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[D3LE] Dance, Shaman, Dance (now closed)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:46 pm
by Chuchu
(OOC: Canary says you can post a reaction in this thread if you're in the camp area, even if you're otherwise occupied during this timeslot.)

The shaman's preparations are surprisingly intense.

Having found a good enough spot within the camp -- a large empty patch of tough-looking dirt -- Chuchu starts by digging a hole. (She makes sure to pull off all her clothes and shinies first, her mother's admonitions not to ruin fine things running through her head.) It's surprisingly quick work for the ratling. The pile of dirt pushed off and away. She continues running around buck naked but for a little loincloth, gathering rocks to line the pit and then wood and dry kindling to throw in, enough to hopefully last as long as she'll need it. isn't very sophisticated or good looking, but it's a fire pit. Chuchu feels proud. She did it all by herself! Normally someone bigger handles this part of the work.

Next the sand. Each color is carefully laid down in concentric circles around the fire pit. Chuchu takes great care to leave enough space between each ring so she can hop between them, and she does so, careful not to disturb the circles, wanting them to remain as perfect as they can for the future dance.

Satisfied with her work -- this looks much more even, much more practiced -- now the shaman begins the next of her preparations. Hopefully Ai and Hikaru join her soon, so she can prepare them, as well. Chuchu shakes herself off before scampering over to her sparse possessions. Carefully a mortar and pestle are pulled out with a little bundle of ... something...

A mix of dried petals and leaves are added to the mortar with some of the oil Nao found for her. The shaman sits down on her cloak, mindfully making a thick purple paste, focusing hard on the work -- she only looks up when someone approaches, squeaking "stop stop" anytime anyone gets too close to the sand circles.

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:53 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Ai was ready to go dream walking.

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:59 pm
by Chuchu
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:53 pm
Ai was ready to go dream walking.
By the time Ai joins her Chuchu's whipped the paste enough it's changed from purple to pale lavender. The shaman chitters happily at the Crane. Hopping up and running over, Chuchu jumps up and down in place, in a vain attempt to get her to lean down.

...eventually she probably paints a swirl on Ai's forehead. Eventually, probably, maybe. She'll settle on a hand if she has to.

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:30 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Ai accepts the paint and then falls into sleep... but she is not able to grasp the concept of Lucid Dreaming. But this is a valuable learning experience.

OOC: Willpower check for Lucid Dreaming + Void | 4k4 ⇒ 23 (TN: 35)

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:41 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Hikaru watched the preparations without comment, or even changing his expression. Instead, he focused on his breathing, in and out, in and out, trying to center himself. He hoped very much that it would help with the process.

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:44 pm
by Chuchu
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:41 pm
Hikaru watched the preparations without comment, or even changing his expression. Instead, he focused on his breathing, in and out, in and out, trying to center himself. He hoped very much that it would help with the process.
Very gently the nezumi squeaks for his attention, also trying to get Hikaru low enough she can paint a sworl on his forehead.

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:00 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Hikaru didn't smile, but there was a glint in his eyes. He first bowed to the little shaman, and then knelt.

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:45 pm
by Chuchu
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:00 pm
Hikaru didn't smile, but there was a glint in his eyes. He first bowed to the little shaman, and then knelt.
She makes a pleased little sound as she paints the whorl, eyes shining when they scan over his hair -- black and white, like a nezumi.

The two are then shepherded to the outside point of the circle closest to the main site of the camp so that they are in plain view of the most people. It's important their bodies are watched while they sleep. The humans are given rattles and the instruction to meditate until it's time. Once she starts to drum, they're to rattle with her.

Chuchu then starts to paint whorls on her own body, lavender swirls up and down her arms and legs, like rising clouds. She washes her hands and face. Dresses. Lays incense on the fire pit's stones. Lights it. Lights the bonfire. Takes the hand-drum and tucks it under her arm. Moves to stand on the opposite side of the circle. Closes her eyes. Casts the first spell. Whispering into her hands, they glow with her desire, her hopes, her dreams, and she swallows them, a golden stone shining briefly under the flesh of her throat before disappearing to hide in her heart. Her eyes, once open, pierce the dark, and the shaman starts her dance with the sound of the drum.

There is no beat, just an even thrum against the hand-drum's leather. Walking across the circles, Chuchu's little feet disrupt the sand, leaving lines in her wake. Slowly. This part is important. The pattern emerges in a bloom -- recognition hitting all at once for the natural shape given form, like an iris or a flower but pushed into something more symbolic. As its complexity grows, so, too, does her movement shift, faster, the drum-beats a racing pulse, her weaving across the boundaries quick and sure, sand kicked up in rainbow plumes, the shaman leaping and twirling until the boundaries are altogether blurred. Reality shifts. The sand starts to glow.

Seeing the path has opened, she jumps through the smoke of the small fire to tumble on over to Hikaru and Ai. The ratling flops down hard between them as they're drawn into another world.

Chuchu curls up into a little ball of fur.


OOC book-keeping:

Name spell #1: Bless Name on self as she begins to dance (lasts 1 hour, which is the time for Dance + spell roll) TN 10 rolled 46 SUCCESS

Dance roll: 2 raises for spell with Name point, TN 30 rolled 53 SUCCESS

Name spell #2: NAMEBOUND: Dream Walk, 6 called raises to bring 2 people in with her, 2 free raises from Dance, TN 40
Roll 2: 54, SUCCESS

1/4 Name points left, 5/12 spell slots left
All will refresh to full if sleep isn't eeeeeviiiiil.

Re: [D3LE Pt1] Dance, Shaman, Dance (open even for brief peeks)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:01 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Meditation was something that, after years of focus, Hikaru had become rather good at. Likewise, he knew how to keep a rhythm. Another might have found all of this strange, or perhaps silly, but he respected art in all its forms. Especially when it was to help his Lady.

Watching Chuchu, Hikaru's pale eyes widened as the little shaman danced, as magical light lit the area. Even as he felt his lids growing heavy, he felt his heart beat faster. He remembered a time when there was nothing to fear in sleep, no great unknown terrors. Unknown terrors that his lady was facing. Alone. Hikaru closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as the ritual reached its peak.

You are never alone, Lady Doji. The hopes of those who care for you go with you.

It was his last thought as this world faded away, and another seemed to appear.

"I'm dreaming." Hikaru said. Or imagined he said. Or dreamed he said.

Regardless, he knew.


D3LE, attempt lucid dreaming, willpower, vp 1k1 | 4k4 ⇒ 43 (TN: 35)

Re: [D3LE] Dance, Shaman, Dance (now closed)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:37 am
by Nanzi Ai
Ai followed what she could but this was a very alien experience. But her mother depended on her.