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Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:16 pm
by Kaijarisuigyo
Sugri wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:53 pm
Yeah her human bod was a courtier-tsukai so even with the corruption buffs I don't expect she's going to be a super physical combatant. Of course maho can make up for a lot of that (fear, blindness, etc)
Moving the Shadow – Moonless Riders are experts at all things nocturnal. You do not suffer any penalties that might be incurred due to natural darkness. When active at night or in other forms of darkness (such as a basement or cave), you gain a bonus of +2k1 instead of +1k1 when you spend a Void Point to enhance any non-Weapon Bugei Skill.
For an instant, before a single adjective shattered my hopes, I thought I had a trump card up my sleeve.

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:19 pm
by Sugri
I don't know for certain that she has the darkness one, she only had Sinful Dreams as a PC, but it's a common tsukai trick so I wouldn't be surprised to see it among her 'upgrades'.

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:20 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Adding another post instead of a third edit:

We need a decision. What would you rather -

1) Quiescence of Air centred on Tae-soo, so everyone within 30 ft of him gets 2 FR on Stealth roll vs anything outside (would help everyone with their rolls, possibly except for the one doing the thing for Roll 3); costs TS 2 wounds, relatively straightforward to cast

2) Quiescence of Air centred on the Harbinger, so everyone FARTHER than 30 ft of her gets 2 FR on Stealth roll vs anything close to her (would most likely help everyone with their rolls); costs TS 6 wounds, would need a VP to pull off (at 86% chance).

I'm tending towards the first tbh, as it's safer, but it may keep some folks without a bonus and means those with the bonus will start more or less packed together within a 30 ft radius sphere (which isn't THAT crowded, but still).

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:22 pm
by Sugri
Being grouped isn't as big a concern since we get a surprise round we can use to spread out

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:26 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Sugri wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:22 pm
Being grouped isn't as big a concern since we get a surprise round we can use to spread out
This. We get a whole round for the alternates to go... do whatever the hell it is we'll be doing :lol:

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:26 pm
by Kaijarisuigyo
I vote for us being big damn heroes and distracting Big Mouth from the Thunders as much as we can, even at our possible expanse.

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:31 pm
by Sugri
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:26 pm
Sugri wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:22 pm
Being grouped isn't as big a concern since we get a surprise round we can use to spread out
This. We get a whole round for the alternates to go... do whatever the hell it is we'll be doing :lol:
I choose to imagine we're keeping effigies at bay until called to the plate.

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:34 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
I'll go ahead and roll Quiescence of Air focused on Tae-soo then as that's way easier to pull off. That should give everyone who wants it a +10 to Stealth rolls - and you can move away if you don't want that anymore for whatever reason.

Here we go: ... 592#p18592

Also called a Raise the Stealth roll in case it helps with anything... but 2 FR for anyone moving close by with Tae-soo (just noticed it's a 30 ft diameter though! So a bit more crowded)

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:31 pm
by Sugri
As per GM questions Alternates don't need to roll Stealth.

Huzzah Sugri will not inflict an additional effigy upon you.

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:35 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Huh! OK then!

So.... Kai and Ohta still to roll then? Four people Quiescence of Air easily deals with.

And waiting on Chuchu for her idea for the 3rd roll!

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:41 pm
by Chuchu
Per Canary alternates don't have to roll as they're jumping in after the battle starts, so if the people who are going first would rather do the third roll, I'll understand.

Sorry Kai :(

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:51 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Okiedokie! If you think more magical help may be needed to do your thing, please let me know! If not, I'm planning on starting to cast... something. Possibly Heart of the Water Dragon to keep us alive longer... or something to damage the bonger

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:52 pm
by Chuchu
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:51 pm
Okiedokie! If you think more magical help may be needed to do your thing, please let me know! If not, I'm planning on starting to cast... something. Possibly Heart of the Water Dragon to keep us alive longer... or something to damage the bonger
Per Canary alternates don't have to roll as they're jumping in after the battle starts, so if the people who are going first would rather do the third roll, I'll understand.

Sorry Kai :(

...oopsh lol. double post, didn't realize can't delete replied to posts. (y)

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:20 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Huh? So Alternates *can't* do the first or third roll?

Because if so, Sugri's roll won't work either unless we swap him to be among the Actives.

I guess that's worth checking... I thought anyone could do those? :(

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:28 pm
by Sugri
Well worst case all of the actives can give it a try as well and then, if none pass, we can consider switching things up if needed.

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 9:32 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
That works I suppose. Asked to clarify if it's a case of 'do not need to' or 'cannot' either way.

I'll have Tae-soo roll Investigation as well at any rate. For the last roll... what plans did we have with those in the front line again?

Anjing rolling 8k4-5 + 1 Free Raise for Heavy Weapons iirc?

Tae-soo could cast an Illusion spell or flex for 7k4+4 instead of starting the casting for another spell if needed.

Any ideas from Ohta or Kai?

EDIT: Also edited an Investigation roll from Tae-soo in, so we should be covered either way.

Not to see what we do with the 3rd roll

EDIT 2: Are any of our Actives Lucid Dreamers? Ranmaru's player mentioned and that could help! It Tae-soo flexing is what we're doing it could even make him more buff I guess... how long does that last again?

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:34 pm
by Kaijarisuigyo
Unreliable Lucid Dreamer (3k3 for TN20 is effectively a 1/3 chance) here.

Still hoping Chuchu can do the roll until we get explicit confirmation of the contrary.

Otherwise, I roll 7k4 for throwing big rocks... And... Uh... That's about it. Kinda limited by my best ring being Water.

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:48 pm
by Saru Ranmaru
Just to go back a bit, this arrangement is fine by me:

Reiko Ohta
Haka Tae-soo

Jiyo Sora

It's more dramatic if Ranmaru arrives on the scene a little later. ;)

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:49 pm
by Chuchu
Saru Ranmaru wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:48 pm
It's more dramatic if Ranmaru arrives on the scene a little later. ;)
XD ...and Jojo posing while he does it, right?

Re: Surprise Party Planning

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:17 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:34 pm
Unreliable Lucid Dreamer (3k3 for TN20 is effectively a 1/3 chance) here.

Still hoping Chuchu can do the roll until we get explicit confirmation of the contrary.

Otherwise, I roll 7k4 for throwing big rocks... And... Uh... That's about it. Kinda limited by my best ring being Water.
That *does* mean Athletics/Strength is the or one of the best rolls for three of us, doesn't it? :lol: Go team swole XD