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EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:16 am
by Nozomi
Nozomi had messages sent to every one of the samurai who had appeared in this town by fortune and fate, and to everyone summoned and requested by Shinsei. Her note was polite, firm but clearly phrased with the tone of someone who felt that what was going to be happening was pivotal. They were invited to approach Shinsei's Stone in the Imperial Camp during the Early Evening, immediately after the evening meal.

When they arrived, they would find her, seated on Shinsei's stone. Her face etched with worry. Her eyes looked tired and she had bags under them. The posture she held while she maintained a meditative posture and focused was anything but restful. The exhaustion, pain and loss of the last two days were filling her face as she looked at each and every last one of them with resignation. The more of them who arrived, the more that she struggled not to look like a small girl again. She had faced the hordes of hell, raced across the darkness to save a monk from himself, given hope to the victims of an unknowable fate, looked the Harbinger in the eye and helped formed the monastic orders in Taochusu and Ch’jak’matt's memory and following Shinsei's teachings. She'd faced the darkness and stood, but in all those moments she had not been as nervous and unsure as she was now.

This wasn't supposed to be her. It was supposed to be him. He was the one who wrote the Tao. He was the one who showed the way. He was the one who guided them to save a god. He was supposed to be here, but now it was only her. A ghost of a girl who had fallen in love and who'd begun a new path. But she didn't have a choice. None of them did.

"This will have to do," she said softly.

(OOC: For Transparency Purposes - In the course of this thread, Nozomi will be regularly using "Harmony of the Mind" in an effort to partially duplicate the effect that Shinsei once used in Kyuuen to determine those who would enter Jigoku to save Fu Leng. Let me know if your character chooses to resist her attempt to use the kiho. Otherwise, she will be using 1 raise to see the highest Spiritual Advantage and Disadvantage of those who approach her, seeking those who share Shinsei's traits.

Beyond this: The mods will be telling me what Nozomi sees in the other character (other than advantages/disadvantages), and Canary/Tyrus/Baku will have the say in who is selected as a Thunder and who is not. I will be having Nozomi relaying the information she is given, but the decisions/information will be coming from the mods.

Additionally: Nozomi will NOT be a Thunder. Hers is a different fate.)

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:26 am
by Shiba Kumori
Kumori arrived at the gathering… She was pleased to see Nozomi there. Standing up as she thought the woman would after Shinsei fell to the darkness…

She stood near the woman and greeted her with a nod of affirmation.

Whomever was chosen… Kumori was there to invite the blessings of the Heavens on them in the name of Shiba.


(OOC: Is not eligible for Thundering.)

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:29 am
by Ukyou
Ukyou stood near Nozomi in a supportive position. His face really had "concerned parent" written all over it as he watched the people start to gather.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:30 am
by Sugri
As he arrives Sugri offers Nozomi a deeply respectful bow and an encouraging smile even if he knows the latter will have little impact on mood in such straits.

The Invindi man does not stand with those gathering to be potential heroes but finds a place off to the side.

Whatever occurs, this day and the next, it shall be witnessed.

(Not in the running to be a Thunder, if for some reason Nozomi still seeks to scan him he doesn't resist)

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:34 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora was there, and he made no bones about it.

He walked up to stand a bit behind Nozomi, flanking her, with a nod to Ukyou.

He didn't say anything, as such, but the old Hikaru would support his friend as best he was able.

[OOC: No Great Destiny, and he's an Imperial. So.

Still might submit to inspection for the lulz.

Spiritual Advantages of Weight:
His Inner Gift- Foresight is absolutely the heftiest, so it's not like he'd learn much by being told about it.
Biggest Spiritual Disad is his Evil Eye, which, again, is hardly news to him.]

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:35 am
by Ryoshun Yukara
Yukara was there.

If she was needed, she'd be ready.


Not fighting it.

Great destiny
Wrath of water kami.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:43 am
by Yumi
Yumi stood somewhere nearby to watch the processing of the Fantasy DMV.

[Great Destiny, does not resist. No other spiritual disads.]

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:47 am
by Yoshitsune Ayako
The last time a monk had asked for her help things had gotten pretty rough, but Ayako was not about to let a little thing like nearly dying stop her from coming to help.

The young Crab offered a warm smile and a friendly wave to Sora, Yukara, Han-hei and Sugri as she recognized them.

Spiritual advantages: Great Destiny, Lucid Dreaming, Friend of the Elements (Earth). Spiritual disadvantages: None.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:50 am
by Jiyo Sora
Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:47 am
The young Crab offered a warm smile and a friendly wave to Sora, Yukara, Han-hei and Sugri as she recognized them.
Sora waved back with a smile.

Good kid.

Tough kid.

We'll need both.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:55 am
by Makime
Makime arrived. This was the culmination of the whole affair after it...well this and the scrolls that had been tirelessly worked upon. She stood off to the side arms crossed, the ever stoic statue. Or as the Lioness preferred to think of herself, the anchor by which the line could sighted and braced.

She looked at Shinsei's follower with a neutral expression. Waiting for whatever was to happen.

(OOC: Lacks Great Destiny, ineligible for Thunder)

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:59 am
by Bayushi Norikage
Norikage stepped out into the open, casting his gaze on those already gathered. He gave Sora-ji-chan a nod, offered the monk Nozomi a bow and found himself a place to sit where he could keep a view of the area. Here wasn't the place for anything personal, he like most had an idea of what this gathering was for and he was nervous as hell about it, but kept his eyes and ears sharp.

The last thing they needed was to have this party crashed.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:09 am
by Chuchu
Chuchu joins the others, looking nervously up at the thundercloads roiling overhead. The storm is here. Her tail curls around herself as she combs through her hair with her fingers, over and over and over again.

She doesn't stop when she pulls out a clumpful of hair.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:14 am
by Anjing
Anjing patiently waited in line, her eyebrows slightly raised. One way or another this would all be over soon.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:15 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Hisomu Tadaka showed up. He took place in the back and awaited other members of the Spider.

((Tadaka does no resist and has Great Destiny. No other Spiritual (Dis)Advantages.))

EDIT: Tadaka has Lucid Dreamer as well. Forgot about that one.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:17 am
by Saru Ranmaru
Ranmaru scratched the back of his head then entered the line. To pass the time, he periodically got down onto the ground and started doing basic exercises such as push-ups. For once, it wasn't really to show off. It was just to stave off boredom in the only way he could think of.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:19 am
by Matsu
Matsu would be there. If it wasn't her Destiny, then that would be that. She would still fight Darkness and Evil, in her own way.

Standing with Lady Anjing, she was curious as to how this would go.

OOC: Great Destiny, Bishamon's Blessing, Lucid Dreaming. No Spiritual Disadvantages, will not resist the Scouter reading.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:19 am
by Saru Shang
Shang turned up for the meeting with charcoal and parchment in hand. She nudged her way to the front of the crowd, not because she assumed that she would be chosen for greatness in any manner but because she wanted to capture who was in attendance. Their reactions, mannerisms, and faces! It was unlikely she was going to be accurate in her scribbles but someone had to do their share of the work to account for the potential history happening here!

This was where greatness was going to be founded, right?

(OOC: No Great Destiny here!)

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:28 am
by Chuchu
Hisomu Tadaka wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:15 am
Hisomu Tadaka showed up. He took place in the back and awaited other members of the Spider.
Chuchu will (briefly) pause over-grooming herself to go give him a shy hug.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:31 am
by Hisomu Tadaka
Chuchu wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 5:28 am
Chuchu will (briefly) pause over-grooming herself to go give him a shy hug.
Goju returns the hug. Less hesitant than before. He seems lighter than he was before. If she didn't know before hand, she could probably tell there was a great change in his Name.

Re: EE D6 - The Choosing of the Thunders (Key Event)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:07 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Kyosei, as another Imperial, who knew he was too old to go on this quest, did not join the line, or stand behind Nozomi. Instead, he carried in a large rock, placed it, and kneeled behind it, revealing it had a large flat surface. He pulled out some papers, ink, and a brush, and prepared to try to keep up with what was said. He knew his skill was not up to the task - but he was probably the best choice for this portion.

Besides, he had been sick when Shinsei gave his famous Tao. This was his chance to potentially leave a legacy of writing.