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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"That is... a comfort. I have been considered something of a bad omen. A harbinger of death."

She smiled weakly, at the memories. "It feels so far removed from how I have been treated here - yet it was not long ago. This entire place has been unexpected, in every way."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"It is a trap of sorts, but I think we'll be able to turn it on those hunting us." she nodded.
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"I have clearly missed a great deal - I had no idea there was cause for concern among these people."

Yukara shrugged, her expression clouded. "I am glad at least that I carry jade - I am as prepared as I can be, with what little I do know."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Most of the people here are likely innocent." She shook her head. "At worst, they've been manipulated and misled. Chouri-san is a concern, as she had been working for the Harbinger directly. She isn't her willing agent, however, and she has agreed to help us. Enrou-san may be another concern, but as with Chouri, I believe he cares about the villagers."

"Unfortunately, given the use of our dreams to undermine us, it is possible that everyone here may fall under Yume-Jigoku's sway at any time."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara followed that, expression darkening.

"So they served the madness while ostensibly sane." That did not make much sense to her, but it seemed those in the know had chosen to accept it as fact.

"Lucky for her, perhaps for all of us, that I was not the one who was told this first - I might have chosen the only answer I know."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"You would not be the only one here to choose that. There are some prepared to destroy everything here. But, any overt action could send the villagers into a revolt, corruptive influence or not."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
Honor 4.5 | Status 4 | Glory 3

Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"I do not wish to destroy."

A slow exhalation, and she pivoted the bisento back to her right hand, planting the shaft in the earth and gazing up at the shrine and the darkness that enshrouded it.

"I simply have been too weak to do otherwise. I have lacked the power to save by any other means."

Glancing at Nao, she added, softly, "So I am not a particularly good advisor of what course to take in this event - know only that if necessary, I will step in to defend those present who maintain their sanity."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I do not wish for you to destroy either. I hope you find peace once this is over." She smiled. "The Bat are crafters. We like to create."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"I do not know how."

Yukara couldn't stifle a hollow laugh. "Still, given time, perhaps I could learn."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"You could he.p us build more warriors, to keep our lands safe."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
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Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Perhaps so."

Yukara chuckled. "With my own background, I think I might confuse them. I am a warrior, and a monk, though few have wished to discuss philosophy with me of late."

Gazing at the shrine, she added, "And the best place to consider such matters has been closed these last few days. Still, I suppose that sort of warrior would suit the clan, if what I am told of the main family is accurate."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Are people come from many regions and many walks of life." she shrugged. "One more will only add to what we are."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
Honor 4.5 | Status 4 | Glory 3

Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"That's true."

Yukara smiled faintly, "If the clan has need of monster hunters, perhaps what I have learned can help future generations stave off tragedy sooner, and better, than I did."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"Considering where we live, that may well be a need." she nodded. "The Crab defend the north, but there is much in the mountains that we have yet to discover."
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
Honor 4.5 | Status 4 | Glory 3

Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
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Re: (D5, ME) Not your Toy (Open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"I will hope that there is no need, but if there is, I would rather we be ready to minimize the harm."

Taking a deep breath, she leaned on the shaft of the bisento, hugging the freshly returned arm around her chest. "In either case, I am eager to meet the clan properly - to learn more of our duties. To find my place beyond the foothills, if such a place exists."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

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