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Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:35 pm
by Tyrus
Two more effigies are cut down as Otaku finishes her work on one and Genji moves up and destroys another effigy slicing through it cleanly in two deadly cuts.

The Dreams atn is now 45
The remaining effigy is atn 15

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:44 pm
by Matsu
(Taking Matsu's turn real fast.)

Last time she had held firm on her feet when Shinsei had tried the same trick. This time the Dream knocked her down.

Wiping her mouth, she got to her feet, shuffling about to keep at bay in the melee, and within 15' of Ai.

Gritting her teeth, she spit on the ground, keeping that defensive posture.

"I can do this all day." The emerald light still shining from her eyes and flesh, as she kept her bisento ready standing strong against the Dream.

LA-LE7 - Heaven or Hell - Intimidate the Dream (Willpower 3, Intimidation 3, +6 Matsu Sentinel 1) | 6k3+6 ⇒ 30

Simple - Stand up
Free Action - Move to stay within 15' of Ai
Simple Action - Intimidate

Stance: Defense
ATN - 28
Reduction 11
Wounds: 15/15 Healthy
6/6 Nicked (+0 TNs)
4/6 Grazed (+2 TNs)
VP 3/3 used

And Making Sure this isn't missed ... 862#p18862

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:08 pm
by Akodo Kenji

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:30 pm
by Tyrus
Kenji moves with a fluid grace and slices the final effigy down in two clean cuts.

Now it was just the Dream.

The Dreams atn is 40

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:05 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
Seeing that the spell on Ai was fully active, Nao moved on to Matsu, with a different spell in mind.

- - -
Complete Relentless Heat
Move to Matsu

Stance: Defense
ATN: 29 (Air Kami's Blessing)
VP: 1/4 used
Wounds: 4

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:12 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
Distance was too far, Norikage needed to get in,l there. Moving forward he continued to focus, the dream warping and hardening his earth.

Free action move toward the enemy
Defense stance
Lucid dream TN 20: 27 (now earth 5, corrected by Birb)
Wounds: 2/25 (healthy)
Armor TN: 25
Reduction: 3

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 12:34 am
by Wu Zhe
The effigies were dead, the black bird-man full of eyes remained.

Observing the situation for a brief moment, he stepped back to use the mystical power of mercy Chuchu had given him.

He did not know how it worked...but he did, kinda. It was like a sixth sense, a muscle you know you have even if you don't know how to train it normally.

He twirked his spear and hit the ground with the butt


Yelling the name of the power would certainly give it more strength.

Yup, pretty confident that magic worked liked that.
moved 10' away from dreamboy
THUNDER MERCY POWER! On Matsu | 3k2 ⇒ 12

Stance: defense
ATN: 31
VP: 2/3
8/15 hp (healthy)

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:45 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku tumbled to the ground and quickly got himself up protecting Ai as best he could.

Ghost naraku strength roll | 3k3 ⇒ 23 (TN: 52)
Simple action to stand, simple action to guard Ai

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:10 am
by Tyrus
The Thunders had cut down the effigies and invoked their powers preparing to confront the champion directly.

The dark, winged figure tilted it's head at Matsu's words "All day?" It lashed out to topple the giantess her jade body flaring each time it struck her, it's expression unreadable though the eyes perhaps winced a bit. The Drema then twirled the staff and brought it down savagely on top of Matsu before it danced away nimbly and swung a deceptive blow that cracked hard into Genji's exppsed side.

DoT Willpower roll against Intimidation | 10k10+5 ⇒ 66
DoT staff attack on matsu one fr for knockdown, one cr for knockdown | 10k7 ⇒ 56 (TN: 33)
DoT staff attack damage on matsu | 8k3 ⇒ 24
DoT contested strength | 7k7 ⇒ 42

DoT staff attack on matsu 4 cr for damage | 10k7 ⇒ 67 (TN: 38)
DoT staff attack damage on matsu +4k0 from raises | 10k4 ⇒ 40

DoT staff attack on genji 2 raises for feint | 10k7 ⇒ 49 (TN: 28) (fatigue actually makes this tn 33)
DoT staff attack damage on genji | 8k3+8 ⇒ 47

Dream is engaged with Genji, 5 ft from Matsu, 10 ft from naraku 15 ft from Ai, Norikage 20ft away from Kenji, Nao, Otaku 25 ft from Zhe.

Matsu may roll damage from her power twice

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:21 am
by Nanzi Ai
Ai did a practiced roll to her feet and moved into melee combat with the Champion of Yume-Jugoku but she was unable to find purchase with her blade but was now hopefully better prepared for her next opportunity. Her shield shimmered as it reduced some of the lethality from the monster against her allies.

OOC: In Attack stance Ai will stand, as a simple action. Free Action to move the 15 feet to the Dream Boss, Simple Action to attack. Kenjutsu vs. Dream in Attack stance | 10k3 ⇒ 22 (TN: 40) attack is missed, but now engaged.

Initiative: 48
ATN: 25
Wounds Taken: 17 (Nicked, Strength of Earth negates penalty)
Willpower increased by 1 to 4 total.
Katana counts as Jade.
Void: 2 Used
Stance: Attack
Chuchu's Blessing used, so every ally within 15 feet gets 3 additional Reduction for 2 more rounds.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:30 am
by Bayushi Norikage
Oh, he thinks he's getting away with that by dancing...?

Norikage could wait no longer, he knew things would get dire quickly so putting it all on the line he rushed the enemy, letting his body do the work and acting on instinct to strike as hard as he could. Which, to his surprise was much harder than he thought he could. The ease and grace that he struck with surprised him and he doubled down, trying to push the blade all the way through the creature.

Attack TN 45 (raise for feint): 63 (+9 feint damage)
Damage (void point, +9 feint, +5 tech): 52 (jade quality, obviously, but also used the poison from Naraku, but I don't know the effects)

Full Attack Stance
Free move 20ft
Complex Action attack
Armor TN: 15
Reduction: 3
Void: 1/3
Wounds: 2/25 (healthy)

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:37 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku lashed out against the champion of Jigoku, the memories of the past hero lingering in his attack. He struck righteously, finding a target in the enemy.

DoT Attack vs Shinsei | Attack stance | 1k1 from Dream of Akasha | TN 40 | 10k5 ⇒ 43 (TN: 40)
Damage vs Shinsei accounting for 1k1 from Dream of Akasha | 9k3 ⇒ 20

Damage counts as jade

Shinsei is now poisoned. Every turn he must roll vs TN 30 earth or take CRkCR
ATN 41
15/15 wounds Healthy rank
2/3 void

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 2:48 am
by Matsu

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:05 am
by Ryoshun Nao
Reaching Matsu, Nao quickly cut herself again and whispered to the earth as it accepted her sacrifice The Spider would immediately feel her full strength return, even if only temporarily.

"Fight on Matsu-sama."
- - -
D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell, Casting Firce of Will on Matsu, Earth ML 2, Chuchu FR to Reduce Casting time, Fear 4, Spellcraft Mastery, VP for +1k1 | 4k4 ⇒ 26 (TN: 15) 2 wounds
Free Move 10' Towards Chouri

For two rounds, Matsu is immune to all Wound Rank penalties and effects – including the effect of being dead if the Out rank is completely fi lled. When the spell expires, however, the full effects of any Wounds apply immediately.

Stance: Defense
ATN: 29 (Air Kami's Blessing)
Spells Used: Air 1/3 Earth 2/3 Fire 3/3 Water 0/3 Void 0/4
VP Used: 2/4
Wounds: 6

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:01 am
by Otaku
As the fight coalesces around the dark knot of corruption that used to be Shinsei, Otaku sighs inwardly.

She shifts her weight forward in the saddle and her fingers curl tenderly for a moment in Tsubame's mane. It's not fair, really. All the people now present knew the costs and chose to stake their lives for their fellow humans, but this strong, loyal creature is only here because he trusts Otaku to take care of him. And she's probably about to get him killed, or worse. Otaku sets her teeth. Leadership has a price, and sometimes it's small in the grand scheme of things but very personal.

"Brave one, let's go now," she whispers to the gray horse. And then, charging silently at first but with twin fierce shrieks as they bear down from above, both warrior and mount descend on the foe.

Tsubame's hooves find no purchase on the shifting darkness, but Otaku's silvery green blade strikes true from overhead.



Switch to Full Attack stance. (Horsemanship 3 allows FA while mounted. To avoid headaches having to figure out weird movement rules loopholes between the two, both Tsubame and Otaku enter Full Attack together I guess?)

Tsubame takes a Free Move action (up to 25') to close with the Champion

Otaku makes two attacks on the Champion. I think if I'm close enough to hit him I get Matsu's bonus now.
Attack 1, 30 Jade damage:
D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell--Round 3, Otaku first attack on Champion. Full Attack. | 10k5 ⇒ 40 (TN: 40)
D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell--Round 3, Otaku first attack on Champion. Damage + Matsu aura + Otaku R1 | 8k2+7 ⇒ 30

Attack 2, 24 Jade damage:
D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell--Round 3, Otaku 2nd attack on Champion. Full Attack. | 10k5 ⇒ 59 (TN: 40)
D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell--Round 3, Otaku 2ns attack on Champion. Damage + Matsu aura | 8k2 ⇒ 24

Tsubame makes a valiant complex Trample attack on the Champion but misses:
D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell--Round 3, Tsubame Trample. Full Attack. | 8k5 ⇒ 20 (TN: 40)

Total 54 Jade damage.

Otaku and Tsubame are now within sword/hoof reach of the Champion of Jigoku.

Initiative: 23
Stance: Full Attack
ATN: 27 (Riding Armor, FA)
Reduction: 7 (+3 from Ai)
Wounds 7/57 (Healthy)

Tsubame ATN: 5 (FA)
Tsubame Reduction: 6 (+3 from Ai)
Tsubame Wounds 0/48 (Healthy)

In Stage 1 (top of the round) of Round 4, will use Otaku R2 to maintain the current +5 to ATN.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:40 am
by Matsu
Flattened on her back again, the Spider Amazon roared again, though feeling quite Invigorated by Nao's magic coursing through her.

Standing again, shrugging off the injuries, her eyes flashed that bright Emeral again as her flesh remained that sharp shade of viridian.

"Stop. Knocking. Me. Down. And. Face. Me. DEMONFUCKER!" She roared as she moved in to close the distance.

Simple - Stand up
Free - Move 15' to get in NegaShinsei's face.
Simple- 2nd use of Chuchu's Blessing, refreshing duration (now will last into rounds 3 and 4)

Stance: Defense
ATN: 28
Reduction 11
VP 3/3 used
15/15 Healthy
6/6 Grazed (+0
6/6 Nicked +2
6/6 Hurt +7
6/6 Injured +12 (ignoring with Force of Will 0/2 rounds)
0/6 Crippled

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:09 am
by Akodo Kenji
The ugly old man was keeping his distance, but he hadn't moved far enough to foil the Lion. Kenji closed the distance in a moment, his sword striking two blows in swift succession. The first dug deep, though thew second jade fused strike was less effective. Still the dream likely felt it.


Stance: full attack
Free: Move 20 ft to Engage the bad dream. 15 base, +5 full attack. (if more is needed disregard 2md attack)
Simple: attack
Simple: attack
Atn 15:
Reduction 3+3 = 6
Void 2/3 Used
Wounds 2/15

Thunder fight! Round 3, SAA on Nega Shinsei, Full attack. one free raise for damage, one called raise for damage. Akodo 2. tn 40+5 | 10k6+6 ⇒ 61 (TN: 45)

Thunder fight! Round 3, SAA on Nega Shinsei, Full attack. Damage roll, 3k2+3k0+2k0+1k0+2k0 = 1k1 Void = 10k4+6 | 10k4+6 ⇒ 32

Thunder fight! Round 3, SAA on Nega Shinsei, Full attack. second attack, free raise for damage. | 10k6 ⇒ 53 (TN: 40)

Thunder fight! Round 3, SAA on Nega Shinsei, Full attack. second attack, damage roll 3k2+3k0+2k0+1k0+1k0+6 | 10k2+6 ⇒ 26

26+32 = 58 Jade Damage.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:34 pm
by Wu Zhe
He obviously did not yell with enough conviction so he did it again...though the effects were not as good

MERCY THUNDER POWER! on Matsu, void | 4k3 ⇒ 12
Stance: defense
ATN: 31
VP: 1/3
8/15 hp (healthy)

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:57 pm
by Nozomi
Honestly? It was hard to hear her good friend refer to the... thing that had once been her husband as 'Demonfucker.' However, after this many years of knowing Matsu and her rather... aggressively uncouth way of speaking, Nozomi had mentally prepared herself for the possibility. She winced, seeing the devastating blows that the mountain's daughter and Genji were sustaining. The Dream was raging into them as they finally began to score hit after hit against him. How much harm they were doing, she could not say. When sacred jade struck, she imagined it would be more effective.

however, she could not help but imagine that this fight was about to enter its next and dramatic phase. Her stomach quailed at the knowledge.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 5:22 pm
by Hantei Genji
The wounds were taking their toll on the son of Hantei. The monster bobbed and weaved the sword slashes.

DoT Ghost Genji attack on Dream full attack +10 wp | 10k5 ⇒ 48 (TN: 50)
DoT Ghost Genji attack on Dream full attack +10 wp | 10k5 ⇒ 35 (TN: 50)