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Ryoshun Nao
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World Building

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

I know people are considering goals that will directly influence the evolution of the setting. But, I'm curious as to more general thoughts and ideas of what people hope to see. This is just to share what we would like to see, with no expectation of anything coming from it.

I'd like to see the heavy spiritual and mystical aspects of the setting continue. Part of that is due to my investment in the Bat, obviously. But, I really enjoy exploring a more mythic Rokugan.

I'd like to see some redemption for the Crane and the Crab.

And, I want to see more conflict between the clans. I'm not a big fan of it in most games, but I think there's a need for it here.
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Hisomu Tadaka
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Re: World Building

Post by Hisomu Tadaka »

I definitely see it becoming more mystical even. I support it even if I am trying to found a *Family in the Spider that is not really mystical.

Redemption of the Crane and Crab is neutral for me. I leave that to the players. I find a lot of story potential for a(n arguably justified) bitter Clan like the Crab. However, I support whatever route the Crab players want to take.

I also want to see conflict between the Clans. Though considering the Kami are still around and should be for the next game, I understand that won't really happen quite yet.

I am interested in the number of mercantile Families (hence, being inspired to try to create my own for the Spider). I would like to see them become much more of a factor from conflicts and Clan rivalries starting from trade disputes to something like a ji-samurai status for merchants.

*Technically, this might not be the case. If Birb decides I don't quite have enough support to found one this game or if I decide to spend my GD on something else leaving it to a later character to finish the job, then it will be influenced on whatever character does finish the job. The only definite things is them being naval and merchants. So, they could end up being mystical after all.
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Hisomu Reo
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Re: World Building

Post by Hisomu Reo »

Exactly how it would work depends heavily on GM interpretation and guidance, but something that occured to me playing Susumu in Dawn 3 is the idea of the north of the Empire as a power base, and what makes them different.
  • One, they are heavily spiritual if in different ways. The Bat have direct connections to something beyond. The Dragon cultivate an internal spirituality. The Spider seek it out in the mortal realm as natural philosphers and seek to understand it there.
  • Generally, a lack of focus on hierarchies compared to the Crab and Stag.
  • A large amount of craftsmen: the Ryoshun Smith, Kaiu Engineer and Seekers all offer some sort of bonus on crafting
Together, they each have things that economically allow each other to prosper if shared
  • Bat: Craftsmen
  • Crab: Engineers and Soldiers
  • Dragon: Deposits of Iron and Gold
  • Spider: Large areas for rice cultivation, sea access for trade, lumber
Together, that has the potential for an interesting industrial power base set alongside cultural dominance in the Crane and Stag and the military and intelligence might of the Three Rivers Alliance
Last edited by Hisomu Reo on Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Nanzi Ai
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Re: World Building

Post by Nanzi Ai »

I would like the Crane to focus on Dreams, dream based magic in this more mystical realm alongside being cultured and leading the charge on Corruption.

But that is just my off the cusp thoughts.
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Re: World Building

Post by Makime »

I am under the impression the Three Rivers Alliance is more an economic/trade association whose limited military component is basically just to protect the said trade and the rivers.

With the retirement of Makime in the next decade or so, Ayano will probably shift the Makime family more toward trade. Which given the Lion will have the first part of the main road network, the best navy(what a weird thing to say), and a pretty solid hold on the longest portion of the northern river that runs West to East (including having the Makime capital on the merger of the major rivers) seems like something they would have a leg up on.
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Re: World Building

Post by Hisomu Reo »

Makime wrote:
Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:19 pm
I am under the impression the Three Rivers Alliance is more an economic/trade association whose limited military component is basically just to protect the said trade and the rivers.

With the retirement of Makime in the next decade or so, Ayano will probably shift the Makime family more toward trade. Which given the Lion will have the first part of the main road network, the best navy(what a weird thing to say), and a pretty solid hold on the longest portion of the northern river that runs West to East (including having the Makime capital on the merger of the major rivers) seems like something they would have a leg up on.
You're not wrong, but it does make them a potent power bloc IMHO.
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
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Jiyo Sora
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Re: World Building

Post by Jiyo Sora »

Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:52 pm
I'd like to see the heavy spiritual and mystical aspects of the setting continue. Part of that is due to my investment in the Bat, obviously. But, I really enjoy exploring a more mythic Rokugan.
I am totally in for more outright mysticism and fewer attempts at a Kurosawa simulator.

One of the things I have loved is the idea that Jigoku had to get creative when we just pulled on our Mythic Samurai hakama and went and yoinked Fu Leng out of JIgoku.

It also plays to the closer relationship between the Brotherhood and the Imperial families- in canon, Hantei clearly thought a lot of Shinsei, but it's hard to deny the monks have more leverage backing them up in this version. The Imps also have three goddamn shugenja schools :lol: And then there's those damn foxes...

tl;dr- I want the Crab to end up with like, Wyrm-riders, the Ki-Rin to get rocs, whatever. I am here for more.

Also, closer ties with an actual Nezumi polity than humans ever interacted with in canon mean more Nezumi influence.
I'd like to see some redemption for the Crane and the Crab.
I would argue that by degrees, they're already getting it- and you need look no further than the redemption of Hadananzi himself, and Doji's pivotal role in fending off Yume-Jigoku for the Crane, and, perhaps less dramatically, Shiba and Anjing mending fences.

The Crab got it in the face after Dawn 2, the Crane at the end of Dawn 3, but in both cases, some steps towards healing have been taken.
And, I want to see more conflict between the clans. I'm not a big fan of it in most games, but I think there's a need for it here.
As Makime points out, the Lion will be more mercantile in this setting, and I can see trade disputes being a thing long before outright war.

I also think clans, by their nature, make inter-clan conflict inevitable- that said, even in canon, it took like, three hundred years or so for the Yasuki War to result in open bloodshed on a wide scale between Clans.

The Crane, Stag, and to an extent, Lion form one bloc, while the northern clans (Bat, Spider, Dragon, Crab) form another.

The Lion also have ties to the Scorpion and Ki-Rin through the Three-River Alliance, but as Makime points out, that almost feels more like a customs union than a real political bloc. They'll work together when their shared interests make it sensible to do so.

The Ki-Rin... I mean, at some point they're supposed to head out there and get some proper Utaku steeds. In canon, that departure is actually very soon.
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Wu Zhe
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Re: World Building

Post by Wu Zhe »

I am not sure what to do with my goals yet. I had thought of the Wu becoming more proactive in many ways
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Re: World Building

Post by Chuchu »

What do the Crab need redemption for?

I'm pushing for more nezumi integration into the setting with my major goal and a (interesting, to me) mystical-y thing with my minor goal.

Also, depending on how much leverage Canary gives me in splatbook writing, I have some worldbuilding ideas for nezumi. ^^ I think it would be cool if they had their own unique way of seeing the world which is in some ways a literal sense at times.

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