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D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:08 pm
by Shinsei
A rumbling crack sounds thorough the air, and the shrine itself seems to expand and contort, drawing the gathered thunders inside its walls. A strange mix of sights awaits, as the pillars holding up the roof apear to pierce into the open sky. The interior has expanded to the size of a battlefield.

At the center of the shrine is Shinsei, standing with what might seem like an aloof posture at a distance, head raised to the sky. Approaching reveals the truth. His shoulders are not relaxed, but drooping as if from weight. Knees that appear at the ready shake from the battle with weariness, and it is impossible to tell if he looks up because he wants to, or because he cannot raise his head. The voice that emanates from him is somber, conveying a sense of resignation that chills the hearts of those that once heard it espouse the virtues of man.

"So dry today. I cannot close my eyes, for then I might sleep. But I can scarcely keep them open, with how withered they feel. I have no tears to spare, strengthening myself with a moment of weakness. Even the skies above deny me respite, shading away the sun but refusing to weep for the fate that has befallen me. Maybe it does not care. Maybe it is right not to..."

Finally Shinsei is able to lower his gaze, taking in the sight of those that stand before him.

"Please tell me, was I wrong all this time?"

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:19 pm
by Bakuriel
There will be a brief period of RP before the fight begins.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:23 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Ai approached with her mask in place and said, “Where is the Champion of Yume-Jigoku, reveal yourself.”

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:31 pm
by Shinsei
"The champion still claws at the last barrier holding it in place. It will stand here... when my will fails me."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:43 pm
by Nanzi Ai
She looked to her allies and then back to Shinsei with calm but kind words, "Soon you can rest, and we shall carry this burden forward."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:48 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
"We can lend you our will, if it will keep it locked away." Nao said. "Otherwise, we find another way."

She drew her knife again. She had one more preparation in mind.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:58 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku looks at Shinsei, a tinge of sadness marring his otherwise stalwart glance.

"Little Te-" he shakes his head "Shinsei. I think we have been through too much to be using honorifics," he smiles before continuing. "You do not know me Shinsei. You did not summon me here. I came because my instincts told me to come here."

"I was not a good man," he gives a passing glance to Ai before focusing on Shinsei. "I was a barely a man, waging a personal war based on the wrong reasons. My path would have led me nowhere but to my doom had I not listened to your words during the first day I arrived here. In that sense you did make me arrive here at this moment."

"Thanks to your words I have reconsidered a lot, analysed my past actions to better improve myself. Reconsidered Bushido," this time the glance to Ai was longer and came with a smile. "One of the tenants I used to scoff at was the tenant of Compassion. How could I have compassion for my enemies?" he shook his head. "Now I understand. Compassion is not weakness. Compassion is sometimes knowing that a life must be cut short in order to redeem the soul. To save a great man."

"My name is Hiruma Naraku and you may call me Naraku. I did not come here because of you but because of you I started my path towards redemption. For that I will always be grateful," Naraku bowed deeply to the monk. "Allow me please, this day, to extend you the tenant of Compassion."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:05 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
Chouri stood at the back of the group, holding the four scrolls. She thought she might understand a little how he was feeling. "... I can promise that I will fulfill my part. It won't escape."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:15 pm
by Shinsei
Shinsei glanced between those that spoke too him, fixing his eyes on each in turn. He blinked, once, and the effort to open them again drained him visibly. "Your words are kind, but also sting. Here at the greatest test of Compassion, we must all give the most in order to receive the least." He sighed heavily. "Waste no effort trying to save me. I was struck down years ago, when I first lost sleep over the approach of this day. I am only now finally bled dry."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:19 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
Everyone had a lot of words, but the shift into the temple without entering it had taken his. How the hell are they pretending to be so damn calm?

He looked around the temple grounds, trying to find where the enemy would come from. Then his eyes settled on Shinsei when the monk spoke of his will failing, how the Harbinger would stand before them. He shook his head. Poor bastard, probably the worst of our fates.

He drew his blade and focused. The dream was all around them and he had few words for this. The fact that he was here said enough. He had to be ready if he was going to have a chance at helping and getting out of there. He backed away towards Chouri and let out a breath.

"He's giving us a little time", he said quietly to the other Thunders. "Let's not waste it and prepare for the moment."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:59 pm
by Wu Zhe
It was Zhe's turn to speak. If they came here to win, then they would not settle for a pyrrhic victory .

''You might have been struck down years ago, Shinsei, but that matters little. It is the nature of man to fall and pick ourselves back up, again and again. It is our weakness but our strength."

He sought the little teacher's eyes

''And most important of all: you are not alone here but it is. We are stronger together, believe in us and believe in yourself.''

Mercy starts at home

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:20 pm
by Matsu
"And if you can't believe in yourself. Believe in... those who deeply care for you." Matsu would piggy back off of Zhe, holding her bisento, quite relaxed. At peace with everything in the universe.

"Fight it, if you can. But we will do what must be done."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:04 pm
by Hantei Genji
Genji frowned. "Is that why you brought usbhere?" He shook his head. "Be strong Shinsei sensei. This isn't you."

His stance was wary.

" I see it you, struggling to break free. I see clearly."

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:36 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
"It is our turn to bleed." Nao said. She looked to the other Thunders. "I can ask the earth to aid us, to strengthen our wills, but to do so for all of us, will require sacrifice from all of us."

- - -
Nao will be casting Earth's Touch as a ritual, to increase Willpower by one for two hours (with her own raises). Anyone who wishes to participate will take two wounds.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:38 pm
by Akodo Kenji
Kenji really didn't know Shinsei, though he could tell from his words that the man's fate had been sealed years ago. He glanced towards the Scorpion and nodded as he drew his blade.

If it was fate that brought them here, it was Shinsei's fate to fall. It was their job to give him the final rest he deserved, and not let evil make a pawn of him for a thousand years.

Nao got a nod from Kenji as she spoke though, and he used the drawn edge of the sword to shed the blood required.

(Takes 2 wounds)

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:41 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Ai added her blood to the ritual.

OOC: 2 wounds suffered.

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:43 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
Norikage stepped up. If he could get help that would make him more useful, he wouldn't pass it up.

"Ryoshun-san, you do your kin credit.". He bowed in thanks.

(Will suffer 2 wounds)

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:45 pm
by Nozomi
Shinsei wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:15 pm
Shinsei glanced between those that spoke too him, fixing his eyes on each in turn. He blinked, once, and the effort to open them again drained him visibly. "Your words are kind, but also sting. Here at the greatest test of Compassion, we must all give the most in order to receive the least." He sighed heavily. "Waste no effort trying to save me. I was struck down years ago, when I first lost sleep over the approach of this day. I am only now finally bled dry."
Nozomi stepped forward, her hands resting on her hips, where the old tonfa remained as they had since before the day the two had first met. Her eyes looked at him, rimmed with red and tears. When she spoke, her voice cracked and then she offered him a small, dark smile. "I was never a good student. It's ironic that I should be the one who led them to you, but I did learn one secret you had to give. You were not the only one who could see their potential. The darkness was wrong to assume. They... will do what they must."

She swallowed, looking at Nao. "It is not my place to intervene further. Make your preparations while you have the precious seconds. I will grieve the blow that has already been done to us all." She gazed at him solemnly and nodded, mouthing the words 'I will not allow it to have her.'

(OOC: It is my understanding that Nozomi is not to participate in this conflict. She plays the role of "Shinsei" or the "Hooded Ronin" here, but does not participate in the conflict.)

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:49 pm
by Ryoshun Nao

Re: D7 LA-LE, Heaven or Hell

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:51 pm
by Hantei Genji
OOC: Genji will tske 2 wounds if I srill can? No probbs if not