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Shiba Kumori
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:13 am

Emerald Clouds (D8 EM)

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Kumori had not rested much the previous night... Filled with joy and worry... and being just too tired to sleep.

She rose and found her way back into the village. Drawn to the spot where the world had been saved and a new dawn was set to come upon a safer world...

She waited for her grandmother to make her rise over the mountains as the sound of soft footsteps came up behind her.


"So, this is where it happened, huh?" A familiar voice came from behind her... the voice of her mother.


Kumori nodded, "This was the place... It doesn't look so ominous now, does it?"



"The dark things of night are never as scary the next morning..." Jiyo replied.

The quiet of the morning filled the air between them for a long moment before either spoke.

"They tell me that you served well..." Jiyo offered.


"I did as would be expected... The people here needed help. And I did my best to help them." Kumori replied honestly... still not turning to look at her mother who stood a half-step behind.



"And your overexuberance did not cost you your life... In fact, it drew your father and sister here... and inadvertently helped protect everyone here. You appear to be blessed child." She said in tone that revealed no emotion either way.


Kumori took note of the absence of her mother's presence in the list of concerned parties, "I thank you for accompanying them up here... I'm sure the imperial armies were happy to have their champion leading them..."



"I didn't come to lead armies Kumori... That's what I was asked to do while coming." Jiyo replied in a firm voice.

"I came to help my daughter in doing what was right."


Kumori stood quietly as the morning sun came up over the horizon in the distance.

Her lips tightened as she held in the flow of tears to her eyes.

"You know that we love you... right?"



Jiyo paused and swallowed once.

"I never really knew love child... You and I grew up in very different circumstances."

She paused, "And yet... I look at you and your sisters... and how I tried so hard to not... love you..."

She looked down, "I have failed in that attempt..."


Kumori turned and faced her mother.

She placed her hands on her mother's shoulders.

"Failures... successes... and anything in between. We love you... no matter what."


Jiyo looked up into the eyes of her daughter and smiled softly...

She nodded... and the two of them embraced in the early morning sun.
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

Status: 10.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Strength of A Thousand Ancestors

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