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Sakkaku and You

Post by Canary »

We'll be using >Sakkaku< to roll dice for this game. Rolls made on other dice rolling programs will not be considered valid rolls.

Here is a brief walkthrough of how Sakkaku works.

First, you need to sign up for an account to be able to save and retrieve your dice rolls. Rolls not saved will not be counted.

When Rolling Dice:
  • Place your character's name in the Character box.
  • Place "Dawn of the Empire" in the Campaign box, just like that, without the quotation marks. If you do not do this, your roll will not count. Please do not forget this step, and be aware if you accidentally put another game's name in.
  • Place the description for your roll in the Description box. This is where you note what you're rolling, why, what day and time, and any Raises that you're calling.
  • Put your dice code in the Your Dice Pool box. The coding is as noted in the L5R books 5k2, 6k3, 7k4+5, etc.
  • Put the TN for the roll in the TN box.
  • Click the applicable check boxes next to "Dice explode on:" to note what number your dice explode on if you roll them.
  • Click on one radio button to choose whether you're keeping the highest or lowest dice. Most of the time you take highest, but you may choose to take the lowest dice at any time.
  • Finally, click "Roll" on the bottom left.

Noting Raises and Purpose

Please remember to note why you're rolling dice and any Raises you might be calling on your roll. If you do not note your number of Raises - or you call one Raise when you intended to call three, or visa versa - then you're out of luck, because what you wrote in the description section is what counts.

If you somehow make a mistake when making a roll, contact a GM before you reroll, so that we understand the circumstances and don't just assume that you're cheating by rolling again.

If you have any questions, please feel free to start up a topic in your private forum.


If you forget something that will give you a better dice pool on your rolls, then your previous rolls stay in place. If you forget something that would result in a worse dice pool, then you still have to reroll with the appropriate modifiers.

If this happens, please leave a note in your Private Forum so that we're aware of the dice pool discrepancy.


If you get caught cheating, rolling multiple times as opposed to just missing something, you will be removed from the game.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."
