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Maus' Sillybilly Nezumi Notes

Post by Chuchu »

Just adding bits n pieces of stuff here -- the IRL stuff inspiring my nezumi RPing or my logic for whatever dumb bullshit I'm pulling lately.

Today's silliness:
Chuchu wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 5:26 am
Up close, her age is more apparent; Chuchu doesn't have the chunky ears and floppy tail of a nezumi pup, but she's still very young, young enough to still leap like a grasshopper at frightful sounds or unexpected movement.
Baby mice have really chunky ears and floppy tails. Their ears look more like cartoon mouse ears, all around and soft! It's very cute. I love baby mice.
Baby mice go through a stage in their development usually referred to as a popcorn or grasshopper stage. They jump everywhere (especially when startled!), often without really considering WHERE they're jumping to, which can be very scary if they jump from someplace too high... speaking from experience. Eventually they chill out about it but throughout their lives if they get really excited or happy they may briefly "popcorn" in a more subdued manner.
So basically as babies it's a mix of zoomies and AHHH! EVERYTHING IS BIG AND SCARY! DON'T EAT ME! And as adults it's zoomies (or maybe itchies if they somehow got fleas :'( )

Chuchu refers to nezumi as the People or the Great People because I feel it's more in line with the timeline we're playing out. Per Way of the Ratling the present is more important to (most, with caveats) nezumi than the past; in my mind, Rememberers are nezumi who focus on the past and Shamans are nezumi who focus the future, with Chieftains firmly planted in maintaining the present, but to the average ratling, there's nothing important to have their title include remembering because they have lost relatively little compared to the canon. So to my brain they are just the People / the Great People, inspired by how many peoples of earth have simply just called themselves... people. 👍

That's all for now folks! Tune in to more madness at a later date...

Name 3: Great Name / Niche ?: Nameseeker? / Small / A babychild. / theme
Tiny thing carries around a ritual dagger.

Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.

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