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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:09 pm
by Canary
Hotei's Belly
Void Mastery 5

Named for the fortune of contentment and the air of ease and completion with which he takes each task, the kiho is one intended to rely on the completeness and wholeness present only in the Void to combat and suppress the corruption of otherworldly influences not associated with that of Ningen-Do. Originally designed based upon a combination of the studies of void magic and void kiho with the intent to hold back the influence of the Lying Darkness, it strengthens the Inner Void within its user to serve as a bulwark against the influences of otherworldly forces. Though similar to Flee the Darkness, it is not as effective without considerable reserves of Void, but can be maintained for longer.

So long as this kiho is active, the user is immune to the influences of the Lying Darkness or gaining further shadow points. This effect suppresses any current ranks of Shadow Corruption by a value equal to 1/2 the user's Void, rounded down. It negatees the ability to gain Shadow Points and removes the penalty and any benefits received from suppressed Shadow Ranks for the duration of the kiho. If at any time during the maintenance of this kiho the user intentionally and willfully takes an action which would gain Shadow Points, they gain them as normal and the powers of this kiho are immediately ended. In this situation, the kiho cannot be reinstated until the user stands in the light of Lady Sun for a full day.

This kiho lasts for a number of minutes equal to the user's void normally. However, if the user suppresses the use of one of their Void Points (reducing both their available and maximum void points) and meditates under the gaze of Lady Sun for a full day, they may maintain this kiho indefinitely, though they may still only have one kharmic kiho active at any time.