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Creatures in the Night. (Day 3 EN, Open)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:06 am
by Akodo Kenji
Strange creatures in the night had awoken Kenji, and he simply could not go back to sleep. Not without having a look around to see if he could see anything out of sorts.

His ears were open for the sound of anything out of the Ordinary, as he made his way close to the tents of some of those, he had noted had eaten at the feast earlier in the day. Though he did not go so far as to peek inside any.

day 3 EN Creatures in the night. Do i hear anything out of the ordinary inv/per | 5k3 ⇒ 19

Meanwhile his eyes were open for signs of tracks or anything that could indicate that the strange creatures were still around.

day 3 EN Creatures in the night. Are there any out of the ordinary tracks? Hunting/per | 5k3 ⇒ 26

Re: Creatures in the Night. (Day 3 EN, Open)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:42 pm
by Canary
If there was any remnant, he can't detect it.

Re: Creatures in the Night. (Day 3 EN, Open)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:12 pm
by Akodo Kenji
Kenji frowned and continued his rounds of the camp. The lack of signs made him believe it was some sort of spirit at work, but he was nowhere near an expert on such things. He was surprised that there were not more people out and about though, but then he may of been the only one to see it.

That of course would require more investigation in the morning though.