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Advanced Schools

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Imperial Families

Alternate Path: Chiyo Waywatcher [Bushi]
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Any Phoenix Bushi 2
Requirements: Hunting 3

Technique: Listening to the Land - Although they do not possess an ability to speak to the kami, the Chiyo Waywatchers are at home in the wilderness like few others in the Empire. While in a rural environment, you gain a Free Raise on all Hunting Skill Rolls and Athletics Skill Rolls; you also gain a bonus of +2k0 on any Contested Roll you make to detect a hidden opponent.

Alternate Path - Yuzuru Nature Warden
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Yuzuru Shugenja 2 or Chiyo Shugenja 2
Requires: Touched by Chikushudo or Touched by Sakkaku. Animal Handling 2

Technique: Yuzuru's Legacy - The first Imperial Consort's love of nature and wildlife was well known. His series of fox companions through his life were just one aspect of this. Nature Wardens take this as their inspiration and study the animals of the realms closely, both to understand and protect. This study is applied to the realms of Ningen-do, Chikushudo and Sakkaku. Nature Wardens gain a free raise on any spell targeting an animal or animal Spirit that does not do damage. This does not apply to animalistic Oni and the like. Also any denizen of Chikushudo or Sakkaku will look favourably on a Nature Warden and will always be friendly unless provoked.

Alternate Path - Jiyo Selfless Guard
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Jiyo Bushi 2
Special: Can be taken as a rank 2 technique by any Bushi with an Imperial Yojimbo Appointment.

Technique: Unfailing Defense - The Selfless Guard follow the example of their founder, Jiyo, to provide their sacred charges with enough time to survive any skirmish through a combination of aggressive and defensive techniques. When in a skirmish with a friendly Imperial or Shugenja personage, you gain +1k0 on all attacks. Additionally, you may add +1k1 to the Armor TN of a person you are defending with the Guard Action (in addition to the normal bonus to TN). You make this determination at the start of your Turn during each Round of the skirmish.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Bat Clan

The Bat Clan will forever be tied to afterlife. As such, they are fully aware that the spirits of the dead do not always find their way to Meido and beyond. Some, however, find their way back. Before she met the spirit of Ryoshun, Seppun Nazo had experienced many encounters with such spirits. Some, she was able to help, leading them to where they belonged. As her relationship with Ryoshun grew, this became more important to her. Helping such spirits became a personal objective, one she passed on to many of her students.

Alternate Path - Bat Spirit Guide
Technique Rank: 3
Replaces: Ryoshun Mystic 3
Requirements: Lore: Spirit Realms 3 or Lore: Ghosts 3

Technique: Spirit of the Bat
Using the Void you may cast Sense or Commune to detect or communicate with any spirits of the dead that have lingered in or returned to the Mortal Realm. You gain a Free Raise on any roll involving such spirits.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Crab Clan

Alternate Path: Way of the Wallspeaker
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Any Crab Bushi Rank 2 Technique
Requirements: A Social Skill at Rank 3

Technique: Stubborn Victory - You may use Willpower for Etiquette or Social Skill rolls arguing a point or position.

Alternate Path: Yoshitsune Courtier
Technique Rank: 3
Replaces: Any Crab Bushi 3
Requirements: Air 3, Courtier 3, Etiquette 3

Technique: The Weight of Words - The Yoshitsune Courtier is a powerful presence both at court and on the battlefield. You gain a free raise to Courtier, Etiquette and Perform: Oratory rolls. You gain +1k0 to attack rolls.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Crane Clan

Alternate Path - Doji Architects

Founded by Doji Kakuro, one of the first followers of Kami Doji, the path of the Humble Architect involves oneself deeply with the improvement of the creation that the Kami brought to the original tribes, those that bended the knee to Kami Shiba and the others Sons and Daughters of Heavens.

Kakuro was a simple man, a carpenter,one that travelled extensively before meeting with the Kami, learning from each woman and man he met, expanding his knowledge and in exchange, giving his own to those that needed the most. He helped with the construction of new and better houses, public buildings, granaries and other crafts that helped the multiple and diverse tribes during the Dawn of the Empire.

But not all of what he did was purely utilitarian, the wandering carpenter also understood the power of culture and beauty, one that could bring those that thought or lived differently, into one united tribe. After meeting with Doji, this thought was only further consolidated.

Kakuro established his path as an extension of Doji's plan to bring culture, sophistication, beauty and well-being to the people of Rokugan. His way implied to do these actions not for one's own selfish ambition or for seeking and gaining personal glory, but for a truthful vision of a better and more beautiful world, not just for those that became Samurai, but for every soul in the Empire.

A Doji Architect is a person that understands that unity can be achieved by bringing prosperity to each corner of Rokugan. One must be proactive, to seek and share knowledge, creating a self feeding loop that helps each individual and the community, as a whole, as well.

Rank: 2
Replaces: Insight Rank 2 Tribesmen; Doji Courtier 2 or Kakita Artisan 2 (Eventually)
Requires: Engineering (Construction) 3, Craft: Carpentry 3, Lore: Theology 3.
Special: All members of this alternate path are considered to be Ascetic, but they do not gain Experience Points for it. It does not count against their 10-point limit of Disadvantages

Technique: Harmony Through Humility - Every Doji Architect knows that the betterment of the Empire and its people is a honorable duty of the highest order, one that must be done not for personal gain. The path of progress must be done in a selfless way, in order to embellish and to bring the Celestial Order's harmony to the people of Ningen-do. When making an Engineering (Construction) or any Craft skill roll which focuses in improving the lifehood, welfare or cultural enrichment of the population of Rokugan, you gain a +2k1 to that roll, as long as this action is done for the good of the Empire and not for personal greed, ambition or any other ulterior motives. Moreover, you gain a +1k0 to all social skill rolls when dealing with citizens of the Empire who are not part of the samurai caste. This bonus only applies to persuasion, not coercion nor deception.

Alternate Path - Yumenosenshi

Brought into being by the creation Raven Watch, the origins of the Yumenosenshi go back to Nanzi, and his discussions with the now revealed monster Hadanazi. Once his error was brought into crisp focus he poured himself into all things that could aid his clan in defeating the horrors he unleashed upon it.

With the support of his daughter, and acting clan daimyo, Dojihime he was given leave to create a martial arm to aid in rooting out the corruption within the Crane and the Empire as a whole. Those that took to the calling became the Yumenosenshi, donning Jade linked porcelain masks of exquisite beauty, to represent their dedication to the Clan and their founder lady Doji.

The masks, though not compulsory, have become symbols among the Crane, and the Empire. When the masks of the Yumenosenshi arrive, ravens take flight, as the saying goes.

Technique Rank: 3
Replaces: Nanzi Bushi School 3
Requirements: Lore: Corruption 3
Technique: Honor is the Keenest Blade - The Yumenosenshi know that darkness can fester in any soul and must be on guard to fight any signs of corruption. Taking the mask is a sacred calling; it means one's soul and one's purpose is pure and beyond reproach. When engaged in battle with a being of Yume-Jigoku or those tainted with Corruption with Honor lower than the their own, they may make attacks as Simple Actions while using weapons with the Samurai keyword. They also may add their Honor rank to all Lore: Corruption rolls. Lore: Corruption is not considered a low skill for them.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Dragon Clan

Path: Tattooed Sage [Artisan/Monk]
As Togashi and his wife balance eachother out, so too can their combined teachings unite the different directions of their lessons, if one can manage to follow the path of both.
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Saru Artisan 2
Requirements: Enlightened advantage, Lore: Theology 2 and Meditation 3

Technique: Bridge Between Worlds - Those who manage to follow the lessons of the Lord and Lady of the Dragon Clan earn the rare blessing of Togashi. You may choose any one available Tattoo for Togashi Tattooed Monk, which now becomes a Tattoo for you. You use your School Ranks in Saru Artisan - 1 when determining the its effects.

Advanced School: Mirumoto Duelist
While Wu prefered the spear as his weapon of choice. His comrade and friend, Mirumoto, found it wise not to neglect the sword as it seemed to him that it's practice might gain in importance and the nascent Dragon clan could not be allowed to lag behind. Having witnessed the finale of the tournament be done with blades, Wu had to agree and let the art of Niten flourish amongst the students who showed potential.

Prerequisites: Kenjutsu 4, Iaijutsu 4, Void 3. Must be selected by the sensei

Rank 1: Fangs of the Dragon
When wielding a katana in your main hand and a wakizashi in your off hand, you suffer no penalties of any kind for dual wielding, and you gain a bonus of your School Rank to your Armor TN (This is cumulative with the normal bonus for wielding two weapons). In addition while you assume the Center Stance, you gain a bonus to the total of your Iaijutsu rolls equal to your Kenjutsu Skill Rank.

Rank 2: Swiftness of the Dragon
As the exploration of Niten continues, the student learns to overwhelm opponents with a flurry of blows while maintaining a superior defense. Attacking is a Simple Action for you while you use weapons with the Samurai keyword.

Rank 3: Wrath of the Dragon
Once an opponent presents himself as a threat, the Mirumoto will stop at nothing to defeat him to defend the honor of the family's teachings. During the Reactions Stage of Combat, you may choose one opponent who made or attempted an attack against you this Round. During your next Turn, you gain a bonus of +3k0 to all attack rolls against that target.

Path: Nadare's Insight
As revealed by one of his earliest disciples, Nadare, the addition of Togashi's blood can activate or enhance one's connection to the kami.

Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Togashi tattooed order Rank 2.
Requirements: Spellcraft 3

Technique: In the Blood - Upon taking this path, if you possess no Shugenja school ranks, you gain 1 Shugenja Rank. Choose one of the following Affinity/Deficiency combinations: Earth/Air, Fire/Water, Water/Fire. You learn Commune, Sense, Summon and three spells, at least one must be of your affinity, and none can be of your deficiency. If you already possess ranks in a Shugenja school, you gain the standard benefits for choosing your first [Shugenja] path: +1 to Shugenja Rank and one additional spell. You gain +1k0 to Spellcraft rolls, spellcasting rolls, attack rolls involving spells, and spell damage rolls.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Ki-Rin Clan

Advanced School: The Heart's Master [Courtier]

While in some times the Unicorn are best known for their large armies of mounted troops from the Moto, Shinjo, and Utaku families, in the Reign of Shiba, the Ki-Rin embraced the tenant of Compassion even more full heartedly than they were already known for. While Ide would eventually help perfect the techniques of diffusion and serenity, it was a young woman named Yozora that helped turn that serenity into a more open compassion. The Heart's Master dojo teaches how to move another's heart to find its own peace, through words, deeds, and sincere acts.

Traits: Awareness 6, Willpower 4
Skills: Etiquette 5, Sincerity 5, any Perform or Temptation 5
Advantages: Paragon of Compassion. If you do not have Paragon of Compassion, you may instead have at least 3 Allies with Dedication 3+.

Rank 1 - The Heart's Desire
The student of the Heart's Master learns that one should always find a way to make others content, even smile behind their fans. You lose no honor for using the Temptation skill with the Seduction emphasis in service to the Clan. You gain the Voice advantage as well. If you already have the Voice advantage, its bonus becomes +2k1 rather than the normal +1k1.

Rank 2 - The Heart's Serenity
While Ide taught peace in one's self and others, a Heart's Master student learns to let others support them as well. If you posses a School Technique that requires an opposed Social Skill roll, you get a Free Raise to that roll for each Ally present, to a maximum number of Free Raises equal to your Insight Rank.

Rank 3 - The Heart's Purpose
The Heart's Master students are asked what the ultimate purpose of the heart is. By the end of their studies, they find their own answer for it, though all come to the same general conclusion; that it is for Compassion. As long as you remain honor 5.0 or greater, all of your Sincerity rolls (except with the Deceit Emphasis) and Etiquette rolls explode on a result of 9 or 10.

Ki-rin Advanced School: Inari Archer [Bushi]

Requirements: - Rings/Traits: Air 4, (Perception or Agility?) 4. - Skills: Kyujutsu 6, Hunting 4, Stealth 3.

Rank 1: Swiftest Hunter Gets The Shot- The way of the hunter is as much about being swift with a bow and arrow as it is about understanding the hunt. You Raises with a bow are no longer limited by your Void Ring (or your Skill Rank if you have Great Potential). Additionally, you gain a bonus of +3 to the total of all Hunting and Stealth Rolls as well as +3 to ones Initiative.

Rank 2: You Are The Arrow- The arrow knows the way even if you do not. When using a bow, your range is increased by 150' (this is applied before applying the 50% range bonus fom Kyujutsu Rank 5). Once per skirmish, you may spend a Void Point as a Complex Action to shoot an arow that knows exactly where it must go. This attack ignores all effects of armor, as well as penalties from Wound Ranks or visibility. You may make Raises, but you cannot perform the Extra Attack Maneuver for this attack.

Rank 3: One Shot, One Kill- The archer's aim must be true, and you need only a single arrow to strike with purity of purpose. You gain +2k0 to all Kyujutsu Rolls, and in addition, you may make a ranged attack as a Complex Action to gain a bonus of +4k1 to the total of both the Attack and Damage rolls.

Alternate Path: Shinjo Highlander
Technique Rank: 2
Replaces: Any Ki-Rin School Rank 2

Technique: Spirit of the Hikaru - The highlander spirit of the Shinjo originating from the Tribe of Hikaru predisposes them to cope with many challenges with stubbornness and tenacity at the expense of polite conduct. You can substitute Strength with Stamina or Perception with Willpower for any Skill or Trait rolls up to your Earth Rank per session. For any session you choose to impose a TN increase on your Social Skill rolls equal to your Insight Rank you can decrease the TN of your Bugei Skill rolls by a number equal to your School Rank; this is treated as a Minor Breach of Etiquette.

Alternate Path: Jin Traveler [Shugenja]

Those who follow Jin's path put aiding others and exploring above all else. For those who focus their talents most strongly on the latter, The Travelers, amazing feats are possible. With the development of this technique they can even keep pace with Shinjo herself - if only for a short time.

Replaces: Jin Shugenja 3
Requirements: Athletics 2, Horsmanship 2

Technique: Where the Wind Wills - You possess knowledge of the most sacred Ki-Rin magic: the art of moving from one point to another without crossing the space in between. You may spend 1 Void Point and expend 1 spell slot of either Air or Water (Void may not be used) as a Simple Action to instantly teleport a maximum distance equal to your School Rank x 100 feet. This affects only you and the material you are carrying, but by expending a second Void Point you may also teleport any horse-sized mount on which you are sitting at the time of the effect. Multiple spell slots may be expended in this manner to move across greater distances.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Lion Clan

Alternate Path: Kinsen's Talons [Bushi] (DotE:TT)
The last remainder of the Noriaki tribe to join the Kami, Kinsen was once part of the northern mountain folk: a proud and fierce people with strong connections to the shapeshifting Kitsu race. Born with their ancient blood, Kisen perfected the ferocity of the northern huntresses into a combat style focused on spring action impulse and instinctive brutality to claim their catch. Only those capable of tearing their enemies flesh and bones with their bare hands would be allowed to train this technique.

Replaces: Any Lion, Stag or Ronin Bushi Rank 2
Requirements: Honor Rank 5, Hands of Stone Advantage
Technique: The Feral Pounce - Those who follow Kinsen's feral style know the exact moment to strike. While in the Full Attack Stance, you may add double your Strength Rank to your Initiative Score. You may add +1k0 to all damage rolls against any opponent with a lower initiative.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Spider Clan

Advanced School: The Seers

The formation of the Reiko family and indeed the Spider was born from a vision of what could be. Since that day, there had been other seers that followed the methods of the near-blind Seer, however only those who had seen a glimpse of something more could truly follow the path.

Any school at rank 3. Only those in the Spider clan can follow the teachings, but the Reiko do not deny those who have joined if they have the gift. You must also have the following advantages:
Inner Gift: Lesser Prophecy
Great Destiny

Technique: Follow the Vision - The seers of the Reiko only follow this path once a Great Vision has happened to them. Once that moment has happened, it shapes their lives. Once per session when doing a Divination roll, you may call three raises to activate this ability. If you do and you pass, rather than reading the signs you see the vision as if it was playing out in front of you. If you pass the roll by 5 after the raises, you may allow another to view the Vision as well. If you do, both of you are fatigued for the rest of the day.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Stag Clan

Kinsen's Talons [see Lion Clan, above]

Alternate Path: Seppun Carver [Artisan]
The founder of the school earned renown for his work as a woodcarver no less than for his other skills—if not more. In his later years, Seppun Dawei focused his attentions on refining his art in that line. You have studied the lessons he left behind in that art, finding intent focus with it.

Technique Rank: 4
Replaces: Any Stag Clan School 4
Requirements: Artisan: Woodcarving 5

Technique: Going with the Grain - You gain +1k1 to all Artisan: Woodcarving rolls. Additionally, increasing your Skill in Artisan: Woodcarving costs one less XP, and purchasing each new Emphasis in that Skill costs one less XP. Further, provided you have access to the tools and materials needed, you may use Artisan: Woodcarving in place of Meditation to regain spent Void Points.

Advanced School: The Sodan-Senzo
Throughout the Empire are a few people who are descended from the Kitsu race before they stepped away from dealings with humans and others into hiding. Those who are descended from them can potentially access nascent abilities from their ancestors’ abilities, giving them a sense for pathways to the spirit realms, and the ability to allow themselves and others to visit them in spirit.

Rings/Traits: Water 4, Willpower 3
Skills: Lore: Spirit Realms 4, Meditation 5
Other: Must be able to cast Water spells of Mastery Level 4 or higher


Rank 1: Clarity of the Father
The first gift of a true son of the Hantei is the ability to detect portals between the realms. Any time a spirit portal exists within a radius equal to your School Rank x 10 miles, the GM may opt to secretly make a Spellcraft/Perception (TN 25) roll to determine if you detect it. If the portal is within a number of miles equal to your School Rank or less, you pass this test automatically. Your School Rank increases by one for the purposes of casting spells.

Rank 2: Heart of the Mother
Although peaceful, the ancient kitsu were powerful warriors, and their descendants carry that potential within them. Your unarmed damage increases by an additional +0k1, representing the spiritual talons of the kitsu. You may use a Water spell slot to make one Meditation/Void Skill Roll (TN 30) to project your soul into the Spirit Realms, where you may interact with many spirits and inhabitants of such domains (using Social Skill Rolls as normal, if required).

Rank 3: Soul of the Heavens
For the true Komainu, there are no boundaries. When you project your soul into the spirit realms (as described above in the Rank 2 Technique) you may take another person with you if they also succeed at the Meditation Skill Roll. This passenger may see and hear everything you experience, but may not speak. Spirits with whom you interact can sense this passenger. Additionally, you gain one additional rank in the previous School for the purpose of casting spells.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advanced Schools

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Alternate Path - River Tradition Keeper
Living and training among the river guardians of the 3 Rivers Alliance, you have been introduced to the traditional ways and skills of the old Daikawa tribe and learned that the essential skills used by the ancient tribe are closely interwoven. 

Requirements: 3 Ranks in Craft: Fishing or Animal Handling; 2 ranks in three other skills among Craft: Fishing, Animal Handling, Athletics, Hunting and Investigation.
Rank: Any Lion, Ki-rin, Scorpion or Ronin Rank 2
Technique: Lessons of the Great River - You may add your Water Ring to all rolls with the four skills used as pre-requisites for taking this path.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."
