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The Council of War Redux (D6 ME)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:34 pm
by Makime
Makime was back where they had first gathered. She had watched the selection of Thunders, now two of her peers and her trusted aide-de-camp were likely not long for this world. One way or another.

She waited patiently for the other three to arrive. Her mind going down over the events of these last few days.

Re: The Council of War Redux (D6 ME)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 5:59 pm
by Matsu
Matsu decided to keep her hair down after the selection. It could very well be the final time she was allowed to be relaxed in her life. She approached the fire, looking to the Lioness.

"Lady Makime." She spoke softly, contemplative, in greeting.

Re: The Council of War Redux (D6 ME)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:19 pm
by Makime
Makime broke from her contemplations. She gave the other woman a nod.

"Lady Matsu." She replied with her usual calm. "It appears destiny has chosen your broad shoulders to bare the weight of a realm. I can't fault it that choice. I almost pity Jigoku for the beating you and Lady Otaku will deliver it."

"And keep Kenji alive if you can. The boy is surprisingly candid and compete for his age."

Re: The Council of War Redux (D6 ME)

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 9:24 pm
by Otaku
Otaku [finally lucid enough to write one (1) post] slips into the circle of Makime's campfire and nods solemnly to the older daimyo. "We are leaving a great deal in your care, Lady Makime, you and Lady Anjing. I thank you for it in advance." Her lips quirk softly. "Since it may be I will not be able to thank you afterward."

Re: The Council of War Redux (D6 ME)

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 10:46 pm
by Matsu
Makime wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:19 pm
Makime broke from her contemplations. She gave the other woman a nod.

"Lady Matsu." She replied with her usual calm. "It appears destiny has chosen your broad shoulders to bare the weight of a realm. I can't fault it that choice. I almost pity Jigoku for the beating you and Lady Otaku will deliver it."

"And keep Kenji alive if you can. The boy is surprisingly candid and compete for his age."
"I will do what I can to get everyone home, if possible." She bowed her head slightly, then looked to the Lady Otaku.

She knew what the Ki-rin was saying was likely true. "Once more unto the breach, dear friends," she offered with a sad sort of smile. While the Amazon lived for Battle, it was not out of sadistic bloodlust, but for the preservation of all that was good and pure and beautiful in this world.

"I wrote a missive to Lord Hisomu, if you could see that someone gets it to him? I know my letters are not eloquent or refined, but he will need to know that someone will need to manage the Matsu family in case I'm not back..."