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Advantages and Disadvantages

Post by Canary »

Forbidden Advantages
Blood of Osano-wo
Chosen by the Oracles
Forbidden knowledge (gaijin pepper, kolat, gozoku)
Gaijin Gear
Higher Purpose

Altered Advantages
Gentry – This advantage now signifies the possession of a holding within a town, village or city. This may be anything from a small farm or a large forge in Gisei Toshi with many smiths under the character’s supervision. The value from 1-5 points signifies the size of the holding and the number of other people working within. These people have their own lives – they work for the character, but don’t attend them. That is covered by the Servant Advantage.

The larger-scale responsibilities of Gentry may now be chosen if the player wishes.

Languages – Limited to non-human languages and Ivindi.

Servant – There are no discounts for any servant type. Eta Attendant is not available.

Touch of the Spirit Realms – Maigo no Musha may not be taken since the realm doesn’t exist yet.

Seven Fortunes' Blessing: Ebisu - Whenever you are engaging in a Craft skill roll to improve life for your Clan, whether creating tools for them, farming, or fishing, you may add +0k1 to the to the total of the Craft roll in question. This bonus does not apply to Craft: Weaponsmith unless you are creating a weapon for someone else.

Altered Disadvantages
Bad Fortune – Characters may not take the Yogo or Moto Curse as neither exist yet.

Cursed by the Realm – Maigo no Musha may not be taken since the realm doesn’t exist. Jigoku's effects also apply to The Corruption of Yume-Jigoku.

Sacred Weapon - Sacred Weapon is currently only available to the Bat Clan, who may purchase it for a Kakita Blade.

New Advantages
Elemental Magic [Spiritual] (4 points; Shugenja only)
You can cast magic using the new elemental prayer method recently developed. You must carry a scroll case and scrolls (provided by your school), and only a limited number of spells may be cast this way, determined by your school. These spells use the RAW spellcasting rules for shugenja. You may still use traditional blood magic to cast any spells you don't have a scroll for, though those still cost wounds to cast.

New Disadvantages
Sinful [Mental] (2 points)
You have forsaken virtue and instead chosen to live a sinful life. Your Honor is two ranks lower than your normal starting value (as determined by your School).

Vanity [Mental] (2 points)
You are gorgeous and/or brilliant and you know it. Unfortunately, the rest of the world doesn't seem to notice. You'd better make sure they understand just what kind of quality person they're dealing with! You subtract your Glory Rank from the total of all Social Skill rolls you make.

Deaf [Physical] (5 Points)
You entirely lack the ability to hear, as a result of birth, injury, or other circumstance. You suffer a -10 penalty to Initiative rolls, and a -1k1 penalty to any situation where the ability to hear is relevant, such as searching for something that makes noise, or during social interaction.

Corrupted [Spiritual] (4 points)
While you may not realize it, one of the forces out to corrupt human souls has infected yours. You possess either the Corruption of Yume-Jigoku, Shadowlands Taint, or Shadow Points. You have 0.5 ranks of whichever of the three you choose. It is up to you whether you are actually aware of your situation, since it is not detectable at this level.

Uncentered [Spiritual] (2 points)
Whether it is due to poor teaching, a lack of understanding on your part, or simply an absence of true harmony within your soul, you are incapable of mastering the deepest mysteries of the Void. You may not learn any Void Kiho and you cannot take the Ishiken-do Advantage.
[Credit to Last Haiku]

Tribal Ways [Social] (3 points)
Some people in the Empire have continued to stick to their own traditions, including rituals, dress, and other aspects. While Shiba doesn't frown on this, and has made efforts to include human traditions into the fabric of the Empire, others look down upon such people. They suffer -5 to their Social Skill Rolls when dealing with members of the Crane and Stag Clans, and generally stand out in a crowd.

Displaced [Mental] (2)
You have a deep attachment to your homeland. Unfortunately, whether through joining a Clan, the command of your Champion, or Imperial decree, you now live far from there You often find yourself lost, and because you are so used to your own lands, you find few implications of where resources might be found. All Hunting rolls in your new land are at +5 difficulty. Crab may take this Disadvantage for 3 points.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Advantages and Disadvantages

Post by Canary »

Clan Advantage and Disadvantage Discounts

Imperial Families
  • Inner Gift (6 points)
  • Ishiken-do (6 points)
  • Sacrosanct (3 points)
  • Soft-Hearted (3 points)
  • Touch of the Void (4 points)

Bat Clan
  • Inheritance (4 points)
  • Touch of the Spirit Realms (4 points)
  • Cursed by the Realm (5 points)
  • Haunted (4 points)

Crab Clan
  • Crab Hands (2 points)
  • Strength of the Earth (2 points)
  • Antisocial (+1 point)
  • Obtuse (4 points)
  • Displaced (3 points)

Crane Clan
  • Darling of the Court (1 point)
  • Social Position (first rank 5 points)
  • Consumed (+1 Point)
  • Rumormonger (5 points)

Dragon Clan
  • Clear Thinker (2 points)
  • Enlightened (4 points)
  • Ascetic (3 points)
  • Enlightened Madness (+1 point)

Ki-Rin Clan
  • Quick (5 points)
  • Way of the Land (1 point)
  • Contrary (4 points)
  • Overconfident (4 points)

Lion Clan
  • Leadership (5 points)
  • Tactician (3 points)
  • Idealistic (3 points)
  • Overconfident (4 points)

Scorpion Clan
  • Crafty (2 points)
  • Silent (2 points)
  • Insensitive (3 points)
  • Driven (3 points)

Spider Clan
  • Forbidden Knowledge (4 points)
  • Ishiken-do (6 points)
  • Corrupted (+1 Point)
  • Touch of the Void (4 points)

Stag Clan
  • Paragon (6 points)
  • Virtuous (2 points)
  • Bitter Betrothal (3 points)
  • Can't Lie (3 points)

  • Balance (1 point)
  • Enlightened (4 points)
  • Hands of Stone (5 points)
  • Ascetic (3 points)
  • Uncentered (3 points)
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."
