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Current Fallenash Conflict

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:08 pm
by Yumi
This is the truth:

Day 1: I witness improper behavior in the game, and so on the forum I call it out. Musasabi claims credit for this behavior and defends himself, accusing me of attributing the behavior to him. I defend myself, stating I was calling out the behavior and not a specific person. My call out is seen as bullying, and my defense is summarily ignored. My mod is then removed, and I can only perceive this as punishment for calling out Musa by happenstance.

A day, or two, later. My anger over the situation has cooled but not gone away. I was not contacted about my mod being removed but was waiting to see if Canary would ever calm down and come to me. Canary is now on the forum, and publicly stating himself to be in better spirits as well as making moves on the forum but does not acknowledge me. I sleep on it.

I wake up the next morning, still angry, hurt, and ignored. So, I privately call out Canary. My message states that he was not "adult enough" to come talk to me before taking action. I believe this is the aggression Canary has cited as a reason for removing my moderator status.

I then go to Musasabi's Q/A and call out his bad behavior, sexist behavior, and include the sentence "Your actions are gross, you are gross." This is an aggressive callout to be sure. But I had been punished for incidentally calling him out so I figured if I'm already getting punished for it I might as well properly call him out. As I am no longer a mod at this point, I don't have to think about how this might make the community look.

Canary deleted my message, and banned me from the forum for a month. Lifting it within 24, hours. All fair, was honestly surprised I was unbanned.

This is where I was going to be happy to leave it. However, yesterday when I saw Canary looking for new moderators before he ever actually acknowledged me even after I called him out for not doing so, I grew furious. I was happy to state my piece and leave. Washing my hands of Fallenash and the unfair treatment I was suffering here.

However, it didn't end there. It came to my attention that Canary was misrepresenting the situation and so I could not leave myself undefended with only one side of this story told.

This is the truth as it was experience by me. With all the details present. As you can see, the order of events is different than it was previously reported.

Closing remark:

Please understand I share this only because I think it is supremely important to have truth in this situation. That, and I deserve to have my side told. I didn't respond perfectly, but I'm only human. As someone who tries to give A+ effort as often as I do, I think I'm allowed a B for my grade once in a while. I certainly felt it was justified this time.

If this community is going to heal it is my contention that Canary needs to take full and honest accountability for his actions of his own accord. Only then can he move forward, and perhaps all of us together.

Canary's representation of events favor him considerably, and paint me to be more deserving of the unjust actions he took against me. This was not a simple miscommunication or forgetfulness, as his retelling of events shifted details and timelines. Meanwhile fabricating an entirely different set of events where I "forgot to remind him to remove my mod powers" which harms my character and is simply categorically false.

Unfortunately, I do not think my trust in him will ever fully be repaired. That's the base cost of his actions.

My other actions, speaking against or with others in the resulting explosion of activity while not connected to this directly were in the vein of trying to limit the very experience I have had. People were trying to offer wisdom, and advice, and due to vague remarks made by Canary many others were jumping out of their shorts to attack anyone who had a critique, all of which I have heard that were quite valid.

Thank you for reading this, and taking it with a clear mind. Please treat one another amicably and fairly.

Re: Current Fallenash Conflict

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:01 pm
by Wu Zhe
Considering your @everyone in discord asking to read this and then continued by saying that this is not a personal conflict I will try to give a measured response.

At the moment you posted your truth a few things had already happenned in the discord server, for those unaware:

1. Canary acknowledged mishandling the moderation situation and apologized

2. Apologized a second time for misrepresenting the situation that brought you to become a mod.

3. He then proceeded to offer to step down from his role as admin

4. Removed himself from the chat for a week

At the time Mei posted this all happened well over 12 hours ago, on the evening of sunday the 26th Eastern time.

While I understand and respect the need to state you point of view clearly, I do not understand further calls to chastise Canary aside from harming his character in turn by, from my perspective, implying malicious intent. You are not the only human here, Canary is one as well. For someone who had claimed to have Canary's mental health as a priority, this seems to be quite the contradiction.
Yumi wrote:I think it is supremely important to have truth in this situation
I agree but for that we need to understand the initial conflict with Musa and the bad behavior you witnessed. I am all for drawing lines for unacceptable behavior but these lines need to be known so we understand.

On the subject of moderation, I see how this might have unsettled you but I fail to see the entire gravity given to the loss of your moderation status: It was not a role given by vote or acclaim, only given by Canary with the logical implication that it could be lost. I reiterate that Canary apologized for the situation, more then once.

That said I would interpret, with the limited information I have, that your following behavior was unacceptable as a mod or someone wanting to act in that capacity.

You said you piece, as is you prerogative, but it is only your side of things and not the objective truth. Or rather not the only truth.

There is a lot missing information and temptation to assume or infer is great. I did some in this very post. But unless firm proof of ill-intent is made, pms and pfs be made public, the unceasing castigation of Canary must end. It is, at this point, counterproductive at best or harassment at worst.

Re: Current Fallenash Conflict

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:44 pm
by Jiyo Sora
I cannot be as diplomatic about the conduct of the OP here as the person immediately preceding me. Certainly, I cannot directly address this post in a point by point fashion. I do not use the FallenAsh Discord, because it lets me avoid most of this sort of thing, and posts like this do a great deal to vindicate my decision.

Therefore this will be the sum total of my response:

The OP claims concern for how others represent their character.

I can assure them, my opinion of their character is based solely upon what I have seen of it on this board during the course of this game, and any damage done to it is a direct result of how they have chosen to conduct themselves in this matter.