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Nezumi Character Creation

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 9:36 pm
by Canary
The Nezumi Empire is a reasonably large and urbanized nation located southwest of the southernmost tribes of the Protected Lands, now coming to be called Rokugan by the Kami. They border the Twilight Mountains and the southernmost human tribes to the northeast and the Ivory Kingdoms to the southwest. They have somewhat more extensive (and peaceful) contact with the latter, including a few trade routes, lacking as many natural barriers.

The Nezumi government works in a radiating system with the High Cheiftain controlling the capital city and its environs and assigning surrounding regions to different chiefs in a type of provincial system, with areas farther out having increasing autonomy. This is considered ideal by the Nezumi, as the farther out from the center one scouts, the more one may have to adapt to the local environment. The rats are a practical and adaptable people first and foremost. Lower level chieftains oversee towns and villages, while the people doing the work tend to run unique holdings such as distilleries.

The capital city was home to roughly 200,000 Nezumi, 10% of the total population of the Empire. Most of the structure of the capital was underground, with only grand or important structures stretching up from the ground in often radially symmetrical designs.

At least, that was until the Heavenfall, as the current Nezumi are calling it, a day when a great light fell from the sky and crashed through the earth of their capital city, leaving a festering crater from which boiled a corruption that tainted the earth, warped their animals and servants, and produced monsters.

Fortunately, with the aid of the human expedition, the Nezumi were able to help seal the portal to Jigoku, limiting the spread of the corruption to the ruins of their capital and some of the surrounding area. While the loss of 10% of their population, plus many of their warriors to defense was a blow, they weren't left reeling for long. Their efforts to regroup were stymied briefly when the Crab made incursions into their northernmost territories, but the Nezumi were able to muster quickly under the leadership of their new Chief-of-Chiefs, Ti'ake Chuk'tchick. The Crab were pushed back and then forced to relocate to the northern border once the Emperor received word of their actions.

In the 20 years since then, the Nezumi have shifted their capital to North-North Mountain City and begun rebuilding their population and Empire. Many of their memory sticks lost in the capital have been recovered, though the blow was a major dent in their knowledge. They have recently had their attention diverted away from rebuilding by the rise of Yume-Jigoku. While they are not easily susceptible to its corruption, it's been disrupting their borders and spiritual connections.

The Nezumi realize this threat isn't the humans' alone.

Nezumi Character Creation

Character Creation is largely the same as on page 108 of Enemies of the Empire. Please note that these rules specify 35 instead of 40 XP at character creation, which means PCs will be building with 125 instead of 130 XP.

Please let the GMs know if you need access to these rules. The rules are modified as follows:

Social Class

The Nezumi are a populous and urbanized species at this point in history, with knowledge of metalworking to rival the Isawa, and technology that is above and beyond with the latters’ focus on magic over it. As such, rather than tribes, Nezumi tend to be born into different social classes. They may find their way higher or lower or move into different trades than their birth class would suggest, but their upbringing is still reflected in their capabilities.

As the Nezumi are a very adaptable and changeable people, Nezumi in any Upbringing can take any School. Adjusted Advantages and Disadvantages are listed below the Trait bonus.

Outcast Class
+1 Reflexes
Crafty -1/Nameless +1
The underclass of the Nezumi Empire, often street people or criminals who have had to live their lives staying under the notice of general Nezumi society. The characters parents were such Nezumi, and thus the character has spent at least the early part of their life honing their quickness to avoid getting caught by the authorities or otherwise having too much contact with a society than shuns them.

Working Class
+1 Stamina
Large -1/Obligation +1
These are the laborers and farmers, those who do the hard work that supports the Empire. They live a difficult life, though not a hardscrabble one. They make up the majority of Nezumi society, and they can range in resources from struggling for the basics to those who work on some of the most important structures in the Empire and whose Niche and Name reflects that. These rats are often bondspeople, tied to their superiors as a matter of debt or other obligation. Their life of heavy labor has made them tough, able to withstand physical stress that would injure many Nezumi.

Artisan Class
+1 Awareness
Soul of Artistry -1/Gaijin Name +1
The artisan class comprises both artisans and merchants. In Nezumi society many of those who make arts and crafts also sell them. Both require connecting with others, making Nezumi born of this class raised with a stronger sense of interpersonal awareness than others. These Nezumi are often well traveled to both seek inspiration to do their work, and are more likely to know either Rhuumal or Rokugani than others.

Warrior Class
+1 Agility
Fearless -1/Lost Tail +1
The warrior class are as many warriors throughout the world – they work as guards and law enforcement of various sorts throughout Nezumi cities. They are often at least a little more brave than most Nezumi, not that society as a whole considers this to necessarily be a good thing. Several warrior groups have stayed behind at the Crater to push back against the creatures and rot that pour from it on a daily basis to threaten the empire. This class often teaches their children some of their skills, increasing their agility.

Scout Class
+1 Perception
Clever Tail -1/Small +1
The scout class are not only military scouts, but also encompass general explorers and field researchers. They’re marked by a strong curiosity and willingness to explore more than anything, though they’re wise enough to turn tail and run when they need to. They excel and sniffing out the most smallest subjects of interest. Physically, they often tend to be smaller than other members of their species, the better to get to hard to reach places underground. The pups of scouts often learn at their parents sides during their travels, improving their powers of perception.

Academic Class
+1 Intelligence
Forever Memory -1/Fascination +1
The academic class are the historians, teachers, and city-bound researchers of the Nezumi Empire, which is a position of considerable respect. They are the creators of memory sticks, a repository of knowledge created through the careful chewing and application of pheromones to a wooden stick. The practice seems simplistic, but is advanced enough to create stories with near-magic effects on those Nezumi who use the sticks. Their children grow up surrounded by knowledge and often remember well.

Shaman Class
+1 Willpower
Namebound-1/Can't Lie +1
The shaman class are those who pursue the mysterious art of Name Magic. These Nezumi have a powerful will and a strong sense of identity, and are widely admired. They lead Nezumi religious practices and festivals, which often center around Yume-do, a realm to which the race is very strongly connected. A Shaman's strong sense of identity can make it difficult for them to be less than honest. However, those who fall into the habit of tricking themselves into believing that what’s good for them is always good for the rest of the Nezumi can become dangerous beings, indeed. Their children are often as strong-willed (and sometimes contentious) as they are.

Cheiftain Class
+1 Name
Favored Pup of the Chief -1/Contrary +1
The chieftain class are the leaders of Nezumi society, often an inherited position and connected to the High Chieftain, but not always. Nezumi society, like the people themselves, is an adaptable thing, sensitive to the current needs of its people. The chieftains often have a very strong sense of identity and widely recognized among their people. Their children are similarly recognized, and a great deal of weight is sometimes put on them from an early age.

Advantages and Disadvantages

All Nezumi Advantages listed in Enemies of the Empires, pages 110-111, are permitted. All references to Honor, Status, or Glory may be replaced with Niche. Special notes will be included if relevant. The following adjustments and bans are only relevant to Nezumi characters.

Adjusted Advantages for Nezumi
Darling of the Court – this advantage applies to dealing with the “court” of a particular chieftain.
Gaijin Gear – Items from Rokugan or the Ivory Kingdoms only
Servant - No Eta Attendant, Groom, or Sohei
Sacred Weapon – See New Advantages in the Character Creation forum.
Voice – benefit is limited to other Nezumi. Humans have no taste when it comes to Nezumi voices.

Banned Advantages for Nezumi
Blood of Osano-wo
Chosen by the Oracles
Dark Paragon
Different School
Elemental Blessing
Forbidden Knowledge: Gaijin Pepper, Gozoku, Kolat, and Maho
Friendly Kami
Friend of the Elements
Higher Purpose
Imperial Spouse
Inner Gift (Animal Ken)
Perceived Honor
Read Lips
Social Position
Touch of the Spirit Realms

Adjusted Disadvantages
Bad Fortunes – No Moto Curse or Yogo Curse
Gaijin Name – Rokugani or Rhuumal only

Banned Disadvantages
Black Sheep
Cast Out
Cursed by the Realm
Elemental Imbalance
Failure of Bushido
Forced Retirement
Lord Moon’s Curse
Shadowlands Taint
Social Disadvantage
Touch of the Void
Wrath of the Kami


Nezumi Shaman is tentatively allowed, with some alterations.