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Conflict Resolution

Post by Canary »

This is purely me trying to get ahead of any potential issues.

Please remember that there is a human being behind every magical samurai here with real feelings and lives. Things can get heated IC or OOC, and something may be upsetting. It might be a misunderstanding, a miscommunication, an assumption, or just something that needs to be resolved between you. With that in mind, I've put together some conflict resolution strategies to hopefully help us all try to understand each other a little better and cut off conflicts before they start.
  • If you have an issue with someone, please try to talk to them first. A lot of assumptions can be cut off here just by asking the right questions. We're a pretty sociable group here - even if you've had a disagreement with someone in the past, they may be open to discussion and being on friendly terms again.
  • If your issue can't be resolved by talking to the person, or you don't feel comfortable talking to them, contact a GM. We're here to help everyone have fun, and if you're not, that's a problem. We generally try to be as fair as humanly possible with dealing with player issues, and we're happy to mediate as needed.
  • Maybe your issue is with a GM, whether that be a personality conflict, something wrong they did, a bad call, or a rules disagreement. Please talk to us as soon as possible. We may not be able to address it in the moment, but we can at least explain it or make sure to correct it when it comes up again.
  • If you're not comfortable talking to someone or using a GM as a mediator, we're happy to help find someone else who's willing to mediate.
  • If you have a personality conflict with someone, you absolutely don't have to interact with them. We just ask that you don't try to get others not to interact with them. A lot of us have experienced ostracization in real life, so we know how painful it can be. Don't bring that pain to someone here.
  • Remember: We may feel a lot of strong attachment to this world, our characters, and the story we've built together. Justifiably - what we've all built together is amazing! But in the end, it's just a game.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Conflict Resolution

Post by Canary »

This is a high stakes game, and I know things can get very intense. That said, please remember: IT'S ONLY A GAME. It's meant to be fun and spooky. If things are getting tense, please take a break, take a deep breath, do something else for a little bit. Let thread partners know if you need a little time. We're all understanding people here.

That said, we are all people here. Don't let the intensity of the game lead you to mistreat each other, please.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."
