank you, Lady Anjing. Your words honor me."

He met her gaze, his frown deepening. "I wonder if anyone else had trouble sleeping." His frown deepened. "Villagers were spraying herbs? I didn't see that. Do you know what sort?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 6:30 pm
Smiling just the tiniest bit, Hikaru gave a kneeling bow. "Thank you, Lady Anjing. Your words honor me."

He met her gaze, his frown deepening. "I wonder if anyone else had trouble sleeping." His frown deepened. "Villagers were spraying herbs? I didn't see that. Do you know what sort?"
"Tai tells me it was 'Kava', although they might be using that name for a different substance." Another sip of tea, her expression becoming a little annoyed. "Apparently they were burning it throughout the celebrations. Didn't notice it myself, but she's sharper than I am on these things."

"And that means I bet half the visitors here had trouble sleeping. Going to be lots of sore heads and red eyes, tempers will be short. Maybe this is the real battle, Shinsei urging us to be kind to one another, but we all have only an hours sleep?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

"Kava..." Hikaru frowned, then shook his head. "I have heard the name, but no more than that. It is not favored in Lady Doji's court." That was all the explanation that was required for that.

Hikaru took a sip from his cup; he seemed to be savoring it. "Lady Makime would almost certainly be able to expound on the importance of sleep, food, drink... other things..." latrines had been his thought, but he didn't want to share that. "I suppose that is a sort of battle. Still, perhaps that is why Courtesy is one of our virtues."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

"One I am still working on. Too often these days people will talk at you in a circle for minutes at a time before reaching their ultimate point that the weather is nice." Eyeing the fog. "Thankfully I haven't had much of that problem lately."

Looking very slightly amused at the mention of Makime.
"I spoke with the Lioness last night, when she becomes animated she is always ready to expound. Shinsei learnt that already. I don't understand everything she speaks about. But it is always from a place of selfless passion...another of us still working on their courtesy."

Eyeing Hikaru.
"Not something a nice young man such as yourself has to worry about. Now tell me, courteous Crane. Who have you seen since we last met? I am sure your friendly face has made all sorts of contacts. And you have been keeping an eye on my niece, haven't you?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Very gently, Hikaru smiled. "I shall make sure to be direct when speaking with you, then."

Reminded by her look, Hikaru looked out into the fog. He declined to speak further on the subject of Makime; it seemed unwise to come between Daimyos. Instead, he nodded gravely when Anjing spoke of Satsuki. "I have." He said. There was a pause as he sipped tea, his brow creased. It was so strange to say...

Lowering his cup, Hikaru cleared his throat. "Actually, we are courting. Officially, now." He looked down into his teacup. "It seemed good to make our intentions clear."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:36 pm
Very gently, Hikaru smiled. "I shall make sure to be direct when speaking with you, then."

Reminded by her look, Hikaru looked out into the fog. He declined to speak further on the subject of Makime; it seemed unwise to come between Daimyos. Instead, he nodded gravely when Anjing spoke of Satsuki. "I have." He said. There was a pause as he sipped tea, his brow creased. It was so strange to say...

Lowering his cup, Hikaru cleared his throat. "Actually, we are courting. Officially, now." He looked down into his teacup. "It seemed good to make our intentions clear."
Anjing's gaze sloooowly turns to Hikaru, as though her neck were a rusty iron gear begrudgingly creaking into position.
Her expression was flat and polite, dangerously so.

And her tone, like a boulder swaying dangerously at the top of a mountain over the caravan below.
"You are.Courting.My.Niece?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru had faced death before, many times. Perhaps never so certainly than if the legendary Anjing decided that he was to die. And yet, was honesty not a virtue? Was not it honorable to face death for... for the one you cared so deeply about? Hikaru's chin tilted upwards, if not proudly, at least confidently.

"I am." He said, his pale eyes meeting hers.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sat Oct 28, 2023 9:47 pm
Hikaru had faced death before, many times. Perhaps never so certainly than if the legendary Anjing decided that he was to die. And yet, was honesty not a virtue? Was not it honorable to face death for... for the one you cared so deeply about? Hikaru's chin tilted upwards, if not proudly, at least confidently.

"I am." He said, his pale eyes meeting hers.
Silence, lingering on and on until finally.

"Well, that's good dear. You two have fun."
She beams and reaches over to pat his hand.

"But obviously, if your behaviour should be anything less than exemplary. Not that I think there is much risk of that. But if it is, I will come and we will have words, understood?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru hesitated, blinking as she patted his hand. Had that been a test? It seemed possible, but not certain.

"Of course, Lady Anjing." Hikaru said, inclining his head. "Although I promise you, that shall not be necessary. I swear it." Hikaru often swore things, but he always meant them.

He smiled. "She asked me how Crane do courtship, and I made the mistake of reminding her of how Lord Nanzi performed three tasks for Lady Doji. I do hope that I don't come to regret it." He didn't sound regretful.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:07 am
"Oh fortunes, kids these days. What did he have to do for her again? Find 3 cutesy metaphors?"
Anjing shakes her head with a smile.
"Look, you go do the nice courtship dance and tell her she has eyes like the deepest sea or whatever. But try not to forget the important stuff, find out what you both like, see if you can relax in one another's company. Make sure you're physically compatible. You know, the usual."

She refills her tea.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Hikaru grimaced, first once, than again, as she refilled her tea. "Please, allow me, Lady Anjing." He murmured. After that, he was silent for a long moment, lips pressed together.

"I compared them to lushest forest." Hikaru said. "But I assure you, this is not an impulsive decision. We..." a frown and a smile seemed to chase each other across his face. "Yes." He finally said, perhaps confusingly.

Then he frowned. "What do you mean, physically compatible?" Hikaru looked at her, a blank expression on his handsome, innocent features.
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:29 am
Hikaru grimaced, first once, than again, as she refilled her tea. "Please, allow me, Lady Anjing." He murmured. After that, he was silent for a long moment, lips pressed together.

"I compared them to lushest forest." Hikaru said. "But I assure you, this is not an impulsive decision. We..." a frown and a smile seemed to chase each other across his face. "Yes." He finally said, perhaps confusingly.

Then he frowned. "What do you mean, physically compatible?" Hikaru looked at her, a blank expression on his handsome, innocent features.
"Lush forests? What, do you like trees that much?" Anjing tuts before her eyes widen slightly at his last question.

"Hikaru, you're a sweet boy and a good man and I won't sugar coat it. If this is a fling you can do whatever. But if you two want to be together long term and you both like certain things."

She gives him a long look.
"You need to make sure that the certain things you like are good for both of you. That's important, no way around it unless you want to sleep in different bedrolls and communicate by poem every day. And maybe you do, that ain't my business. But if you don' gotta figure that out."

And an even firmer, longer look!
"But don't rush it or she'll think you're just some young warrior who can't keep himself to himself. The timing is important, not too fast, not too slow...actually, apply that rule to most things in life and you'll do well."
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Doji Hikaru »

What, nature metaphors were important! But Hikaru let that pass. After all, there was much else to listen to.

Exactly what, however, Hikaru wasn't quite sure. He nodded as Lady Anjing spoke, even as his eyes got wider and wider. What in the name of the Kami was she talking about?

As she concluded, there was silence for a few moments. Then Hikaru cleared his throat, bowing respectfully. "I shall consider your words, Lady Anjing." He said. He straightened, staring blankly at her. Another few moments passed.

Then, looking down, he refilled both their tea. "May I ask... how was it with you and Lord Hida?"
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Re: (D2LM) Teas Company

Post by Anjing »

Doji Hikaru wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:00 pm
What, nature metaphors were important! But Hikaru let that pass. After all, there was much else to listen to.

Exactly what, however, Hikaru wasn't quite sure. He nodded as Lady Anjing spoke, even as his eyes got wider and wider. What in the name of the Kami was she talking about?

As she concluded, there was silence for a few moments. Then Hikaru cleared his throat, bowing respectfully. "I shall consider your words, Lady Anjing." He said. He straightened, staring blankly at her. Another few moments passed.

Then, looking down, he refilled both their tea. "May I ask... how was it with you and Lord Hida?"
Anjing wasn't sure if the messaged had truly been relayed, but hopefully with time it might become clearer. Or she could just let her niece know, Satsuki could take it from there.

"Like any couple we've had our ups and downs. But in my mind when I saw him...there was never any doubt he was the one. He's the strongest man in the world, he lives to protect others and his heart is big. It was a little intimidating, he is twice my size."
Despite herself, she grins.
"But I never feared mountain climbing not even as a youth. I was the one working to prove myself worth of him, he had fallen from the heavens after all."

Looking back at Hikaru.
"Maybe that's why I worry about all this task nonsense. Needing to prove yourself, it's one sided. My husband is special, there's no doubt about it. But he is also a man, and respect must go both ways. He was kind to me, and fair. But it would never have occurred to him to prove his worth to me."

There's a long pause.

"As for the physical compatibility. There's hardly any of your business young man. But we have never slept in separate bedrolls."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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